Placement Test KAJ

Instructions for Placement Test

The test is open only until March 19, 2018!

Why is it important for you to complete the test? 
The aim of the test is to determine which of the grammatical and lexical features of English still need your attention. After the test is evaluated you will learn your approximate level according to CEFR  and the areas you should work on in the future.

Even though you fill in the test individually online, do not cheat, because if your results are not genuine, you will not know which features you should focus on.

What does the test consist of? 
There are 60 grammatical or lexical items in one of the formats: 

  • Multiple Choice, where only one is correct;
  • Short Answers, where you fill in the blanks provided in each item according to the instructions.
​As there might be items of listening comprehension, have your headphones ready and tested beforehand.

How long does it take? 
Approximately 40 minut, but you can interrupt it anytime and return to it in a more appropriate time if need be. If you happen to lose the internet connection you can continue later when you are online again.

Where to find it? 
The link Placement Test bellow will lead you to the login page.

How to log in?
You log in via the MU symbol on the left hand side. Use your UČO and your secondary password for IS. Secondary password for IS is not the password you use when logging in the Information System, but the one you use for the library, computers in the classrooms, Moodlinka, etc. If you do not have one, you can create it here.

Any problems will be dealt with here.