Syntax B

Handout 10b Adverbial clauses

Handout 10b


Possible semantic functions of adverbial clauses:

clauses of time; clauses of place; clauses of condition, concession, contrast; clauses of exception; reason clauses; purpose clauses; result clauses; clauses of similarity and comparison; clauses of preference; comment clauses


In the following sentences decide which type of adverbial clauses they represent:

Buy your ticket as soon as you reach the station.                                  =  

She went wherever she could find work.                                               =

If I pass the exam, I’ll go to the cinema.                                                 =

Although she still loved him, she didn’t want to see him.                      =

I would pay you now, except that I don’t have any money on me.         =

Seeing that it is about to rain, we’d better leave now.                            =

Students should take notes (so as) to make revision easier.                   =

We paid her immediately, so that she left contented.                                          =

John looks as if he’s getting better.                                                        =

Prague, as you probably know, is the capital of the Czech Republic.    =


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