Tertiary stress - after primary stress In multi-syllabic words, there is sometimes a rhythmic beat on a syllable after the primary stress. This syllable is not usually accented when the word is in a sentence. It is marked „ and referred to as tertiary stress. . jcannibaljsm prifnary tertiary stress . stress t v V EXERCISE 48 AIM: TO RECOGNISE TERTIARY STRESS AFTER THE PRIMARY STRESS WHEN YOU HEAR A WORD. TO MARK PRIMARY AND TERTIARY STRESS. Listen to the following words and phrases on the cassette. Each has two stressed syllables, with the earlier stressed syllable carrying the primary stress. Mark the stressed syllables, as in the example on page 45. The first one is done for you. 1. 'rainforest 2. octosyllable 3. revisionism 4. caretaker 5. castaway 6. undercarriage 7. upbringing 8. obstructionism 9. officeholder 10. estate agent 11. record library 12. Oedipus complex 13. uncertainty principle i. i /) EXERCISE 49 AIM: TO DISTINGUISH BETWEEN: PRIMARY STRESS + TERTIARY STRESS e.g. :np«.maiket SECONDARY STRESS + PRIMARY STRESS e.g. supersonic Look up the following items in the dictionary and check the stress. Mark the stress. 1. safebreaker 4. safekeeping 2. safe-conduct 5. safety curtain 3. safe-deposit 6. safety-first Tertiary stress - between secondary and primary stress There is another context in which tertiary stress occurs. Words with secondary and primary stress sometimes have a rhythmic beat between the secondary and primary stress. This is marked and referred to as tertiary stress. lindeJFensiJbility secondary + tertiary + primary stress /V,.-. V V EXERCISE 50 x """ v AIM: TO RECOGNISE PRIMARY, SECONDARY AND TERTIARY STRESS WHEN YOU HEAR WORDS. TO MARK PRIMARY, SECONDARY AND TERTIARY STRESS. Listen to the following words and phrases on the cassette. Each has three stressed syllables, with the last stressed syllable carrying the primary stress. Mark the secondary, tertiary and primary stress in these words and phrases. The first one is done for you. 5. Received pronunciation 6. co-efficient of friction 7. occupational therapy 1. ,co-education 2. intercontinental 3. sadomasochistic 4. valetudinarian EXERCISE 51 AIM: TO RECOGNISE STRESS PATTERNS OF WORDS WHEN YOU HEAR THEM (MIXED PATTERNS). Listen to the following words on the cassette. Mark the stress. 1. tyrannicide 2. indivisibility 3. sacrificial 4. caretaker 5. liberator 6. adolescence 7. sacrosanct 8. intellectual 9. unconventionality 10. capitalism EXERCISE 52 ______ AIM: TO USE THE DICTIONARY TO CHECK STRESS PATTERNS. a. Mark what you think is the stress pattern on the following__ words. b. Then look each word up, and check if your stress marking is correct. Write the correct stress marking, if necessary. .STRESS / 1 jbriwar fr .je&ohťW ? ie-r-tvar f C c >-, fi o *> C CS 1—1 x -w .2 it -*j ^j ffl at rt +^ +j -w JS X x X x X X a OS 0 , S o O +i o S 03 X 4J +> ■y -t* in nf si ■w +a 4J +i X X X X X X x « a 03 03 S ti g X X X X X X x OJ CO -** LQ O t-