Tasks based on Chapter 11 Sentence types and discourse functions Read Chapter 11 from A Student’s Grammar of the English Language by Greenbaum and Quirk and answer the following questions. 1. What is the difference between the sentence type and discourse function? 2. What do you understand under direct and indirect speech acts? 3. Which major classes of questions can you distinguish? 4. What do you know about comment clauses? 5. In which types of questions are nonassertive forms used? 6. What do you know about directives? 7. What is block language and where is it used? 8. What do you know about exclamatives? 9. Present your own examples of positive and negative yes-no questions: 10. What do you know about two types of alternative questions? 11. What does it mean that questions may be conducive? 12. What is the difference between declarative and exclamative questions? Present your own examples of each!