DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY MEETING I 15.3. 2019 MGR. ET MGR. DAVID HAVELKA, PH.D. CONTENTS OF THE LECTURES What would you like to talk about/learn? 1) Reflections on developmental psychology 2) Developmental theories 3) Attachment theory + psychosocial deprivation Literature Exploring developmental psychology understanding theory and methods Margaret Harris (after logging in via Masaryk university) - The Oxford handbook of developmental psychology Philip David Zelazo - Attachment in the classroom : the links between children's early experience, emotional well-being and performance in school. GEDDES, Heather Meetings April 5: 8:00–9:50 room 38 May 3: 12:00–13:50 room 20 COLLOQUIUM A) TEST B) COLLOQUIUM ABOUT A CASE STUDY Case study Description of a child/student Linked with developmental theories  Suggestion of solution + connection with theory of developmental psychology INSTRUCTIONS FOR CASE STUDY - see IS … A little excercise Place of developmental psychology in the learning process Complexity of a child Body &psycho motor dev. Cognitive dev. Dev. of thinking & language Emotional dev. Social dev. 8 stages of psychosocial development Erik Homburger Erikson E.H. Erikson – basic concepts Epigenetic principle Development Crisis The development task, "virtues" Conflict Identity Fight for a trophy Early childhood (from birth to 18 months) Child completely dependent on care (especially maternal) Trust X Mistrust Trust is build physical care (breastfeeding, feeding), availability of caregiver, warmth, contact, expressions of love Mistrust arises from rejection, inappropriate care, unpredictability or unavailability of the caregiver Toddler (around 18 months -3 years) Child learns "to do things independently" - to decide itself, to control it´s own body autonomy X doubts and shame Autonomy is related to the development of self-confidence, self- awareness Doubts and feelings of shame usually arise from over-protective or restrictive parenting behavior Pre-school age (about 3 - 6 years) Child begins to be creative, rapid advancement of fantasy appears, interest in the world broadens, social contact deepens Initiative X guilty Development of one's own initiative is related to whether parents give the child the freedom to play, imagine and ask questions The feelings of guilt are a reaction to criticism, prohibitions, insults, humiliation Moral development implies a balance between initiative and guilt School age (around 6 - 12 years) Child is naturally realistic, performance focused, ready to learn systematically, fulfill the tasks, compete industry X inferiority Industry is supported by feelings of success, appreciation of constructive activities ... Feelings of inferiority are based on the predominance of signals about child deficiencies and their inferiority of their performance Adolescence (approx. 12 – 19 years) Pivotal period in Erikson's concept. In this period skills and plans for the future are combined by building one's own identity. Identity X role confusion The sense of identity is related to internal stability, but presupposes the possibility of experimenting; it is also related to finding a "place" in the sense of a role that does not force a person to embezzle themselves („feel the way I am“) Confusion of roles is often related to the fact that one does not sufficiently separated his personal identity from the family, poor professional plans, with a vague idea of himself Young adulthood (approx to 25 years) A typical life theme is formation of a family Intimacy X Loneliness Intimacy means the ability to share experience and life with partner, and to create satisfatory two-sided relationship Loneliness (social isolation) is associated with feelings of lack of Interest of manifestation of care… Middle age adulthood( approx 25 years) Important developmental task is to take care of something - usually offspring, but also a "child" in a more figurative sense - a work beneficial for others ... Generativity XXX Stagnation Feelings of life stagnation are related to the impossibility of taking care, engaging, “giving something to the world” (for various reasons) Older adulthood (approx. 65+) Typical is the “recapitulation” of one's own life history (not only) by balancing Integrity X despair Integrity is related to the achievement of a certain life wisdom, serenity, often with a sense of satisfaction from living life Feelings of despair may relate to unfulfilled life, but may also be related to the losses that aging and old age accompanies Basic conflicts and dominants of identity Trust / Mistrust "I'm what I can rely on ..." Autonomy / Shame & Doubt „I am what I can do on my own “ Initiative / Guilt „I am what I am asking about“ Industry/ Inferiority „I am what I am cappable of“ Základní konflikty a dominanty identity Identity / Role Confussion „I am what I believe in“ Intimacy / Isolation „I am what I love“ Generativity / Stagnation „I am what I am providing“ Integrity / Despair „I am what will remain after I leave“ Základní konflikty a odpovídající „ctnosti“ Trust / Mistrust ―› hope Autonomy / Shame & Doubt ―› willpower, pride Initiative / Guilt ―› purposefulness, conscience Industry/ Inferiority ―› competence Identity / Role Confussion ―› loyalty Intimity / Isolation ―› love Generativity / Stagnation ―› Ability to care Integrity / Despair ―› wisdom, inner peace Blue eyes / brown eyes experiment "When our leader J.F. Kennedy was killed several years ago, his widow held us together. Who's going to control your people?“ "Oh Great Spirit, keep me from ever judging a man until I have walked a mile in his moccasins." Children were divided on blue eyes (superior) and brown eyes (inferior) BROWN EYES • Had to wear a blue collar • Could not drink from own cups • Could not drink from same fountain as blue eyes • Teacher saw only negatives and failures BLUE EYES: • Could have more meal during the lunch • Could go to gym during break • Sat in front of the classroom • Teacher saw only positives and successes Children could not play together Consequences Superiors: arrogant, unfriendly to inferior Inferiors: silent, frustrated, passive Performance Documentary: A class divided 1st day 2nd day Brown eyes 5:18 2.34 Blue eyes 3:15 4:40 reflections Pygmalion effect Golem effect School Maturity BODY MENTAL EMOTIONAL SOCIAL BODY Completed ossification of wrist bones Stretched the skeleton Solid skeleton and developed muscles A certain level of physical condition Child can handle heavy physical stress (long sitting, school briefcase) Well developed fine motor skills and well-developed tiny muscles of the hands and eyes (for reading and writing) Good visuomotor coordination (important for writing) MENTAL Maturity Sufficient maturity of brain - Developed mental processes (understanding is more realistic, fantasy processes are on decline) CHILD: o understands simple terms related to time (yesterday-today-tomorrow, morning-noon-evening) o knows the seasons o is able to sort things by size, length, quantity, kind o is capable of logical thinking about terms (what are similarities of: table and chair; shirt and sweater, etc) o knows basic colors - even complementary (orange, brown, pink, purple) o has some numerical knowledge (how many legs the dog has, how many days are in a week) and skills (can count to 10) o adds and subtracts to 5 (add and remove from a number of things) o it can show the right number on fingers or is able select the required number from the pile of items MENTAL Maturity Memory (intentional memory) o remember a sentence of eight words and literally repeat it o do the task bases on three instructions given at one time o memorize short poems and songs, or tell jokes or riddles Lateralization and development of sensorimotor coordination Developed speech ofluent and expressive speech o grammatically correct o to speak in sentences, answer questions The maturity of visual and auditory differentiation and graphomotorics (the child is able to differentiate between various shapes and name the basic shapes; knows the shapes of at least some letters and numbers, knows the first letter in the word) MENTAL Maturity Adequate level of intelligence Increased requirements for intentional attention: Ability to perceive and focus (at least 10-15 minutes) Curiosity and interest in knowledge SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL Maturity Ability to: - manage and cope with emotions - accept the role of a student (e.g. accept the authority of the teacher, be the part of the group) - perform difficult tasks, work alone - interest in social interaction (with other classmates, making friends) - be without a mother, to share the teacher's favor with other children. - control itself (Don't interrupt - wait to speak; aAnswer and ask only to call) School maturity indicators Age  Height and weight "approx. 120 cm and 20 kg" Second dentition Shape of body (extension of limbs, body should dominate and head should be smaller) Philippine rate Psychological indicators of maturity - eg: Jirásek´s test of school maturity - drawing of human figure (laterality, overall intellectual level and graphomotoric problems) - imitation of a written sentence, (ability to concentrate; make efforts to accomplish tasks) - copy a group of 10 dots (accuracy and visual movement coordination) Consequences of school immaturity School failure reduced self-esteem negative emotions towards yourself, adults, school overloading at school and at home Creating a negative attitude towards school and education REACTIVE BEHAVIOR DIFFICULTIES AND PROBLEMS (aggression, shyness, anxiety) For the next lecture see… Děti bez lásky …and answer this questions How does Z. Matějček define the deprivation? What signs of deprivation are visible in young children (adolescents) acting in movie? What kind of conditions leads to deprivation? What interested you, disturbed, triggered further thoughts, questions? Basic theories of development - Erikson: Stages of psychosocial development - Piaget: Cognitive development - Kohlberg: Moral development Attachment theory Psychosocial deprivation How to be a good teacher? Be like mr. Jensen…..