Grammar analysis: the articles In the text below most of the lines are correct but some are incorrect because they contain an unnecessary word. In each space, tick the correct lines and write in the incorrect word for the incorrect line. The survey, published yesterday by the Health Education 1 Authority and the Sports Council, interviewed 4,316 adults 2 over the age of 16 about daily activity including the sports and 3 recreation pastimes, with two-thirds of the group being 4 given laboratory assessments of the fitness levels. 5 Dr Jacky Chambers, director of public health for the Health 6 Education Authority, said the survey had found 48% 7 of the men and 40% of women were overweight, compared 8 with 39% and 32% in 1980. If the trend continued, 9 most of the population would be overweight by the year 2000. 10 Professor Peter Fenton, head of physiology at the Nottingham 11 University, who acted as scientific adviser to the survey, said 12 although the levels of unfitness came as no surprise, 13 they had to be scientifically quantified if policies were to 14 be formulated to improve the activity levels. 15 There was a growing evidence that even moderate physical 16 activity could confer the protection against heart disease 17 and strokes as well as improving general well-being and 18 the quality of life. 19 KEY 3 the sports 5 the fitness 8 the men 11 the Nottingham 15 the activity 16 a 17 the all the other lines are correct