OTÁZKY k ústní zkoušce Angličtina pro sociální pedagogy SC4BK_CJAJ, bakaláři kombinovaní. Autor: Tománková, JS 2016 Ústní zkoušky se studenti účastní v párech. Ústní zkouška se skládá ze dvou částí. V první části studenti formou monologu pohovoří o svých profesních cílech (nácvik této aktivity v průběhu semestru probíhá formou posterové prezentace s názvem Me and my professional goals.) Ve druhé části zkoušky si studenti losují otázku, na které formou dialogu, bez intervence zkoušejícího, odpovídají. Studenti nemusí pokrýt všechny podbody dané otázky. Cílem je vést plynulý a z hlediska zapojení obou kandidátů vyvážený rozhovor. Otázky k druhé části zkoušky jsou uvedeny níže. QUESTION 1: SHOULD ATTENDANCE AT PRE-SCHOOL FACILITIES (kindergartens) BE COMPULSORY IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC? o Should institutionalized pre-school education (kindergarten) be compulsory? o What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a child in a kindergarten from the perspective of parents? o What are the advantages and disadvantages of compulsory kindergarten attendance from the perspective of primary school teachers? QUESTIONS 2: In some countries (the UK) children start school at the age of 4, in the Czech Republic they start at the age 6. WHAT IS THE RIGHT AGE TO START SCHOOL? o What are the advantages and disadvantages of starting school at 4 from the child perspective? o What are the advantages and disadvantages of starting school at 4 from the parent perspective? o What are the advantages and disadvantages of starting school at 6 from the child perspective? o What are the advantages and disadvantages of starting school at 6 from the parent perspective? QUESTION 3: In some families children are expected to do their homework on their own while in others parents are ready to help with their child’s homework on a daily basis. HOW MUCH PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT IN CHILD’S DAILY PREPARATION FOR SCHOOL SHOULD BE EXPECTED BY SCHOOL IN LOWER PRIMARY GRADE? o Should teachers give homework which the child cannot realistically do on their own? (e.g. bring samples of field flowers for biology classes?) o How much assistance should a parent be able to give their child in their daily school preparations? o How much time should a child spend doing their homework on a daily basis? QUESTION 4: SHOULD SOCIALLY DISADVANTAGED CHILDREN IN CZECH SCHOOLS RECEIVE HELP FROM THE SCHOOL/STATE? o How do you define a socially disadvantaged child? o Should school/state help children from disadvantaged backgrounds, e.g. by providing them with free computers or free lunches? o Is the number of “poor children“ increasing or decreasing in Czech schools? QUESTION 5: SHOULD GAY COUPLES BE ALLOWED TO ADOPT CHILDREN? o Do you agree that “the best place for children to grow up is within a traditional family context“? What is a traditional family? o What are the advantages of adoptions by gay couples from the perspective of the adopted child? o What are the disadvantages of adoptions by gay couples from the perspective of the adopted child? QUESTION 6: ABORTION IS FULLY LEGAL IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC BUT IS IT ETHICAL? o Some people say abortion is an easy solution for irresponsible people. What is your view? o According to pro-life campaigners life starts after conception, abortion is therefore the same as kiling a person. What is your view? o Still other people say there is a difference between late term abortion and the so called morning after pill. What is your view? QUESTION 7 WHAT TYPES OF HUMAN RIGHTS DO YOU KNOW? o What types of human rights do you know? Are some rights more important to you than others? Specify. o Are some of the rights culturally specific, i.e. useful in some countries but unnecessary in others? QUESTION 8 IS IT OK TO USE PHYSICAL PUNISHMENT WITH CHILDREN? o Is it OK to use physical punishment with children? (at home or at school) o Is physical punishment good to teach children boundaries? o Is physical punishment effective or counter-effective? Give reasons. QUESTION 9 WHAT DOES THE WORK OF SOCIAL WORKER INVOLVE? o How would you define social work? o In what areas of life and/or work can social workers help their clients? o What skills and personal qualities should a social worker have? o What typical issues does a (upper primary) school social worker deal with?