Prove It (Dokážu to) - system of courses are offered, which are focused on: o integration of personality and social education into schools o support of family-school relationship o school management o teachers’ collective and other communities cooperation - three basic principles: o self-respect o independency o responsibility Reading and Writing for Critical Thinking - constructivist pedagogy - children should be critical to the information they are supposed to learn – many of them already know something about the topic and it is important that they have got the chance to speak up - time for discussion, reflexion and consideration - different methods used: o brainstorming o mindmaps o free writing o discussion o reading with prediction o pair discussion o mutual learning - Three phases of learning: o evocation o meaning awareness o reflexion Integrated Thematic Instruction - author: Susan Kovalik (based on her experience with work with gifted students) - change of school into such an environment where gifted students could get adequate opportunities - chance for every pupil - ITI Model is based on brain research and the following school application - Necessary Conditions: o adequate time o environment (not just models or pictures but real objects instead) o possibility of choice o absence of threat o meaningful learning content o cooperation o immediate feedback o perfect mastery of requirements - heterogenous groups – students of different age - year topic – content responding to real world - no separated subjects - sub-themes, thematical parts - basic requirements to all children + additional - Principles: o trust o truth o active listening o absence of humiliation o personal maximum