Phonetics and Phonology Spring 2007 Exercise II part 1 Transcribe the following passage in the space provided below (pay special attention to weak forms). Then check it with the key at the bottom of the page. I have lived in London for ten years now. It seems such a long time, when I actually stop and think about it. Ten years! More than a third of my life. When I think of home however, Sheldon always comes to mind - a tiny village in the heart of the Blackdown Hills, hidden in the depths of Devon. I love going home at this time of year. Spring is maturing like an adolescent girl; the leaves unfurling, modestly extending their fresh, green growth. The fields reverberate with the hesitant bleating of newborn lambs and the hedges and trees are filled with the expectant rustle of new life in creation. i ai av1 'livd2 in *'lAndan fa 'ten ljiaz3 nau | it !si:mz3 SAtJ a 'Ion. 'taim wen ai 'aektjuali 'stop and4 '8ir)k a'baut it j 'ten 'jiaz3 | 'mo: öan a '83:d av mai 'laif | wen ai 'Sink av 'haum | hau'eva | *!feidan 'oilweiz 'kAmz3 te 'maind | a !tami Vi!id3 in öa 'ha:t av öa *'blaekdaun 'hilz3 | 'hidan in öa 'dep8s5 av *'devan | ai 'Iav gauiQ 'haum at 'öis taim av 'jia | 'spun, iz ma'tjuanri laik an 'sedalesant 'ga:! | öa liivz3 An'fsiliQ | 'modastli ik'stendirj öea 'frej grhn 'grauB | öa 'fiildz3 ri'vaibareit wiö öa 'hezitant 'bliitiQ av 'njuiboin 'iaamz | and4 öa !hed3iz6 and4 'tri:z3 | a 'fild2 wiö Öi7 ik'spektant 'rAsal av 'nju: 'laif in krí'exíenj] Phonetics and Phonology Spring 2007 ____ Exercise II part 2 7 Transcribe the following passage in the space provided below (pay special attention to weak forms). Then check it with the key at the bottom of the page. London, however, remains oblivious to the fertility of spring. We are buried in ourselves. There are delays on the Northern Line again. A signal failure at some station makes all trains late. The Big Issue vendor at the underground ticket office shouts in your face. The crowds push and shove in the direction of the supermarket, mouths watering in anticipation of their evening meal. I take a walk down the road to post a letter. *'lAndani hau'evô ri'mein? Vbiivias ta öa fať'tiíati av 'sprin, j wi a 'berid2 m aa8tselvz3 | öar9 a di!!eiz3 on öa 'noröan lain a'gen | a 'signal 'feiijar9"*10 at sAm11 'steigen | meiks5 'o:l treinz3 Meit | Öa *'big *!iju:12 Vendar9 at öi7 'Andagraund 'tikit 'ofis | 'Jauts5 in jo: 'feis | öa 'kraudz3 'puj and4 'Jav in öa dai'rekjan av 5a 'suipamaikit | 'mauöz3 'waitariri in aantisi 'peijan av beer 'irvniQ 'mi:l | ai 'teik a 'wo'.k daun öa 'raud ta 'paust a leta ! Phonetics and Phonology ____ Spring 2007 Exercise II part 3 Transcribe the following passage in the space provided below (pay special attention to weak forms). Then check it with the key at the bottom of the page. London kills me. Red buses shuddering past me, belching thick smoke which clings to the back of my throat. In this city, you learn to walk fast, avoid all eye-contact and maintain the air of someone on an errand. It's called self-preservation. If you slow down, or catch a stranger's eye, then who knows what might happen? It is safer to remain within the bubble of anonymity. I want to go home - my home - where-1 can sit under the eucalyptus tree in the dusk and watch the horizon darken as the sun sets and the bats start their nightly hunt for juicy insects. * Wásnloí? mi | Ved'bASiz^ÍAdarir) rpa:st mípběltjirj '8ik 'smauk | wit] 'kfirjz3 ta öa 'beek av max 'Braut| in "5is 'síti | ju T*.3rt ta 'work 'fa:st 1 aVoid o:l 'ai kontaekt | and4 mem'tein 5i? 'ear9 av 'sAmwAn on an 'erand | its* 'ko:!d2 'self preza'veijan | if ju !siau 'daun | o: 'ksetj a 'streind3az3 'ai | öen hu:13 'nauz3 wot mait 'haapan | it iz 'seifa ta ri'mein wiö'm ôa 'bAbal av aena'nimati | ai 'wont ta gau 'haum | 'mai 'haurn | wear9 ai kan 'sit Anda öa ju:ka'!iptas 'tri: in öa 'dAsk | an4 'wotj öa ha'raizan 'da:kan az öa 'sAn 'sets3 | and4 öa 'baets5 sta:t öea 'naitii 'hAnt fa !d3u:si 'insekts5 |