OCEANIA ■ OCEANIA • OCEANIA population and economic iomic OCEANIA LAND USE I | Arable H Pasture Woods and forests Great Sandy Desert —-4- . % f AUSTRALIA AoBnsb.ne ▼ Í Great Victoria Desert T - Adelaide Beef cattle Dairy cattle Sheep Barley Oats Rice Wheat Bananas Citrus fruit Other fruit and vegetables Vines Cacao Coconut palms Copra Cotton Palm oil Sugar cane Coffee INDIAN OCEAN M«tbourne Tasmitn Sea NEW ZEALAND Soufh Island ^2 ^ Chnstc hutch Wellington fVTION DENSITY Precious metals & stones 0 Diamonds O Gold T« A ^ N™0U,NIA .0,1 T Natural gas A Coal and lignite ♦ Hydro-electric power AUSTRALIA MINERALS Iron and ferro-alloys Non-ferrous O Cobalt metals 0 Iron ore ^ Bauxite 0 Tin 0 Manganese O Copper ^ Uranium d> Nickel ore ^ Lead O Zinc AUSTRALIA