Rating System Directions Grades 7-12 Social Skills Questionnaire Frank M. Gresham and Stephen N. Elliott First write the information about yourself in the box below. Then turn to page 2. Student Information Name �________________�________________�____________�____________________________ First Middle Last . DFemale Grade School Today's date .---c--:----:--�-�__-,------,-- Month Day Year Age __�___�__ Birth date -o-;---:;---;:;:-----c-:-- Month Day Year Teacher's name AGS®© 1990, American Guidance Service, Inc., Publishers' Building, Circle Pines, MN 55014-1796 All rights reserved. No part of this Questionnaire may be photocopied or otherwise reproduced.This Questionnaire was printed in two colors. 80 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 Form: SS This paper lists a lot of things that students your age may do. Please read each sentence and think about yourself. Decide how often you do the behavior described. If you never do this behavior, circle the O. If you sometimes do this behavior, circle the 1. If you very often do this behavior, circle the 2. Then, decide how important the behavior is to your relationships with others. If it is not Important to your relationships, circle the O. If it is important to your relationships, circle the 1. If it is critical to your relationships, circle the 2. Here are two examples: I start conversations with classmates. I keep my desk clean and neat. How Often? Never Sometimes 0 0 Q) ..- How Important? Very Not Often Importent Importent � 0 CD 2 ® Critical 2 2 This student very often starts conversations with classmates, and starting conversations with classmates is important to this student. This student sometimes keeps his or her desk clean and neat but a clean and neat desk is not important to this student. If you change an answer, be sure to erase completely. Please answer all questions. When you are finished, wait for further directions from your teacher. Be sure to ask questions if you do not know what to do. There are no right or wrong answers, just your feelings of how often you do these things and how important they are to you. Begin working when told to do so. How How Social Skills ,..... , uar Often? Important? ONLY Very NotHDw Ollln? C A E S Never Sometimes Often Importent Importent Critical 1. I make friends easily. 0 1 2 0 1 2 2. I say nice things to others when they have done something well. 0 1 2 0 1 2 3. I ask adults for help when other children try to hit me or push me around. 0 1 2 0 1 2 4. I am confident on dates. 0 1 2 0 1 2 5. I try to understand how my friends feel when they are angry, upset, or sad. 0 1 2 0 1 2 6. I listen to adults when they are talking with me. 0 1 2 0 1 2 7. I ignore other children when they tease me or call me names. 0 1 2 0 1 2 8. I ask friends for help with my problems. 0 1 2 0 1 2 9. I ask before using other people's things. 0 1 2 0 1 2 10. I disagree with adults without fighting or arguing. 0 1 2 0 1 2 11. I avoid doing things with others that may get me in trouble with adults. 0 1 2 0 1 2 '" 12. I feel sorry for others when bad things happen to them. 0 1 2 0 1 2 C A E S SUMS OF HOW OFTEN COLUMNS 2 -�USE ow ow Social Skills (cont.) Often? Important? ""'" ......." VMY � Not C' ''A E ,�.. Never Sometimes Often Important Important Critical H H [" 13. I do my homework on time. 0 1 2 0 1 2 14. I keep my desk clean and neat. 0 1 2 I: '. 0 1 2 '1'1 15. I do nice things for my parents like helping with lil�household chores without being asked. 0 1 2 0 1 2 16. I am active in school activities such as sports or clubs. 0 1 2 0 1 2" 17. I finish classroom work on time. 0 1 2 I ,: 0 1 2 to! 18. I compromise with parents or teachers when we have lii;:�ft' f7t disagreements. 0 1 2 0 1 2 ( rl�2'i:;, 19. I ignore classmates who are clowning around in class. 0 1 2 , 0 1 2 .:1 �L:' 20. I ask someone I like for a date. 0 1 2 ,> 0 1 2 , ,.., �'�'� 21. I listen to my friends when they talk about problems ri;f,{. i/. . ' they are having. 0 1 2 l'}� 0 1 2, . ,iii< 22. I end fights with my parents calmly. 0 1 2 0 1 2 ' . ,: ,�i 23. I give compliments to members of the opposite sex. 0 1 2 [:,�,', 0 1 2 " [jJ [:��; 24. I tell other people when they have done something well. 0 1 2 [S 0 1 2I"!{ .:" ��25 ,I smile, wave, or nod at others. 0 1 2 r' 0 1 2 '/ 26. I start conversations with opposite-sex friends without:,', �;;;.� feeling uneasy or nervous. 0 1 2 0 1 2 '�f 27. I accept punishment from adults without getting mad. 0 1 2 �j 0 1 2 < 11 28. I let friends know I like them by telling or showing them. 0 1 2 0 1 2 � , <:! 29. I stand up for my friends when they have been [':J!i,�fl, unfairly criticized. 0 1 2 0 1 2 30. I invite others to join in social activities. 0 1 2 0 1 2 "(�;', 31. I use my free time in a good way. 0 1 2 t� 0 1 2 ">' rL; 32. I control my temper when people are angry with me. 0 1 2 0 1 2 ',I 33. I get the attention of members of the opposite sex .:' without feeling embarrassed. 0 1 2 0 1 2 " :, 34. I take criticism from my parents without getting angry. 0 1 2 k;� 0 1 2 35. I follow the teacher's directions. 0 1 2 0 1 2 36. I use a nice tone of voice in classroom discussions. 0 1 2 � 0 1 2 37. I ask friends to do favors for me. 0 1 2 0 1 2 .� 38. I start talks with classroom members. 0 1 2 �';!: 0 1 2 ,���� 39. I talk things over with classmates when there is a r. V problem or an argument. 0 1 2 0 1 2 c A E S SUMS OF HOW OFTEN COLUMNS Stop. Please check to be sure all items have been marked. 3 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY . SUMMARY· BEHAVIOR 5J!VEL . (IUIIIS (sums (-AppendIXAIfIoiiI from p.2) p.3) Ewer .A"?,,aoe Jolore IC + r� [ IA + H I IE + II I IS + � I I Total .(C + A + E + S) II I 4 Rating System Grades 7-12 Social Ski Is Questionnaire Frank M. Gresham and Stephen N. Elliott Directions This questionnaire is designed to measure how often a student exhibits certain social skills and how important those skills are for success in your classroom. Ratings of problem behaviors and academic competence are also requested. First, complete the information about the student and yourself. Student Information Student's name,___--;::-:-______..,.,.",,,,-_____--:---:-__ Date,---:"...-,,,-------;;,,.---_..,.,-_First Middle Last Month Day Year School,________________City___________ State___ Grade Birth date-:--:_ ---:-_ -:-:-__ Sex: 0Female 0 Male Month Day Year Ethnic group (optional) D Asian D Black D Indian (Native American) D White D Hispanic D Other_ ________________ Is this student handicapped? DYes D No If handicapped, this student is classified as: D Mentally handicappedD Learning-disabled D Behavior-disordered D Other handicap (specify),___________ Teacher Information Teacher's name ---,=-- _______--:-::�------__:_--- Sex: o Female 0 Male First Middle Last What is your assignment? D Regular D Resource D Self-contained D Other (specify) _ ______ _ AGS®© 1990, American Guidance Service, Inc., Publishers' Building, Circle Pines, MN 55014-1796 All rights reserved, No part of this Questionnaire may be photocopied or otherwise reproduced,This Questionnaire was printed in two colors. 80 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Form: TS Next, read each item on pages 2 and 3 (items 1 - 42) and think about this student's behavior during the past month or two. Decide how often the student does the behavior described. If the student never does this behavior, circle the O. If the student sometimes does this behavior, circle the 1. If the student very often does this behavior, circle the' 2. For items 1 - 30, you should also rate how important each of these behaviors is for success in your classroom. If the behavior is not important for success in your classroom, circle the O. If the behavior is important for success in your classroom, circle the 1. If the behavior is critical for success in your classroom, circle the 2. Here are two examples: How Often? Very Never Sometimes Often Shows empathy for peers. 0 ® Asks questions of you when unsure of what to CDdo in schoolwork. 0 2 How � Important? " Not Important Important Critical 0 CD 2 0 0 This student very often shows empathy for classmates. Also, this student sometimes asks questions when unsure of schoolwork. This teacher thinks that showing empathy is important for success in his or her classroom and that asking questions is critical for success. Please do not skip any items. In some cases you may not have observed the student perform a particular behavior. Make an estimate of the degree to which you think the student would probably perform that behavior. How FOR OFFICE USE Social Skills Often? ONLY How Often? Very How Important? Not C A S Never Sometimes Often Important Important Critical 1. Produces correct schoolwork. 0 1 2 0 2 2. Keeps his or her work area clean without being reminded. 0 1 2 0 2 3. Responds appropriately to physical aggreSSion from peers. 0 1 2 • ,.# 0 2" 4. Initiates conversations with peers. 0 1 2 0 2 5. Volunteers to help peers on classroom tasks. 0 1 2 0 2 6. Politely refuses unreasonable requests from others. 0 1 2 0 2 7. Appropriately questions rules that may be unfair. 0 1 2 0 2 8. Responds appropriately to teasing by peers. 0 1 2 0 2 9. Accepts peers' ideas for group activities. 0 1 2 0 2 10. Appropriately expresses feelings when wronged. 0 1 2 0 2 11. Receives criticism well. 0 1 2 0 2 12. Attends to your instructions. 0 1 2 0 2 13. Uses time appropriately while waiting for your help. 0 1 2 0 2 14. Introduces himself or herself to new people without being told to. 0 1 2 0 2 15. Compromises in conflict situations by changing own ideas to reach agreement. 0 1 2 0 2 c A S SUMS OF HOW OFTEN COLUMNS 2 FOF!:OFFICEl..!SE ONLY Social Skills (cont.)· How Often? C. A I'S , . �,.. , . 16. Acknowledgescomplirnents or praise from peers. 17. Easily makes transition from one classroom activity to another. �:'. .l'i1" 18. Controls temper in conflict situations with peers. " '0 19. Finishes class aSSignments within time limits. I' 20. Listens to classmates when they present their '" " , work or ideas. 21. Appears confident ih social interactions with 1 > / opposite-sex peers. ... ... I" 22. Invites others to join in activities. I'; 23. Controls temper in conflict situations with adults. -- "'.��-� 24. Ignores peer distractions when doing class work. 25. Stands up for peers when they have been unfairly criticized. .. 26. Puts work materials or school property away. 27. Appropriately tells you when he or she thinks you ., have treated him ()r her unfairly. " 28. Gives compliments to members of the opposite sex.. 29. Complies with your directions. 30. Responds appropriately to peer pressure. C A S SUMS OF HOW OFTEN COLUMNS FOROFFICE Problem Behaviors"'OSE1>NtY" ..���h�.·: E I".. . "'F' 31. Likes to be alone. 'S)--:-"' • 32. Fights with others. "0'.. ]i 33. Is easily embarrass'ed. .. 34. Argues with others. 35. Threatens or bullies others. 36. Talks back to adults when corrected. 37. Has temper tantrums. 38. Appears lonely. Cl�" 39. Gets angry easily. 40. Shows anxiety about being with a group of children. 41. Acts sad or depressed. :'; 42. Has low self-esteem. "'''' E I SUMS OF HOW OFTEN COLUMNS 3 HOW Often? Never Sometimes 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 How Often? Never Sometimes 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Yery Often 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 . Yery Often 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Not How Important? � Important Important C.ritical ��": '0 ") o 2 o 2 o 2 o 2 o 2 o 2 o 2 o 1 2 o 2 o 2 ��-------------- o 2 o 2 o 2 o 2 o 2 Do. not make importance ratings for items 31 - 42 Go on to Page 4. � Academic Competence The next nine items require your judgments of this student's academic or learning behaviors as observed in your classroom. Compare the student with other children who are in the same classroom. Rate all items using a scale of 1 to 5. Circle the number that best represents your judgment. The number 1 indicates the lowest or least favorable performance, placing the student in the lowest 10% Qf the class. Number 5 indicates the highest or most favorable performance, placing the student in the highest 10% compared with other students in the classroom. r--- FOR OFFICE Lowest Next LowestUSE Middle Next Highest Highest ONLY 10% 20% 40% 20% 10% 43. Compared with other children in my classroom, the overall academic performance of this child is: 1 2 3 4 5 44. In reading, how does this child compare with other students? 1 2 3 4 5 45. In mathematics, how does this child compare with other students? 1 2 3 4 5 46. In terms of grade-level expectations, this child's skills in reading are: 1 2 3 4 5 47. In terms of grade-level expectations, this child's skills in mathematics are: 1 2 3 4 5 48. This child's overall motivation to succeed academically is: 1 2 3 4 5 49. This child's parental encouragement to succeed academically is: 1 2 3 4 5 50. Compared with other children in my classroom this child's Intellectual functioning is: 1 2 3 4 5 51. Compared with other children in my classroom this child's overall classroom behavior is: 1 2 3 4 5 AC SUMOFCOLUMN Stop. Please check to be sure all Items have been marked. L-- FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ' t;:. SOCIAL SKILLS HOW OFTEN? BEHAVIOR TOTAL" LEVEL . (..... '. (Ium. (S8fI Appendix A) from from p,2) . p.3) Fewer Average More Ic + E IA + = Is + - I Total,(C+A+S) .. (seeAPPendix B) standard DScore Percentile DRank (see Appendix E) SEM D Confidence Level 68%0 95% 0 Confidence I(stand� sco� to I, SUMMARY PROBLEM BEHAVIORS . HOW OFTEN? BEHAVIOR TOTAL LEVEL (sumsfrompage3) (S8fI Appendix A) Fewer Average More IE I I I I I' I ..I I I I Total I I I I(E+I) (S66 Appendix B) Standard D Percentile D. Score .: . Rank (see Appendix E) SEM D Confidence Level 68% 0 95% 0 Confidence I to IBand (standard scores) ACADEMIC COMPETENCE RATING COMPETENCE .. TOTAL LEVEL (sumfrompage4) (S8fI Appendix A) Below AveragelAbove I I T �� I I I I I .. I 0 , .', .. � (see Appendix B) standard DScore Percentile DRank " . (S66 Appendix E) SEM D Confidence Level 68% 0 95% 0 Confidence I to IBand (stalidard scores) Note: Toobtainadetailedanalysisofthisstudent'sSocialSkillsstrengthsandweaknesses,completetheAssessment-InterventionRecord. 4 Rating System .Grades 7-12 Social Skills Questionnaire Frank M. Gresham and Stephen N."Eliiott Directions This questionnaire is designed to measure how often your child exhibits certain social skills and how important .those skills are to your child's development. Ratings of problem behaviors are also requested. First, complete the information about your child and yourself. Student Information Name____ ���----------���--�------�--�----� First School ______________________________ Date Middle last Month Day Year City State Grade._________________Birth date Sex: DFemale D Male Month YearDay Teacher's name.________________________________________________________________ Ethnic group (optional) D Asian 0 Indian (Native American) D Black 0 White D Hispanic D Other___________________ How many brothers and sisters does this child have at home? D None D 1 D 2 O· 3·or more Parent Information Name ________________________________--:-______ Telephone__________________� First Middle last Address________..:....-_________________________ City_________�__________ State______ Sex: 0 Female D Male How are you related to this child? D Mother D Father o Guardian D Other_____________________________ AGS®© 1990, American Guidance Service, Inc., Publishers' Building, Circle Pines, MN 55014-1796 All rights reserved. No part of this Questionnaire may be photocopied or otherwisa reproduced.This Questionnaire was printed in two colors. 80 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Form: PS Next,read each item on pages 2-4 (items 1-52) and think about your child's present behavior. Decide how often your child does the behavior described. If your child never does this behavior,circle the O. If your child sometimes does this behavior,circle the 1. If your child very often does this behavior,circle the 2. For items 1-40,you should also rate how Important each of these behaviors is for your child's development. If it is not Important for your child's development,circle the O. If it is Important for your child's development,circle the 1. If it is critical for your child's development,circle the 2. Here are two examples: How Often? Never Sometimes Shows a sense of humor. o Answers the phone appropriately. Not How Important? Critical This parent thought that the child very often showed a sense of humor and that showing a sense of humor was Important to the child's development. This parent also thought that the child never answered the phone appropriately and that answering the phone appropriately was crltlcsl to the child's development. There are no right or wrong answers. You may take as much time as you like. Please do not skip any Items. How How Social Skills Often? Important? Very Not Never Sometimes Often Important Important Critical 1. Starts conversations rather than waiting for others to talk first. 0 2 0 2 2. Helps you with household tasks without being told. 0 2 0 2 3. Attempts household tasks before asking for your help. 0 2 0 2 4. Participates in organized activities such as sports or clubs. 0 2 0 2 5. Politely refuses unreasonable requests from others. 0 2 0 2 6. Introduces himself or herself to new people without being told. 0 2 0 2 7. Uses free time at home in an acceptable way. 0 2 0 2 8. Says nice things about himself or herself when appropriate. 0 2 0 2 9. Responds appropriately to teasing from friends or relatives of his or her own age. 0 2 0 2 10. Responds appropriately when hit or pushed by other children. 0 2 0 2 11. Volunteers to help family members with tasks. 0 2 0 2 12. Invites others to your home. 0 2 0 2 13. Avoids situations that are likely to result in trouble. 0 2 0 2 C A R S SUMS OF HOW OFTEN COLUMNS 2 Social Skills (cont.) 14. Makes friends easily. 15. Keeps room clean and neat without being reminded. 16. Completes household tasks within a reasonable time. 17. Shows concern for friends and relatives of his or her own age. 18. Controls temper in conflict situations with you. 19. Ends disagreements with you calmly. 20. Speaks in an appropriate tone of voice at home. 21. Acknowledges compliments or praise from friends. 22. Controls temper when arguing with other children. 23. Appropriately expresses feelings when wronged. 24. Follows rules when playing games with others. 25. Attends to your instructions. 26. Joins group activities without being told to. 27. Compromises in conflict situations by changing own ideas to reach agreement. 28. Puts away belongings or other household property. 29. Waits turn in games or other activities. 30. Uses time appropriately while waiting for your help with homework or some other task. 31. Receives criticism well. 32. Informs you before going out with friends. 33. Follows household rules. 34. Is self-confident in social situations such as parties or . group outings. 35. Shows interest in a variety of things. 36. Reports accidents to appropriate persons. 37. Is liked by others. 38. Answers the phone appropriately. 39. Asks sales clerks for information or assistance. 40. Appears self-confident in social interactions with opposite-sex friends. c A R S SUMS OF HOW OFTEN COLUMNS 3 How Often? Never Sometimes 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 How Important? Not Important Important CrItical 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 Goon to Page4.... Fun",""""",- US£QNl.Y l�How0It8n? e I I"" I.. E I How Problem Behaviors Often? Very Never Sometimes Often 41 . Likes to be alone. 0 1 2 42. Fights with others. 0 1 2 43. Is easily embarrassed. 0 1 2 44. Argues with others. 0 1 2 45. Threatens or bullies others. 0 1 2 46. Talks back to adults when corrected. 0 1 2 47. Has temper tantrums. 0 1 2 48. Appears lonely. 0 1 2 49. Gets angry easily. 0 1 ,2 50. Sho�s anxiety about being with a group of children. 0 1 2 51 . Acts sad or depressed. 0 1 2 52. Has low self-esteem. 0 1 2 SUMS OF HOW OFTEN COLUMNS Stop. Please check to be sure all items have been marked. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY - 80CIALSKILLS .... .. _AppMdbtA} I c�.:: - 1 -C:J A + . I I IR + I �I==FI � Is + I :==::::::1 ::::::: I I (...AppendIxC) �D '�D 4 . "- AVlII'IIOI . � '-----;""""1 I II 1 . 1 . .1 I I 1 r-----=(:�t7)=, �I I I I L* ' Do not make importance ratings for items 41 - 52 Rating System Studen.t ...nformation ...t\ssessment-l.� ervention Record Frank M. Gresham and Stephen N. Elliott Name ____________________________________________ Date of Birth _ :-:---:--_ -----=___ --,.,.--_ Month Day Year Sex: D Female D Male Ethnic Group (optional) Age Years Months Grade and School ___________________________________ Parents' or guardians' names 1. Address ____________________ Phone _____________ 2. Address _________________ Phone ______________ Teacher's name _______________________________________________________________________ Reason for referral Social Skills Assessment Record the SSRS forms that have been completed and by whom. Also list any other methods of assessing the student's behavior that have been completed and will be summarized on page 6 of this report. SSRS Teacher Form Parent Form Student Form Other assessment methods Date Completed AOS " © 1990, American Guidance Service, Inc., Publishers' Building, Circle Pines, MN 55014-1796 Rater All rights reserved. No part of this form may be photocopied or otherwise reproduced. This form was printed in two colors. 80 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 FORM: AIR Standard Score Summary Instructions Copy the standard score, the percentile rank, the standard error of measurement, the confidence level and the standard score confidence band from the individual Teacher, Parent, and Student questionnaires in the appropriate spaces below. If you wish to see a graphic summary of these results, complete the Graphic Profile Summary on page 3. Teacher SOCIAL SKILLS Standard DScore SEM D Confidence IBand (standard scores) Percentile DRank Confidence Level 68%0 95%0 to PROBLEM BEHAVIORS Standard DScore SEM U Confidence IBand (standard scores) Percentile DRank Confidence Level 68%0 95% 0 to ACADEMIC COMPETENCE Standard DScore Percentile DRank Confidence Level 68%0 95%0 to SEM U Confidence IBand (standard scores) '----------' Parent SOCIAL SKILLS Standard DScore SEM D Confidence IBand (standard scores) Percentile DRank Confidence Level 68% 0 95% 0 to PROBLEM BEHAVIORS Standard DScore SEM D Confidence IBand (standard scores) Percentile DRank Confidence Level 68%0 95% 0 to Student SOCIAL SKILLS Standard DScore SEM D Confidence I(standard sco�e� Percentile DRank Confidence Level 68%0 95%0 to Description of Subscales _______________________ SOCIAL SKILLS The SSRS is designed to evaluate the frequency and the importance of Social Skills in five areas. These areas are: Cooperation: behaviors such as helping others, sharing materials, and complying with rules and directions Assertion: initiating behaviors, such as asking others for information, introducing oneself, and responding to the actions of others, such as peer pressure or insults 130 >98 59 125 95 58 122 93 57 119 90 56 117 87 55 115 84 54 113 81 53 112 79 52 110 75 51 108 70 50 106 66 49 105 63 48 104 61 47 102 55 46 101 53 45 99 47 44 98 45- 43 96 39 42 95 37 41 94 34 40 93 32 39 91 27 38 90 25 37 89 23 36 87 19 35 86 18 34 84 14 33 83 13 32 82 12 31 80 9 Raw Score 30 29 28 2.7 26 2.5 24 23 22 21 2.0 19 18 13 12 11 9 8 7 5 4 3 0 Problem Behaviors Total Scale Standard Percentile Raw Standard Percentile Score Rank Score Score Rank 79 8 145 >98 77 6 143 >98 76 5 142 >98 74 4 140 >98 72 3 2.0 138 >98 71 3 19 137 >98 70 2 18 135 >98 69 2 17 133 >98 67 <2 132 98 66 <2 15 130 98 65 <2 128 97 64 <2 I62 <2 125 95 122 93 61 <2 I60 <2 119 90 10 117 87 59 <2 114 82 58 <2 111 77 56 <2 109 73 55 <2 106 66 54 <2 103 58 52 <2 99 47 51 <2 96 39 50 <2 91 27 49 <2 <85 <16 48 <2 <85 <16 46 <2 45 <2 44 <2 43 <2 41 <2 40 <2 162 Academic Competence Total Scale Standard Percentile Score Rank >115 >84 >115 >84 113 81 111 77 108 70 106 66 105 63 103 58 101 53 100 50 98 45 97 42 95 37 94 34 92 3) 90 25 89 23 87 19 85 16 83 13 82 12 80 9 78 7 76 5 74 4 72 3 70 2 68 2 67 <2 66 <2 64 <2 62 <2 61 <2 60 <2 58 <2 56 <2 55 <2 B.6 STANDARD SCORES & PERCENTILE RANKS (TEACHER FORM, SECONDARY BOYS) Standard Scores and Percentile Ranks Corresponding to Total Scale Raw Scores Grades 7 through 12 Social Skills Total Scale Raw Standard Score Score 60 >130 59 >130 58 130 57 128 56 125 55 123 54 121 53 119 52 117 51 116 50 114 49 113 48 111 47 110 46 108 "45 107 44 106 43 105 42 103 41 102 40 101 39 99 38 98 37 96 36 95 35 93 34 91 33 90 32 89 31 87 Percentile Rank >98 >98 98 97 95 94 92 90 87 86 82 81 77 75 70 68 66 63 58 55 53 47 45 39 37 32 27 25 23 19 Raw Standard Percentile Score Score Rank 30 86 18 29 84 14 28 83 13 27 81 10 26 80 9 25 79 8 24 77 6 23 76 5 22 75 5 21 74 4 , 20 73 4 19 72 3 18 71 3 17 70 2 16 68 2 15 66 <2 14 65 <2 13 63 <2 12 61 <2 11 59 <2 10 58 <2 9 56 <2 8 54 <2 7 52 <2 6 50 <2 5 49 <2 4 47 <2 3 45 <2 2 43 <2 1 42 <2 0 40 <2 Problem Behaviors Total Scale Raw Standard Percentile Score Score Rank 24 145 >98 23 143 >98 22 140 >98 21 137 >98 20 135 >98 19 133 >98 18 130 98 17 128 97 16 125 95 15 123 94 14 121 92 13 119 90 12 117 87 11 115 84 10 113 81 9 111 77 8 108 70 7 106 66 6 103 58 5 100 50 4 97 42 3 93 32 2 87 19 1 <85 <16 0 <85 <16 163 Academic Competence Total Scale Raw Standard Percentile Score Score Rank 45 >115 >84 44 >115 >84 43 >115 >84 42 >115 >84 41 113 81 40 111 77 39 109 73 38 108 70 37 106 66 36 105 63 35 104 61 34 102 55 33 101 53 32 99 47 31 98 45 30 96 39 29 94 34 28 93 32 27 91 27 26 89 23 25 87 19 24 86 18 23 84 14 22 83 13 21 81 10 20 80 9 19 79 8 18 77 6 17 76 5 16 75 5 15 73 4 14 72 3 13 70 2 12 68 2 11 66 <2 10 63 <2 9 61 <2 C.S STANDARD SCORES & PERCENTILE RANKS (PARENT FORM, SECONDARY GIRLS) Standard Scores and Percentile Ranks Corresponding to Total Scale Raw Scores Grades 7 through 12 Social Skills Total Scale Problem Behaviors Total Scale Raw Standard Percentile Raw Standard Percentile Raw Standard Percentile Score Score Rank Score Score Rank SCor!t Score Rank 80 >130 >98 40 76 5 24 145 >98 79 >130 >98 39 75 5 23 143 >98 78 >130 >98 38 74 4 22 142 >98 n >130 >98 37 72 3 21 140 >98 76 >130 >98 36 71 3 20 139 >98 75 >130 >98 35 70 2 19 137 >98 74 >130 >98 34 69 2 18 135 >98 73 >130 >98 33 68 2 17 134 >98 72 127 96 32 67 <2 16 132 98 71 124 95 31 67 <2 15 128 97 70 122 93 30 66 <2 14 124 95 69 120 91 29 65 <2 13 120 91 68 118 88 28 64 <2 12 116 86 67 116 86 27 63 <2 11 113 81 66 114 82 26 62 <2 10 109 73 65 112 79 25 61 <2 9 105 63 64 110 75 24 60 <2 8 101 53 63 109 73 23 60 <2 7 98 45 62 107 68 22 59 <2 6 93 32 61 105 63 21 58 <2 5 90 25 60 104 61 20 57 <2 4 86 18 59 102 55 19 56 <2 3 <85 <16 58 100 50 18 55 <2 2 <85 <16 57 99 47 17 54 <2 1 <85 <16 56 97 42 16 54 <2 0 <85 <16 55 96 39 15 53 <2 54 95 37 14 52 <2 53 93 32 13 51 <2 52 92 30 12 50 <2 51 90 25 11 49 <2 50 89 23 10 49 <2 49 88 21 9 48 <2 48 86 18 8 47 <2 47 85 16 7 46 <2 46 84 14 6 45 <2 45 82 12 5 44 <2 44 " 81 10 4 43 <2 43 79 8 3 43 <2 42 78 7 2 42 <2 41 77 6 1 41 <2 0 40 <2 172 C.S STANDARD SCORES & PERCENTILE RANKS (PARENT FORM, SECONDARY BOYS) Standard Scores and Percentile Ranks Corresponding to Total Scale Raw Scores Grades 7 through 12 Social Skills Problem Behaviors Total Scale Total Scale Standard Percentile Standard Percentile Standard Percentile Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank >130 >98 82 12 145 >98 >130 >98 81 10 143 >98 >130 >98 80 9 141 >98 >130 >98 79 8 140 >98 >130 >98 78 7 138 >98 >130 >98 76 5 136 >98 >130 >98 75 5 135 >98 >130 >98 73 4 133 >98 130 98 72 3 131 98 127 96 71 3 125 95 125 95 70 2 120 91 122 93 69 2 116 86 120 91 68 2 112 79 119 90 67 <2 109 73 117 87 66 <2 106 66 115 84 65 <2 102 55 114 82 64 <2 98 45 112 79 63 <2 95 37 110 75 62 <2 92 30 109 73 61 <2 89 23 107 68 60 <2 86 18 105 63 59 <2 <85 <16 104 61 58 <2 <85 <16 102 55 57 <2 <85 <16 101 53 56 <2 <85 <16 99 47 55 <2 98 45 54 <2 96 39 53 <2 95 37 52 <2 94 34 51 <2 93 32 50 <2 92 30 49 <2 91 27 48 <2 90 25 47 <2 89 23 46 <2 88 21 45 <2 87 19 44 <2 86 18 43 <2 85 16 42 <2 84 14 41 <2 40 <2 173 0.3 .STANDARD SCORES & PERCENTILE RANKS (STUDENT FORM, SECONDARY GIRLS) Standard Scores and Percentile Ranks Corresponding to Total Scale Raw Scores Grades 7 through 12 Social Skills Total Scale RaW ; Standard Soor& Score 80 >130 79 >130 78 >130 77 >130 76 >130 75 >130 74 >130 73 >130 72 >130 71 >130 70 >130 69 >130 68 130 67 128 66 126 65 124 64 122 63 119 62 117 61 115 60 113 59 111 58' 108 57 106 56 104 55 102 54 101 53 99 52 97 51 95 50 94 49 92 48 90 47 88 48 87 45 85 44 83 43 81 42 80 41 78 Percentile ii ' 'RaW, ;" Standard Percentile Rank SC9re Score Rank >98 4() 77 6 >98 �' 75 5 >98 38 74 4 >98 37 72 3 >98 36 71 3 >98 35 70 2 >98 34 69 2 >98 33 68 2 >98 32 67 <2 >98 31 66 <2 >98 30 65 <2 >98 29 64 <2 98 28 64 <2 97 27 63 <2 96 28 62 <2 95 25 61 <2 93 24 60 <2 90 23 59 <2 87 22 59 <2 84 21 58 <2 81 20 57 <2 77 1'9 56 <2 70 1S 55 <2 66 17 54 <2 61 16 54 <2 55 15 53 <2 53 14 52 <2 47 13 51 <2 42 12 50 <2 37 11 49 <2 34 10 48 <2 30 9 48 <2 25 8 47 <2 21 7 46 <2 19 6 45 <2 16 5 44 <2 13 4 43 <2 10 3 43 <2 9 2 42 <2 7 1 41 <2 0 4() <2 178 D.4 STANDARD SCORES & PERCENTILE RANKS (STUDENT FORM, SECONDARY BOYS) Standard Scores and Percentile Ranks Corresponding to Total Scale Raw Scores Grades 7 through 12 Social Skills Total Scale Raw Standard Percentile Score Score Rank 80 >130 >98 79 >130 >98 78 >130 >98 77 >130 >98 76 >130 >98 75 >130 >98 74 >130 >98 73 >130 >98 72 >130 >98 71 >130 >98 70 >130 >98 69 >130 >98 68 >130 >98 67 >130 >98 66 129 97 65 128 97 64 126 96 63 124 95 62 122 93 61 121 92 60 119 90 59 117 87 58 115 84 57 114 82 56 112 79 55 110 75 54 108 70 53 107 68 52 105 63 51 104 61 50 102 55 49 100 50 48 98 45 47 97 42 46 95 37 45 93 32 44 92 30 43 90 25 42 88 21 41 87 19 Raw Score 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 179 Standard Percentile Score 85 84 82 80 79 78 76 75 73 72 71 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 Rank 16 14 12 9 8 7 5 5 4 3 3 2 2 <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 - -- --