Phonetics and Phonology FF1B Lecture 8 Worksheet ASPECTS OF CONNECTED SPEECH III ELISION Print this worksheet and bring it with you to the lecture. · Practical definition: under certain circumstances sounds disappear, ie in certain circumstances a phoneme may have zero realisation Examples in Czech srdce /srce/ jablko /japko/ džbán /ʒba:n/ dcera /cera/ francouzština /francouʃtina/ 1. Historical elision - proper nouns Gloucester / / Worcester / /!!! Leicester / / - consonant clusters +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |WH- |where /weə/ when /wen/ | |----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |WH- |who /hu:/ whole /həʊl/ | |----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |WR- |wrong /rɒŋ/ write /raІt/ | |----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |KN- |know /nəʊ/ knife /naІf/ | |----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |PS- |psychic /saІkІk/ psalm /sɑ:m/ | |----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |PN- |pneumonia /nju:ˈməʊnІə/ | |----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | |----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |-STL- |castle /kɑ:sl/ whistle /wІsl/ | |----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |-STN- |fasten /fɑ:sn/ chestnat /tʃesn∧t/ | |----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | |----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |-MB |climb /klaІm/ bomb /bɒm/ | |----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |-MN |hymn /hІm/ column /kɒləm/ | |----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |-BT |doubt /daʊt/ debt /det/ | |----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |-PT |receipt /rІˈsi:t/ | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 2. Colloquial elision VOWELS - loss of weak vowel after /p,t,k/ /pˈteІtəʊ/, /tˈmɑ:təʊ/, /pˈhaeps/ - weak vowel + /n,l,r/ becomes a syllabic consonant tonight /tˈnaІt/, national /naeʃnl̩/, correct /kˈrekt/ CONSONANTS - /t,d/ in clusters acts /aeks/, mostly /məʊsli/, landlady /laenleІdІ/, grandmother /graenm∧d-ə/ - other consonants in clusters months /m∧ns/, clothes /kləʊz/ - /t/ at word boundaries last night /lɑ:s naІt/, just now /dʒ∧s naʊ/ - loss of final /v/ in “of” before consonants lots of them /lɒts ə d-əm/, waste of money /weІst ə m∧ni/ CONTRACTIONS = a special case; some experts do, some don’t regard them as cases of elision - “had” --> ‘d : /d/, /əd/ “not” --> n’t : /nt/ “ are” --> ‘re : /ə/, etc. --------------------------------------------- 3. No elision what time /wɒt taІm/, fresh shirt /freʃ ʃ3:t/, half full /hɑ:f fʊl/, with this /wІd- d-Іs/ - these sounds get articulated but are given no audible realisation, ie you “hold the first consonant but don’t release it until you articulater the other (following) consonant The following exercises have been taken from