Additional work
There will be several things which might be called 'extra work', the first one is extensive reading, however, in a slightly different form. Your essay for my class will be related to it as well. Each lesson you will be given a short story (printed) and will spend the last 15 mins of class reading it (ideally :-)). There'll be a range of nine authors, all representatives of "modern literature" although not necessarily only "contemporary". I hope you'll enjoy it.
Secondly, there'll be again several modules on aspects of study skills, such as plagiarism and citations, or error and peer correction.
Finally, there will be scans of exercises from the workbook available here.
Written assignment:
length: 350-400 words
format: typed, handed in on paper
material: texts for extensive reading covered during the semester
deadline: 29 April 2016
topic: Imagine you are the editor-in-chief of a newly established literary journal and you are preparing the first issue. There you can publish 4-5 manuscripts, depending on their length. In your letter of the editor you will introduce the texts and justify your choice, i.e. explain why you chose each particular text, perhaps mention some details about the authors and whether there is any relevant connection between them, comment on thetopics, styles, etc., simply explain to the potential readers what stories they are going to read and why.