Syntax B


To get a credit for "Seminář k syntax B" (A2BK_SYNB, A2BP_SYNB) and thus qualify for the final exam, you have to:

  1. do all the homework assignments, preferably by the dates specified
  2. participate in all in-class activities
  3. do all the online quizzes, ideally by the dates specified (they are based on the reference books by Greenbaum, S. and Quirk, R. (1990) A Student's Grammar of the English Language, and Gethin, H. (1992) Grammar in Context, and serve as self-check exercises - providing you with feedback on your study progress - there is therefore no particular passmark; however, try to bear in mind that your score should not be lower than 70%!)
  4. take a mid-term translation (based on Chapter 10 in Gethin "The infinitive and -ing"; pass mark 70%)
  5. take a mid-term test (based on Chapters 13 and 16 in Chalker and Chapters 3-6 and 10 in Gethin; pass mark 70 %, this test can be taken once more if necessary)
  6. take a final exam test and final exam translation (covering the content of the whole school year, i.e. relevant chapters in Greenbaum & Quirk, Chalker, and Gethin; pass mark 70%)
Having met all the requirements above, you can then sit for a final ORAL EXAM, which will cover all topics discussed in both semesters (i.e. in Seminář k syntaxi A, Syntax A and Seminář k syntaxi B, Syntax B).