What are they like? A Match the phrases or words in bold to the definitions below. - John and I fell out one day because he was rude to me. We put up with each other but I really cannot stand him. - Did you hear that Nick and Sandra split up the other day? Nick decided he wanted to go out with Liz. He and Sandra had a huge row. I don’t think they’ll make it up. - Mr Peters is my boss. I respect him. He’s someone I can look up to. 1 fall out a dislike or hate 2 put up with b have a relationship with 3 can’t stand c have a big argument 4 split up d respect and admire 5 go out with e stop having a relationship 6 have a huge row f become friends again 7 make it up g tolerate or accept sb 8 look up to h stop being friendly with Personality - adjectives B Match the adjectives and their definitions. What are Czech equivalents of the adjectives? ambitious, bossy, charming, lazy, moody, reliable, self-confident, selfish, sensible, sensitive, shy, sociable 1. He wants to become boss for the whole department. 2. Bob always does what he has promised. 3. She has a lot of common sense. 4. He only thinks about himself. 5. She´s good at making people like her. 6. Helen likes being with other people. 7. Ann feels things quickly and deeply. 8. He doesn´t like working. 9. She feels very sure of herself. 10. He´s happy one moment and sad the next. 11. Jack´s always telling other people what to do. 12. She finds it difficult to talk to new people. 1 ………………..; 2 …………….; etc Adapted from Oxenden, C. Latham-Koenig, Ch. English File Intermediate. Student’s Book. Oxford: OUP, 1999. p.130 ISBN 0-19-436678-2 C Agree with the opinions below using an appropriate adjective from the list. There are more words than you need. ambitious, cheerful, honest, inflexible, insensitive, punctual, sensible, unpleasant 1 A: She’s always wanted to get to the top in her career, hasn’t she? B: Yes, she’s very ____________ 2 A: His wife was horrible, wasn’t she? B: Yes, very ____________ 3 A: He’s happy and smiling whenever you see him. B: I know, he’s always ____________ 4 A: The problem is that she can’t change any of her ideas and adapt to new ones. B: No, she is very ____________ 5 A: He never thinks about other people’s feelings, does he? B: You’re right, he’s ____________ Taken and adapted from: Redman, S. Gairns,R. Test Your English Vocabulary in Use – pre-intermediate + intermediate. Cambridge:CUP, 2000, p. 47 ISBN 0-521-77980-4