Articles Use a/an with singular countable nouns meaning “one, some”. - often after “to be”, “to have” and “there is” Use the with concrete/specific/unique nouns. Use “zero article” with plural nouns and uncountable nouns when the reference is general. “a” - before SINGULAR countable nouns when mentioned for the first time, meaning “one”, “some”: I bought a chair. - after to be, have got, there is when describing sb/st: It’s a nice day. I’ve got a brother. There’s a painting by Picasso. - with professions: She’s a head teacher. (BUT She’s the head teacher of Park School) . - with a unit of measurement: three times a day, once a week - in exclamations: What a lovely day! “the” - before SG and PL countable nouns + uncountable nouns when we refer to o a specific/concrete thing: I’ll wear the dress I bought last week. o a particular/concrete place, person, animal, thing and the listener knows about it: The postman has been already here. Your keys are in the kitchen. o unique things, objects…: the world, the sun, the weather, the American Civil War o groups of people (collective nouns): the British, the Italians, the police, the government, the public, the army - before o adjectives referring to a group of people: the rich, the poor, the unemployed, the disabled o parts of the day: in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening o names of ships, newspapers and magazines and some musical groups: The Victoria, The Times, The Economist, The Czech Philharmonic Choir o superlatives and ordinals: the best film, for the third time o names of musical instruments: Can you play the violin? (BUT I’ve just bought a new guitar.) o “water” names: oceans, seas, rivers, water-falls: the Indian Ocean, the River Zambezi (BUT LAKES – zero article: e.g. Moraine Lake, Lake Louise) o geographical terms: groups of islands, islands called “The Isle of…”, mountain ranges, deserts, regions: the Bahamas, the Himalaya, the Sahara, the Arctic o few names of countries: the USA, the Netherlands, the Ukraine, the Philippines, the Sudan, the United Arab Emirates, the Ivory Coast… “zero article” - before PLURAL NOUNS and SINGULAR uncountable nouns in general sense: o Books are very important to me. BUT: Do you have the books I’ve lent you? - with proper nouns: to Paris, on Friday - with meals: Have you had breakfast yet? - with school, class, college, university, home, work, church, bed, hospital, prison, town: Danny’s gone to bed. Peter is in prison. (BUT There isn’t a church in the village.) - with by + transport: by train - with next/last + week etc., days of the week….: next Monday, next time PRACTICE Complete the sentences below with -, a/an or the. 1) "What do you do?" -- "I'm _________ teacher." THE by byl nějaký konkrétní učitel, o kterém se již mluvilo. 2) Where do you go to _________ school? ve vazbách GO TO SCHOOL, BE AT SCHOOL apod. člen nepoužíváme.3) He's from _________ USA. USA je název státu o více slovech, u takových používáme určitý člen4) Have you read _________ book which I gave you last month? TU KNIHU, kterou jsem ti minulý měsíc dal - konkrétní kniha5) The journey only takes about _________ hour. jedná se o asi JEDNU hodinu, proto neurčitý člen6) He's very lonely. He doesn't have _________ friends. nemyslíme tím, že nemá nějaké konkrétní přátele, ale že obecně nemá přátele 7) Susan works in _________ London. u měst členy nepoužíváme (výjimkou je např. The Hague) 8) "Did you see Terminator 3 on TV last night?" -- "Yes, it was _________ awesome movie." neříkám, že je to TEN ÚŽASNÝ film, o kterém jsme mluvili 9) "Did you lock _________ door?" -- "Oh I forgot!" máme na mysli asi ty jedny konkrétní dveře (hlavní dveře, vstupní dveře), dotyčný zjevně také ví, o které se jedná, proto určitý člen10) Can I speak to Nicky, please? -- Yes, hold on. She's in _________ garden. 11) "What's your favourite food?" -- "I like _________ spaghetti." nejedná se o žádné konkrétní špagety, které by měl rád - má rád špagety obecně12) "Where are you from?" -- "I'm from _________ Czech Republic." před státy s názvem skladajícím se z více slov (vlastní podstatné jméno + obecné podstatné jméno) se píše určitý člen13) I usually go to school by _________ bike. ve vazbách BY + dopravní prostředek se člen nepíše, muselo by to být např. "ON THE BIKE which I got for Christmas", potom by sem člen patřil14) "Where's Jimmy?" -- "He's waiting in _________ car." oznamujeme, kde je Jimmy, pravděpodobně oba vědí, o jaké auto se jedná, asi o to jejich, nebo to jeho15) "Can I borrow your calculator?" -- "Sure, but _________ display is broken.” 16) Do you think he can play _________ trumpet? je jasné, že se jedná o displej té kalkulačky, proto určitý člen 17) "Hello, could I speak to _________ manager, please?" chci mluvit s vedoucím, tedy s tím, kdo to vede, a takový je jeden. Kdybych věděl, že firma má víc manažerů a bylo by mi jedno, se kterým budu mluvit, potom by šel i neurčitý18) Look at _________ sky! It's going to rain! nebe je jen jedno, proto THE (stejně jako SUN, MOON, WEATHER apod.)19) She's bought _________ new car. She drives a Mercedes now. THE by v tomto případě bylo jen např. kdyby si koupila TO nové auto, o kterém včera mluvila. Potom by ale asi tato testová otázka měla více kontextu, nebo byla jinak formulovaná20) Rhode Island is _________ American state. 21) _________ Atlantic Ocean is the most polluted ocean in the world. THE by bylo, kdyby byl ten americký stát blíže specifikován.... např. It's THE American with the smallest population. (TEN s nejmenší populací)22) We were supposed to write an essay on The Picture of Dorian Gray, but I didn't find _________ book in the library. BOOK je podtstané jméno počitatelné v jednotném čísle, a takové musí mít nějaký člen (nebo např. přivlastňovací zájmeno) jedná se o určitou knihu, a to o 'Obraz Doriana Graye', proto určitý člen jedná se o tu jednu zahradu, tu kterou mají u domu (pravděpodobně), proto určitý člen - do telefonu tedy někomu oznamuje že ví, kde je, a že ji asi zavolá 23) Can you please go to _________ grocery store on Fifth Street and buy 2 cartons of milk? 24) _________ people seem to be always in a hurry these days. 25) I want to buy _________ laptop computer next week. Þ Never use “a/an” with plural nouns. Þ When specifying: use “the + noun + of”: the price of gold; the size of these particles… BUT X There is a lack of/ a shortage of resources…. X Supporters of free trade point out that… Þ Don’t use articles when referring to figures or tables: The increasing tendency is illustrated in Fig. 5. Table 2 lists the applied indicators.