Syntax B

Lesson 4 – Handout 4a

Lesson 4 – Handout 4a

Complementation of verbs and adjectives – Introduction


Having studied Chapter 16 in Greenbaum and Quirk (Sections 16.1 – 16.10), you should be able to answer the following questions:


1.   What is the COMPLEMENTATION of verbs and adjectives? Explain this term:


2.   In general, what does a MULTI-WORD VERB consist of?


3.   What is a PARTICLE?


4.   According to which criteria do we distinguish 3 categories in multi-word verbs and which are they?


5.   What is the main difference between PHRASAL VERBS and FREE COMBINATIONS?


6.   Which of the two sentences represents a phrasal verb?

a) He took in the box, because it was raining outside.

b) He took in his girlfriend, and she’s never forgiven him.


7.   According to the presence or absence of a DIRECT OBJECT, how can phrasal verbs be distinguished?


8.   What is the POSITION of direct object in phrasal verbs? Does it precede or follow the particle?


9.   What is the difference between PREPOSITIONAL VERBS and FREE COMBINATIONS?


10.   What is the difference between PREPOSITIONAL VERBS and PHRASAL VERBS?


11.   What other MULTI-WORD VERB constructions do you know?

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