DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY MEETING III MGR. ET MGR. DAVID HAVELKA, PH.D. Colloquium Group discussion on case report / colloquial test 3 exam dates: 17.5. (17:00; 18:00) 14.6. (10:00; 11:00) 21.6. (14:00; 15:00) Literature Exploring developmental psychology understanding theory and methods Margaret Harris (after logging in via Masaryk university) - The Oxford handbook of developmental psychology Philip David Zelazo - Attachment in the classroom : the links between children's early experience, emotional well-being and performance in school. GEDDES, Heather Theory and practice About SCARED STRAIGHT creation: 1970´s authors: inmates in long-term inprisonment (esp. Richard Rowe) Goal: prevention of juvenile delinquency Application: USA, UK, Norway, Australia, Germany, Canada Media: TV series Beyond scared straight (13. 1. 2011 – 3. 9. 2015) Documentary film - 1978: Arnold Shapiro - Until the end of 1979 – spread into 30 USA jurisdictions1 A little taste Program effectivity 12 statistically sound studies (1978 – 2010)2 Showed that Scared straight !DOES NOT WORK! No study proving opposite was published1 2 - Klenowski, P. M., Bell, K. J., & Dodson, K. D. (2010). An Empirical Evaluation of Juvenile Awareness Programs in the United States: Can Juveniles be ‘‘Scared Straight’’? Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, stránky 254–272. 1- Petrosino, A., Carolyn, T.-P., Holis-Peel, M. E., & Stern, A. (2014). Scared Straight and Other Juvenile Awareness Programs for Preventing Juvenile Delinquency. Crime Prevention Research Review. Why program does not work? Group discussion Why program does not work? ◦ Disproportionate DOSING ◦ CONFRONTIERING nature of the program ◦ TRUE interest in juveniles ◦ CRUELTY of punishment is far less disparaging than CERTAINTY of punishment ◦ Lack of REHABILITATION components ◦ The program is not based on an explicit theory ◦ Nondelinquent X delinquent individuals What may be the reasons leading people to use this program? Group discussion What may be the reasons leading people to use this program? oArguments on emotions oLogical appearance (missing theoretical background) oSeemingly measurable oOffer of simple solution to complex and challenging problem oMay work on healthy population oExtremely cheap Developmental psychology lessons for teaching practice Teaching procedures and methods must :  build on theory and knowledge, not simply on an intuition  be based on the life story and developmental stage of the child  simple solutions may not always be the best ones  education is a long-term process, not a one-time shot  child can be developed through supporting and developing it´s positive features, attributes & talent, not only by highlighting the points in which he is insufficient  consistent guidance is much more effective than hard punishment and restraints  what is effecitve for us does not have to be effective for others Basis of periodization in developmental theories Psychological development is a: ◦ regular process, composed of consecutive phases; that have typical, invariant order ◦ holistic process involving somatic, psychological and social components (and their interactions) ◦ continuum of gradual changes; differentiation and integration of processes and properties leads to the emergence of qualitatively new forms that alter the nature of interaction and stimulate further development XXX ◦ Is not completely fluent and uniform; preparatory phases can be recognized; there are also periods of latency or periods of cumulative changes - development leaps (e.g. Sexual development) ◦ Is individually specific - general principles "apply" only in general Developmental milestones Signal more significant change in some areas of development (more often the accumulation of changes) Biological (body growth, CNS maturation, motor changes, hormonal changes; examples: walking alone, development of secondary sexual characteristics) Psychological (changes in mental capacity, changes caused by learning, changes in self-concept; examples: language acquisition, the onset of specific operations stage,…) Social (defining of new roles, "transition rituals" – e.g. entering school, first ID card, retirement bill…) Example of accumalation of changes: School maturity Sensitive and critical phases Sensitive phase: In this phase person is significantly more receptive to stimuli of a certain kind and seu up better to integrate them Examples: speech development, development of the ability to establish bilateral emotional relationship (see attachment) Critical phase: This term express the fact that certain stimuli are necessary at certain stages – process of learning cannot be "completed" later Example: imprinting period Transitions between stages and developmental (transitional) crises Development does not have to be smooth, there may appear a "tension" between the „new“ and the „old“ Different concepts of crisis – crisis as: ◦ result of an unmanaged development task ◦ „Period between" two stable phases ◦ time of uncertainty in „new“ … ◦ subjectively perceived motivation for change predictable developmental (transitional) crises have a different character than irregular personal or social crises - their mastery is a developmental task Types of periodization o„life-span“ (e.g. E. Erikson – 8 stages) o focused on certain part of life (usually considered as significant – commonly childhood) (e.g.: S. Freud – Psychosexual Development; M. Mahler – Separation-Individuation Theory) Focused on development of a certain function, system, property ... aspect of life – emotional development, cognitive development, moral development (e.g.: J. Piaget, L. Kohlberg) Eclectic „life-span“ periodization (according to Vágner, 2005, 2007) Periods: ◦ Prenatal ◦ Newborn ◦ Nursling ◦ Toddler ◦ Preschool period ◦ School age – younger, middle, older ◦ Adolescence ◦ Adulthood – young (20-40), middle (40-50), older (50-60) ◦ Senior age– early (60-75), genuine(75 a více) Cognitive development Cognition – Mental processes by which knowledge is acquired, elaborated, stored, retrieved, and used to solve problems. Cognitive Development – Refers to the changes that occur in children’s mental skills and abilities over time. Jean Piaget (1896 - 1980) Swiss Psychologist Published first paper at 10 Earned his doctorate in natural sciences at 21 Was intrigued by kids’ thoughts & behavior, & worked to understand their cognitive development Most widely known theory of cognitive development – GENETIC EPISTEMIOLOGY Constructivism Learning is an active process of construction rather than a passive assimilation of information or rote memorization. individuals construct their understanding Child is a ‘little scientist’ constructing understandings of the world largely alone Constructivist educators create an environment which encourages children to construct their own knowledge. Key concepts Schemata - An organized pattern of thought or action that one constructs to interpret some aspect of one’s experience. (Represent the way that people organize and understand the things around them) Equilibrium- refers to the cognitive balance that humans strive for through out development (We adjust our ideas to make sense of reality) Disequilibrium - we are driven or motivated to learn when we are in disequilibrium (We want to understand things) Adaptation- refers to the invariant process of change in schemata. •Assimilation: process of matching external reality to an existing cognitive structure. •Accommodation: When there’s an inconsistency between the learner’s cognitive structure & the thing being learned the child will reorganize her thoughts Stages of cognitive development A child’s capacity to understand certain concepts is based on the child’s developmental stage All children develop according to four stages based on how they see the world (age may vary some, but we all go through the stages in the same order) Sensorimotor Stage (0-2) The child: ◦ Explore the world through senses & motor activity (learn about the world using senses - seeing, hearing, tasting, feeling, smelling and motor skills - grabbing, stroking, pushing, kicking. Is attracted to facing, music and things that move) ◦ Early on, baby can’t tell difference between themselves & the environment ◦ If they can’t see something then it doesn’t exist ◦ Begin to understand cause & effect ◦ Can later follow something with their eyes ◦ Object Permanence – knowledge that an object continues to exist independent of our seeing, hearing, touching, tasting or smelling it! Major Accomplishments of the Sensorimotor Period Object Permanence Mental Representations Symbol System Begins with no visual or manual search Mental Representations cannot be held in mind: “ Out of Sight is Out of Mind” No use of symbols Searches for partially concealed objects Mental Representations are beginning to be able to be held in mind Emergence of rudimentary symbols Searches for completely concealed objects Mental Representations are able to be held in mind Representations are coded with symbols: gestures & sounds Searchers after visible displacement Mental Representations can be held in mind but their external existence is tentative Symbols are becoming more complex and are more linguistic Searches after hidden displacement Mental Representations can be held in mind and they are secure Symbolic Function is Achieved: Gestures and Language Preoperational Stage (2-7) Divided into 2 subperiods: The Preconceptual (2-4) and The Intuitive (4-7) Major Characteristic: Symbolic Functioning evidenced by language, imaginative play, increase in deferred imitation. Acceleration of language is regarded as an outcome of the development of symbolization, rather than the inverse. Preoperational Thought is Characterized by the Following Egocentrism Centration State Fixation Unstable Equilibrium Irreversibility Transduscive Reasoning Egocentrism (4 yrs) Draw how the mountains would look from the doll´s point of view Piaget’s Demonstration of Preoperational Thinking Errors: Conservation Tasks •Conservation of Volume •Conservation of Mass •Conservation of Number •Conservation of Length The Concrete operational stage (7-11) •The child begins to reason logically, and organize thoughts coherently. However, it cannot handle abstract reasoning. •children begin to process complex concepts such as numbers and relationships but they need concrete examples to understand these concepts. •There is the ability to perform multiple classification tasks, order objects in a logical sequence, and comprehend the principle of conservation. •The child is capable of concrete problem-solving. Some reversibility now possible (quantities moved can be restored such as in arithmetic: 3+4 = 7 and 7-4 = 3, etc.) •Class logic-finding bases to sort unlike objects into logical groups where previously it was on superficial perceived attribute such as color. Categorical labels such as "number" or animal" now available. The Formal Operations Stage Mental actions performed on ideas and propositions. Can reason logically about hypothetical processes and events that may have no basis in reality. Child is: ◦ able to think about hypothetical situations ◦ Form & test hypotheses ◦ Organize information ◦ Reason scientifically Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Perspective Sociocultural Theory – Vygotsky’s perspective on cognitive development, in which children acquire their culture’s values, beliefs, and problem-solving strategies through collaborative dialogues with more knowledgeable members of society. Zone of Proximal Development: the range of tasks that are too complex to be mastered alone but can be accomplished with guidance and encouragement from a more skillful partner. Guided participation – adult-child interactions in which children’s cognitions and modes of thinking are shaped as they participate with or observe adults engaged in culturally relevant activities. Theory of stages of moral development Lawrence Kohlberg Kohlberg's stages of moral development constitute an adaptation of a psychological theory originally conceived of by Piaget. Moral reasoning has six developmental stages, each more adequate at responding to moral dilemmas than its predecessor. the process of moral development was principally concerned with justice, and that it continued throughout the individual's lifetime (how individuals would justify their actions if placed in similar moral dilemmas). Kohlberg's scale is about how people justify behaviors and his stages are not a method of ranking how moral someone's behavior is. Kohlberg’s Six Stages • Stages cannot be skipped • Each stage provides a new and necessary perspective • Each stage is more comprehensive and differentiated than its predecessors Level 1 (Pre-Conventional) ◦ Child’s level. (However, some adults act out of this level.) ◦ People at this level judge the morality of an action by its direct consequences. ◦ Solely concerned with the self in an egocentric manner. ◦ Person has not yet adopted or internalized society's conventions regarding what is right or wrong, but instead focuses largely on external consequences that certain actions may bring 1. Punishment avoidance and Obedience orientation (How can I avoid punishment?) 2. Exchange of Favors: Self-interest orientation (What's in it for me?) (Paying for a benefit) Level 2 (Conventional) ◦ Typical of adolescents and adults ◦ Those who reason in a conventional way judge the morality of actions by comparing them to society's views and expectations. ◦ At this level an individual obeys rules and follows society's norms even when there are no consequences for obedience or disobedience. ◦ Adherence to rules and conventions is somewhat rigid, however 3. Good Boy/Good girl: Interpersonal accord and conformity (Social norms) (The good boy/good girl attitude) 4. Law & Order: Authority and social-order maintaining orientation (Law and order, morality) Level 3 (Post-Conventional) ◦ There is a growing realization that individuals are separate entities from society, and that the individual’s own perspective may take precedence over society’s view; they may disobey rules inconsistent with their own principles. ◦ These people live by their own abstract principles about right and wrong—principles that typically include such basic human rights as life, liberty, and justice. Because of this level’s “nature of self before others”, the behavior of post-conventional individuals, especially those at stage six, can be confused with that of those at the pre-conventional level. 5. Social contract orientation 6. Universal ethical principles (Principled conscience) Heinz Dilemma