Dear students, I would like to ask you to check if you work in correct groups in Online Speaking. When you are in the interactive syllabus, look up at the dark blue bar where there is a number of the group. A couple of recordings ended up in incorret forums. The moderators of your groups keep records of your points and if you do the task in a wrong group, you might end up without points. We can't check almost 90 students every day and look for your misplaced tasks. The same applies to contributions to fora. And - last but not least - KEEP THE DEADLINES, the windows close on Sundays at midnight and you lose your possibility to gain points. If you are ill or have some serious problems why you can't fulfill the task in time, let your moderator know. Have a nice Sunday evening. Alena Dobrovolná ONLINE_AS Angličtina Online - Mluvený projev