A.TUČAPSKÝ 1.TRISTIS EST ANIMAMEA S.A.T.B., A CAPPELLA $0.60 Duration: 2'00" Památce mých rodičů (In memory of my parents ) FIVE LENTEN MOTETS for Four-Part Chorus of Mixed Voices, a cappella 1. Tristis est anima mea ANTONIN TUCAPS, Andante J 2? legatissimo Soprano Alto Tenor Bass Tri - stis Deep is est the x -5^ a sad ni - ma n ess in 3E UP (for rehearsal, only) me my a sou/ fizz izz I us - que ad mor - tem,. as though death had come for me, us - que, us -as though death, as though 1 f—P*-ar Ě Tri - stis est a - ni - ma Deep /s íhe sad - ness in 18578 © 1982 by E. C. KERBY Ltd., Toronto International Copyright Secured 3 , lioj J cresc. mf que death, ad_ mor - tern;. as though death-had come; _mf_ "jjjjjj" " tri - stis /n my est sou/, ~Z7 1 TlVp me - a ad_ mor my _sou/ as though death cresc. mm tern, _ had come, tri in stis my est_ soul,. Tri - stis est _ a - ni such as though death _ ma me _ had a, come; a - ni - ma deep is the r it Tri - stis est. Deep is the sad — a - ni - ma ness, deep is the u. — ^ —h^i _,„ M----, J. "t - r si 1 2M. a - ni - ma me deep is the sad a 'us - que ad mor ness, such as though death had tern;. come; J J iJ 1 J~tJ J It)J a - ni - ma me a us - que ad mor deep is the sad - ness, such as though' deafh. had tern; . come; 122 me sad a us ness, sad que, us - que ad mor ness, such as though death had tern;. come; 1 5* me ,sad a ness ft us sad que, us - que ad mor ness, such as though death had tern; come; 18578 4 m > > I J J J J ll-l- su-sti-ne - te hie, ep watch here with me, su-sti-ne - te hie, keep watch here with me, _771 f~ hie,_ w/th me, ot/-= —0- su-sti-ne - te hie, keep watch here with me, •nip su-sti-ne - te hie, keep watch here with me, 3 su- sti-ne - te keep watch here with i . ■ trrr r= su-sti-ne - te hie, keep watch here with me, su-sti-ne - te keep watch here with su-sti-ne - te hie, re-main here with me et - and f vi - gi - la - te let us pray to £..... 1 — -Tp=l -1 —d —m -S- L=___.- 1 j d 14=^ ' j j m 1 j su-sti-ne - te hie, re-main here with me et _ and vi - gi - la te let us pray, r r r i u hie, me, su - sti-ne - te re-main here, ah! m_m.—m_ su-sti-ne - te nic Re -main here witff me | * m m hie, me, su-sti-ne - te re-main here, ah! \ su - sti - ne - te Re - main here with 18578 □or me geth cum, er 3^ et vl - gi - la - te me and let us pray to - geth { dim. cum, er,— j j j j et vi-gi-!a - te me cum, and let us pray to - geth - er. et vi-gi-la - te, et vi-gi-la - te Ah! Re-main here with me, re-main here with i r r r rr r fi-at vo-lun-tas /ef thy will, thy will -fit tu be ^r rr r r r a, _ done, fi-at vo - lun-tas /et thy w/7/, thy wi// jzf r > j j J J i 1 I J J ,,J J , I _1 is?-"*" ";"~"^] i'ff f r r J. fT^I b f r F ?; 18678 I m . fi . let mf ■ at thy m vo - lun - tas tu will, thy will be =f=f a,. done. i i if ■at vo - lun - tas tu thy will, thy will ■ be fi let mf- a, done, f r r r r t tu be a,_ done, fi - at vo - lun - tas /et thy will, thy will mf tu be a, done. p f tu be a,_ done,. r—r fi - at vo - lun - tas .139 let thy will, thy will tu be a, done, J, HP fi - at vo-lun-tas tu . let thy will, thy will be a. _ done. fi'^at—vo ---fun'-'taT" let thy will, thy will tu be ~*—1#- r' r r fi - at vo-lun-tas tu /et thy will, thy will be a. _ done. -m—0- rr rrr r—^= fi - at vo-lun-tas tu - a- let thy will, thy will be done. 1J j i i 1 a? rrr r rr r p—■ 1 f a • 31 — 18678 Printed In Canada Duration: 2'40" Tenor Solo Soprano ÁXto Tenor Bass 4 Libero pocof Památce mých rodičů (In memory of my parents ) FIVE LENTEN MOTETS for Four-Parl Chorus of Mixed Voices, a cappelta 3. Filiae Jerusalem o. ANTONIN TUCAPSk'V j Allegro moderate o. ritmicamente Í -0—r -rh Fi - li - ae Je-ru-sa-lem, no - li - te fle - re su-perme j Daugh-ters of je-ru-sa~lem, for we do notweep,do not cry; m (for rehearsal only) Libero o m • m P sed su - per but for your * 9 sed su - per buř for your g Allegro moderatij ritmicamente ; mf ip - sas fle - te for your-selves do weep et su - per fi - li - os • and al - so for your sons, vos selves do weep,. 3 j- ip - sas fle - te for your—selves do weep- vos_ selves do weep,. -P et su - per fi - li - os_. .and-aL.—so— for your sons, —mf i 3 ± =F et su - per and al-so =Ft sed su - per vos. e Jout for your- selves do weep, sed su - per vos_ ip - sas fie - te but for your — selves do weep, _for your—selves do weep ip - sas fle - te for your— selves do weep - U 3m? et su - per and al-so 18778 © 1982 by E. C. KERBY Ltd., Toronto Internationa! Copyright Secured i i fa. f r r rlr J- 4 ~ *n ^3= fie - te, do_weep, ves -tros in — deed, sed_ in- deed, f, su- per in-deed, vos. for. ip - sas your - selves r -r 3= 22 ves - tros in—deed, fie - te, do_weep, sed. in-deed, f _ su-per in-deed, vos. for. ip - sas yourselves P -tt-t»- P 8 fi - li - OS- for your sons,. ve - tros your_sons, sed_ su-per in -deed, in - deed, f vos_ ip - sas for_your—selves, te IE P fi - li - OS_. for your sons, ves - tros sed su - per vos_ ip - sas your_sons, in-deed, in-deed, for-your-selves, J, fie - te et_ su-per fi - li-os ves - tros, fi - li - os ves wo-men, do cry, in-deed, in-deed, and for your_ sons, for your sons, wo- - tros. men,weep. fie - ' te et_ su-per fi - li - os ves - tros, fi - !i - os ves wo - men, do cry, in-deed, in-deed, and for your_ sons, for your sons, do tros. weep. 3 f7\ fie - te et _ su - per fi - li - os ves - tros, wo - men, do cry, in-deed, in-deed, and for your_sons, fi - li - os ves - tros. for your sons, do weep. fie - te et_ su - per fi - li - os ves - tros, fi - li - os ves wo-men, do cry, in-deed, in-deed, and for your— sons, 'for your sons, do tros. weep. ^~T0 ......-*= i ^ .j' j ..hi1 ..." r t v r-= ... *«r -r * » 1*- , ■ ; j 1 1 —r -----1 H 1 -« J, <_/-' * --I---i-L 18778 4 Libero 4r ITS •Tempo I m J • m. 3= 5e 3El v :.r Quo- ni - am ec- ce ve - ni-ent di - es, For, behold, the days are ap - proach - ing. 2~ in - qui- bus di - cent: when— they will— say: -7 i-!- Be - a - tae Bless'd be the A i 1 3^ Be - a - tae Bless'd be the P Be - a - tae Bless'd be the Libero 3=5 1 ste bar n - les, - ren, be - a - tae bless'd be the ste - ri - les bar - ren et ven - tres qui non ge-nu- whose wombs, whose wombs have ne-ver ste - ri - les, be - a - tae ste - ri - les bar - ren, bless'd be the bar - ren et ven - tres qui non whose wombs, whose wombs have 5 P P ste - ri - les, bar - ren, P be - a - tae ste - ri - les_ bless'd be the bar - ren. et ven - tres qui non whose wombs, whose wombs have ^3. -0- I Be - a - tae ste - ri - les, Bless'd be the bar - ren, ■ S be - a - tae ste bless'd be the bar - n - les et qui non - ren'whose_ wombs have 18778 A tempo — rit. i -i-■—■ mf *} át m 0» 0 m O- ^—&-, e giv'n r runt, birth, A-Li j j-1 be - a - tae bless'd be the -1 ste - ri - les, bar - ren, r 11 r i 1 be- a - tae bless'd be the u^r r ste- ri -les bar - ren m L i 1 -d+d ■m-0- ge - nu - e - runt, be-a-tae ste-ri-les, nev - er giv'n birth, bless'd be the bar - ren, _ mf_ be-a - tae ste - ri-les bless'd be the bar - ren ge - nu - e - runt, nev - er giv'n birth, be - a - tae ste-ri -les, bless'd be the bar - ren, mf be-a - tae ste-ri- les_ bless'd be the bar _ ren_ -0—0- ± 0—0- qui non ge-nu - e nev . er_ giv'n runt, birth, IggjA tempo be - a - tae bless'd be the ste - ri - les, be - a - tae bar - ren bless'd be the __L =f=r — 1 f 5 et u - be - ra quae non lac-ta whose breasts nev - er gave suck, nev • er f ve gave -?-r-(- runt, be - a - tae, suck, be they bless'd, j ./ N J Co 1 ' á~ ! I i;> 5 et u - be - ra whose breasts nev-er f _ quae non lac - ta - ve - runt, gave suck, nev - er gave suck, be - a - tae, be they bless'd, i 8 et u - be - ra whose breasts nev-er quae gave non suck, lac - ta - ve - runt, nev . er gave suck, be - a - tae, be they bless'd 0 0 0- 1 m m m ste - ri - les et u - be - ra quae non lac-ta-ve - runt, bar - ren whose breasts nev-er gave suck, nev -ergavesuck1 £3 -¥—=—i— be - a - tae, be they bless'd, 18778 SD Libero '.M + Ü3Ü Tunc in - ci - pi-ent di - ce-re mon-ti-bus: Then some will start to ask of the moun - tains: 3t be - a be they tae! bless'd! 17 » . 5 be - a be tbey — tae! bless'd! be - a be they tae! bless'd! ~-:Q= be - a be tbey tae bless'd! Hl Libero Tempo I Hi di "Fall, moun te_ su-per nos,' tains, fall on us, >' i : et col and of Ii-bus: "O-pe-ri the hills: "Cov-er us, cov- ■ i J t m — 3= --—--«^ "O- pe-ri • ti. "Cov-er us at { "Ca - di - te f "Fall on us, su-per nos, fall on us", -!T^—*- su-per nos,' fall on us", -1- "O-pe-ri -1 "Cov - er us a. k "Ca - di - te j* "Fall_on us, 3= "Ca - di - te y "Fa// on us, su-per nos, fall on us", "O-pe-ri -1 'Cov - er us ar —. *■—- ^ 0 r' "Ca - di - te Tempo I "Fall -on .us, su-per nos, fall on us", "O - pe-ri - tc "Cov - er us an Meno mosso nos."_ Qui - a si non vi bu - ry us." For__Jf^when the tree T ri - d i is green, -1-r . !i - gno haec fa - ci-unt,._ things such as these are done,_ nos." — bu-ry us. „o Qui - a si non vi If, when tree is green, n - di ... . ji - gno haec fa - ci-unt__ still green, things such as these are done__ si non vi the tree_ be nos."— bu-ry us.' p Qui - a For if, -fPr*. ri - di li - gno_haec ing still green, things such as, i fl* nos."_ bu -ry us." o Meno mosso Qui - a si non vi- ri—dl li - gno haec fa-ci-unt If, the tree is green, the tree is green, such as these, when í when É mf m t/ in_ a what are they - ri - do, to do, i-r^H-1-■- in a - ri-do quid fi what, when the wood will be /et? • (dry?\ i SP \ tT=^—' ^ n' _ do,_ in- a - ri - do quid fi - et? do—when the wood,_when the wooc/,__ will be dry? SP- in _ what are a - ri they_ to such -¥■ ci-unt, as these, in— a - ri - do,_ in_ a - ri do quid fi what are they to do,whenthewood,when-thewood,whenthewood is dry? fa- such ci- unt, as these, in_ a - ri - do _ quid fi - et, fi what are they to do— when the wood will be et? dry?, 18778 Printed In Canada Památce mých rodičů (In memory of my parents J FIVE LENTEN MOTETS for Four-Part Chorus of Mixed Voices, a cappella Duration: 2'DO" Soprano Alto Tenor Bass [for rehearsal only) 4. Si, Eli ANTONÍN TUCAPSKY -mp—ĺ. sa-bac-ta sa-bac-ta ni. lam - ma ni, a m. r 221 t3 ir -Tť«- lam - ma iJvp — sa-bac-ta ni. sa-bac-ta - ni, BEE a sa-bac-ta - ni, lam - ma sa-bac-ta nrrvp ni, ft- lam - ma sa-bac-ta ni. lam - ma sa-bac-ta - ni. 18873 © 1982 by E. C. KERBY Ltd., Toronto International Copyright Secured 3 M 0 De Fa ff us ther, me Fa us tfier, ut quid de-re-why hast thou— P-■ i 14 l 3 ± De -Fa us ther, me Fa u us frier, -79-9-0 9 ' ut quid de-re-why hast thou— P,--: l 14 I «—•—--.De ....... Fa us •ther," me Fa i us trier, ut quid de-re-why hast thou_ p- ,; ut quid de-re-why hast thou _ o CO De - us me - us, -Fa - ther, Fa - ther, i i -=>—i- -£1 mf 22- 13 3 ii - qui - sti foj- - sa£_-_ en me, me, I ut quid de-re - li - qui - sti 1 why hast thou- for - sak enJ. rr --_ 1 I *ir' *-:- f T Li' '" / T T y i i i-r •O """" 198 DAVENPORT ROAD 1 ffl^, | TORONTO, ONTARIO { JET - CANADA M5R 1J2 Tel.: (416) 922 9934 18878 Printed in CanOi Památce mých rodičů (In memory of my parents) FIVE LENTEN MOTETS for Four-Part Chorus of Mixed Voices, a cappella Duration: 2' 75' ANTONÍN TUCAPSKY 5. Pater meus Andante tranquillo J,_2? Soprano (for rehearsal only) 18978 © 1982 by E. C. KER8Y Ltd., Toronto International Copyright Secured Ik SE ■m com - men - do Spi - ri -/ now de - liv _ - er div mf] tum my me spir um. /t. ■+- ■EP -ŕ j i -g: 3 í mf com - men - do / now de Spi liv n er tum my_ r me sp/r_ um. it. ~dim. -7T- 5 tu keep as mg com / men now -do de spi liv nf n - turn me er my Spir um. /t. I 22: in _ ma - nus tu in -to thy keep as _ ing. com - men - do /_ now de spir liv ri - turn er my m é mf cresc. r dim. -í Un poco animato irvp~ Ú Con-sum-ma-tum est. Now has come the end. Ff ?»-P t «2^3 ■ Con-sum-ma-turn est. Now has come the end. mf- •a m Con-sum-ma-tum est. Now has come the end. TTVp Con-sum-ma-tum Now has come the_ div. to/1- me- urn. spir - it. Con-sum-ma turn est. Now has come the end. Un poco animato Con-sum- ma-tum Now has come the 4 mf- -- a: 3 con-sum-ma-tum est. now has come the end. 3 3 se con-sum-ma-tum est., now has come the end. u r r 1 r est, end, con-sum-ma-tum est,' now has come the end, con - sum - ma - turn now has come the 3E r r f r est, end. con-sum-ma-tum est, now has come the end, con-sum - ma now has come 1ST turn the i 11 T—Z I " — 1 1 "trt sostenuto I J J Molto tranquillo con-sum-ma-tum est. now has come the end. con-sum-ma-tum est. now has come the end. est,. end, con-sum-ma-tum est. now has come the end. Pa Fa unis. J?p ter ther, 3= est,. end. con-sum-ma-tum est. now has come the end. sostenuto Pa - ter Fa - ther, ^ Molto tranquillo 18978 5 J ^ me Fa ther, in ma - nus tu in -to thy keep as _ ing_ r com • / men -do now de me Fa us,_ ther,. in ma - nus in _to thy ~cr~ tu keep as . mg 1^ com . / ■ men - do now de - "if r r 22; a me Fa us,. ther. in ma-nus tu /n - to thy keep as_ ing i com men - do now de i Printed in Gnnr.rin Antonín Tučapský - Pět postních motet Smutná je duše má až k smrti. Zůstaňte zde a bděte se mnou! 2. Otče můj, nemůžeš-li ode mne odejmout tento kalich, aniž bych jej pil, buď vůle tvá. 3. Dcery jeruzalémské, neplačte nade mnou. Plačte samy nad sebou a nad svými syny. Neboť hle, přijdou dny, kdy řeknou: Blahoslaveny neplodné a životy, které nerodily, a prsy, které nekojily. Tehdy řeknou horám: „Padněte na nás" a pahrbkům: „Přikryjte nás", neboť děje-li se toto na stromě zeleném, co se bude diti na suchém? 4. Bože můj, Bože můj, proč jsi mě opustil? 5. Otče můj, do rukou tvých poroučím ducha svého. Dokonáno jest!