Topic 3: Complementation of verbs and adjectives – Revision questions
Topic 3: Complementation of verbs and adjectives – Revision questions
1. Which classes of multi-word verbs do you know?
2. Illustrate the difference between an idiomatic combination (e.g. a prepositional verb) and a free combination!
3. What is the difference between phrasal and prepositional verbs?
4. In which position can you place a pronominal object with phrasal verbs, unlike prepositional verbs?
5. In which clause types can you come across complex-transitive verbs?
6. Present several examples of adjectives that require complementation by a prepositional phrase!
7. Which other types of adjective complementation, apart from prepositional phrases, do you know?
8. What do you know about copular verbs and in which clause type can they occur?
9. Present several examples of ditransitive complementation!
10. Which other types of multi-word verbs apart from the main three groups (phrasal, prepositional, and phrasal-prepositional verbs) do you know?