Lecture 10: • Deaf associations and clubs in Nigeria Nigeria National Association of the Deaf (NNAD) NNAD is the umbrella association of the deaf. It caters to the welfare of deaf people in Nigeria. It is affiliated to the WFD. https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/295721_107436792697388_529446406_n. jpg?oh=958e5fe845a5c28c93da87d0532f6b31&oe=55212B7A&__gda__=1432543428_701056608fcf651f18a74326a70b 4d19 •NNAD regularly organize events aimed at advancing and protecting the rights of deaf Nigerians. •NNAD has a president and he is responsible for the day to day running of the association. •The association does not have a registered office at the moment. It functions under the Ministry of Social Welfare https://scontent-b-vie.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10415617_720058084716868_1063177738918865 692_n.jpg?oh=60ae976b36163e45364b5129f771fb87&oe=555DC3CB •The Deaf Afro mime group is a dance troupe which entertains guest during festivals or political rallies in Nigeria •The group is an independent association There is also Deaf Women Association. It work in collaboration with the NNAD. The aims of the DWA are to: •foster unity among deaf women in Nigeria. •Promote deaf culture including sign language. •organize programs of diverse kind to sensitize society on disability. •Exerting influence on the different tiers of govt with d aim of bringing about favorable disability policies and laws. The deaf women association organizes periodic training of women in: making izal, Dettol, menthelatum, harpic soap Vaseline, beads work etc The DWA also hold period meetings in their respective regions to deliberate on issues affecting deaf women in their areas. Nigeria Deaf Sports Federation (NDSF) •There is also the NDSF which oversees deaf sport events in Nigeria •It is assisted by the Federal Ministry of Sports •It is a member of the Deaflympics federation •It organizes sports events for the deaf in Nigeria and select representatives to Deaflympics events Break Time: • 7 minutes break ASL Practices: Negations in ASL Phrases Negation •Yes, I do •I like •I care •I understand •I want •What’s up? •Do you have……. •Do you mind…….. •No, I don’t •I don’t like •I don’t care •I don’t understand •I don’t want •Nothing spoil •I don’t have •I don’t mind Group Practices •In a group of twos, students communicate using phrases and negations