SPp003 Inclusive Education
General Information

The aim of the course is to familiarized student with the concept of Inclusive Education from the International Perspective. Within the course, the core themes connected with Inclusive Education will be discussed as well as conditions which supporting/hindering the effectivity of Inclusive school Environment. Students are asked to reflect on their own opinion and learn from each other via group and project activities.

Learning outcomes
- student will be familirazied with the concept of inclusion and connected concepts
- student will get knowledge concerning the inclusive education from the perspective of international research
- student will be able to define key aspects affecting the inclusive school environment

Course organization
Students have been divided into 2 groups - Squares/ Circles. Both groups have been divided into 3 smaller working groups - Bumblebees, Flowers, Honeys.
Based on following schedule, groups will meet and within the woking groups fulfill 3 group tasks /MindMaps/ Presentations) based on given topic:
Squares: 25.2.; 18.3. and 1.4.
Circles: 11.3.; 25.3. and 6.5.
All students will participate on lecture given by Assar Hornell (Mid Sweden University, Sweden) on 4th of March; at 2 p.m. till 4.30 p.m. in the room RUV, Poříčí 9. The topic of the Lecture: Inclusion in Swedish schools.

Course requirements
- Active Participation on 3 group meetings
- Active preparation of given tasks in group which are described in the interactive syllaby. In within the group, students are asked to prepared 3 tasks and present them during 3 group meetings in the form of MindMaps/Presentation/Structured information - depend on the group.
Facilitator role
Facilitator is a student who will closely watch the presentation of other group and after their presentation ask at least one question concerning prepared topic.