Syntax B

The Simple Sentence - Revision questions

Topic 1: The Simple Sentence        - Revision questions                       


1. Illustrate the difference between the simple and complex sentence!


2. Put down one example of a simple sentence (type SVOO) and

    analyse it into sentence elements and their corresponding phrases:


3. What is the difference between the direct and indirect object?


4. Write two simple sentences each containing a complement, each

    expressed by a different kind of phrase. Indicate their clause type.


5. What is the multiple class membership of verbs? Invent your own

    examples showing the same verb in two different clause types:


6. What is the difference between a complement and complementation?

    Which is a broader notion?


7. What is the difference between grammatical and notional concord?

    Illustrate it.


8. Put down at least five expressions that are negative in meaning but

    not in form. Use one of them in your own example.


9. What is the scope of negation?


10. What are obligatory adverbials?

      In which clause patterns can they occur?

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