—The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy (H. L. Mencken) — —Puritanism, in whatever expression, is a poisonous germ. On the surface everything may look strong and vigorous; yet the poison works its way persistently, until the entire fabric is doomed. (Emma Goldman) — NewEngColonies.gif family-tree.gif —reaction against Catholic and Anglican theology —salvation (spása) by: grace, not faith (Luther) or works (Catholic) —Predestination (předurčení), not free will (svobodná vůle) —original sin (prvotní hřích) —the “elect” (vyvolený) — Mayflower_2-745670.jpg winthrop.jpg 20070814044411!Plymouth_Colony_seal.png primerwoodcuts.jpg primer1.gif nep4.jpg multiply.gif Thomas Smith, Self Portrait (1680) captain_thomas_smith_self_portrait_poster-rd0a1379def3946878b1d8f580d863956_jg8p_8byvr_512.jpg — John Freake, c1671 freake1.jpg — Elizabeth Freake and baby Mary freake2.jpg — heaten.jpg Lydia Hart, Boston 1744 lydiahart1744boston.jpg — chest-CT-c1660.GIF sitting1634.jpg JosephTappingStone.jpg neng33.jpg tombstone.jpg Salem1.jpg malleus.jpg witch.jpg —From Cotton Mather’s book on witch hunting, 1692 witchessabbath.jpg witches.jpg Sal_hang.jpg