jamkfi_tunnus_sininen_600dpi.png Welcome! Inclusive Research 16 – 20 April 2018 Maija Hirvonen JAMK University of Applied Sciences maija.hirvonen@jamk.fi jamkfi_tunnus_sininen_600dpi.png Readings •Please read the report ”Where we live” •A National Study done by members of the Inclusive Research Network • •What are the charasteristics of inclusive research? • •http://www.fedvol.ie/Inclusive_Research_Network_IRN/Default.241.html • • jamkfi_tunnus_sininen_600dpi.png Empowering interview Listening to people – participatory methods in special needs education. Interview as an example •Goals: •Qualitative research is an inquiry process, that aims at understanding a phenomenon (e.g. social and health problems) from the point of view of people who are studied. •The researcher attempt to build a complex, holistic picture of the phenomenon and conducts the study in an natural setting. (Flick 2009) •The main goal is to understand how we can support students with special educational needs in the participation of the planning of their own life. •Content: •Introduction of participants and course program. •What is Inclusive Research? •Qualitative Research Design – what does it mean? •Interview: What is it? •In what ways is it understood? What kind of needs do we have? Interview techniques •Ethical issues in qualitative research • 1 field work/exposure day •Findings of the field work at the end of the workshop • • • • jamkfi_tunnus_sininen_600dpi.png •Listening to people – participatory methods in special needs education. Interview as an example • • • •The essential features of qualitative research •Empowering participation-some examples •Qualitative research design •Defining research question(s) •Interview methods • • • • • jamkfi_tunnus_sininen_600dpi.png Timetable •16 April at 10-16 •(Orientation to the theme, background), •Basics on Inclusive Research •17 April at 9-16 Qualitative Research • Participatory methods • Interview • 18 April • At 9 o`clock: Orientation to the field work (starting at the university, after which we will go in • small groups to do the field work) •19 April at 9-16 • Summaries and presentations of the field work •20 April at 8-10 •What did I learn? Feedback of the week • • •