Syntax B

Handout 2b Coordination


Lesson 2 – Handout 2b



Having studied Chapter 13 in Greenbaum and Quirk, you should be able to answer the following questions:


1.   What is the difference between COORDINATION and SUBORDINATION?


2.   What are CORRELATIVES? Give 3 examples:


3.   Are the two sentences below correct?


4.   Explain the two following terms: CONJOIN(S), CONJOINT


5.   Explain the difference between SIMPLE and COMPLEX coordination:


6.   What types of SIMPLE coordination do you know?


7.   Which types of SIMPLE coordination are represented by the following sentences?

1.   Lucy ate the fruit and drank the coke.

2.   Most people will have read the book or seen the film.


8.   Explain what “gapping” means: 


9. Which other types of coordination (besides simple and complex) do you know?


10. Now describe the above coordination structures (from Question 9):


11.   Explain the difference between COMBINATORY and SEGREGATORY coordination of NPs.


12.   Is the conjoint NP ‘Paul and Peggy’ in the following sentence combinatory or segregatory?

Paul and Peggy received a wonderful present.


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