Community Participation Indicators CaseId # Page of 7 Shade circles like this: Not like this: In a typical week, how many days do you: Spend time with family Keep in touch with family by phone or Internet Spend time with friends Keep in touch with friends by phone or Internet Go to parties, out to dinner, or other social activities Get out and about Is this activity important to you? No Yes Enough Not Enough Too Much 1. How often? --> 2. Important? --> 3. Doing enough? Community Participation Indicators CaseId # Page of 71 This survey is voluntary. If you choose to participate, your information will be kept private. Your name will never be linked to any of the information you share. The statements below describe many of the ways that people participate in society. For each item, tell us: 1) How often you do the activity, 2) If the activity is important to you, and 3) If you feel you are doing the activity enough, too much, or not enough. Shade circles like this: Not like this: Are you doing this activity: 1-2Days 3-4Days 5-6Days 7Days None Spend time with a significant other or intimate partner 7532 Community Participation Indicators CaseId # Page of 7 Shade circles like this: Not like this: In a typical week, how many hours do you: Cook, clean, and look after your home Manage household bills and expenses Look after children or provide care for a loved one Go to classes or participate in learning activities Volunteer Work for money Is this activity important to you? No Yes Enough Not Enough Too Much 1. How often? --> 2. Important? --> 3. Doing enough? For each item, tell us: 1) How often you do the activity, 2) If the activity is important to you, and 3) If you feel you are doing the activity enough, too much, or not enough. Are you doing this activity: 2 10-19Hours 20-34Hours Hours 35ormore 5-9Hours 1-4Hours None 7532 Community Participation Indicators CaseId # Page of 7 Shade circles like this: Not like this: In a typical month, how many times do you: Go to support groups or self-help meetings Engage in hobbies or leisure activities Go to movies, sporting events or entertainment events Exercise, participate in sports or active recreation Participate in community clubs or organizations Participate in civic or political activities Participate in religious or spiritual activities Is this activity important to you? No Yes Enough Not Enough Too Much 1. How often? --> 2. Important? --> 3. Doing enough? For each item, tell us: 1) How often you do the activity, 2) If the activity is important to you, and 3) If you feel you are you are doing the activity enough, too much, or not enough. Are you doing this activity: 3 Once None 2Times 3Times 4Times 5orMore Times 7532 Community Participation Indicators CaseId # Page of 7 1. I live my life the way that I want........................................... 23. I take responsibility for my own life...................................... 3. I participate in a variety of activities...................................... 4. I am uncomfortable participating in community activities.... 5. I spend time doing things that improve my community........ 6. I participate in activities that I choose.................................... 7. I spend time helping others.................................................... 8. I count as a person in society.................................................. 9. I have the freedom to make my own decisions...................... 10. I live my life fully................................................................... 12. I have reliable access to a telephone....................................... 13. I have a say on decisions in my community........................... 14. I have choices about the activities I do................................... 15. I actively pursue my dreams and desires................................ 16. I do things that are important to me........................................ 17. People have high expectations of me..................................... 19. I contribute to society............................................................. 21. I speak up for myself.............................................................. 22. People speak to me disrespectfully......................................... 24. I have good job opportunities................................................. 2. People try to put limits on me................................................ Community Participation Indicators CaseId # 25. People underestimate me........................................................ 20. I have opportunities to make new friends.............................. Page of 74 18. I am able to go out and have fun............................................ 11. I regularly seek out new challenges....................................... Please mark the choice that most closely reflects your opinion: Shade circles like this: Not like this: 49147 Community Participation Indicators CaseId # Page of 7 33. I am in control of my own life................................................ 34. I am ignored............................................................................ 35. I feel safe participating in community activities.................... 36. I am treated as a valued member of society............................ 37. People see my potential.......................................................... 38. I have access to reliable transportation................................... 39. I have reliable access to the Internet....................................... 40. I have control over how I spend my time............................... 41. People listen to what I say...................................................... 42. I participate in activities when I want..................................... 44. I am treated like a human being............................................. 45. People count on me................................................................ 46. I contribute to the well-being of my community.................... 47. I am actively involved in my community............................... 30. I do important things with my life.......................................... 32. I have influence in my community......................................... 31. My community respects me the way that I am....................... 48. It is hard for me to get information about community services.................................................................................. 27. I am welcome in my community............................................ 28. I am treated equally................................................................ 29. I have reliable access to community services......................... 43. I am uncomfortable participating in public meetings............. 5 Please mark the choice that most closely reflects your opinion: Shade circles like this: Not like this: 26. I assume leadership roles in organizations............................. 49147 Community Participation Indicators CaseId # Page of 76 5. Did you vote in the last major election? Yes No Demographics 2. What is your age? 4. Which of the following best describes your race? White Asian Black or African American Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Native Other: 3. Are you of Spanish or Hispanic origin? Male Female 1. Respondent's GENDER: Yes No Years 7. Are you limited in any way in any activities because of physical, mental, or emotional problems? Yes No If YES, please describe: 10. Do you now have any health problem that requires the assistance of equipment such as a cane, a wheelchair, a special bed, or a modified telephone? Include occassional use or use in certain circumstances. Yes No 8. Would you describe your handicap, disability, or health problem as: Slight Moderate Somewhat severe, or Very severe [Skip to #9] 9. How old were you when your handicap, disability or health problem began? Or were you born with your disability? Years Enter "00" if born with a disability Married A member of an unmarried couple Single and never been married Widowed Divorced Separated 6. Are you currently: 49147 Community Participation Indicators CaseId # Page of 7 12. What is your household's largest source of income? (Mark only one) That was the last question. Thank you for your help. If you would like more information about this study, please call (866) 577-7430. Again, thank you! My employment Other household members' employment Social Security Disability Insurance Long term disability insurance Retirement income Investments and savings Lawsuit settlement Inheritance Public sources (Social Security Supplement, etc.) 11. Do you have: (Please mark all that apply) A learning disability of any kind Any emotional or mental disability Any disability that limits the ability to speak or communicate Any disability that limits hearing Any vision or sight-related disability, except for ordinary eyeglasses Any physical disability that limits the use of the legs, arms, or hands 7 Copyright © 2007 Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (RRTC) on Measuring Rehabilitation Outcomes and Effectiveness A project funded by the National Institute of Disability and Rehabilitation Research Allen W. Heinemann, PhD 345 East Superior Street Chicago, IL 60611-2654 USA +1.312.238.2802 (v) +1.312.238.2383 (f) 49147