Tasks based on Chapter 14 The complex sentence Read Chapter 14 from A Student’s Grammar of the English Language by Greenbaum and Quirk and answer the following questions. 1. What is the difference between the complex and simple sentence? 2. Which three main structural classes of dependent clauses do you know? 3. What is the difference between coordination and subordination? 4. Can there be two co-ordinated clauses in a complex sentence? If yes, invent your own example: 5. How many dependent clauses can there be in a compound sentence? 6. Which formal indicators of subordination, apart from subordinators, do you know? 7. Which classes of non-finite clauses can you distinguish? Add you own examples: 8. Which types of subordinate clauses that have no clear indicator of subordination do you know? 9. What is the difference between direct and indirect speech? 10. What do you know about transferred negation? 11. How do you get the matrix clause from the complex sentence? 12. What do you know about backshift in indirect speech? 13. When is backshift in indirect speech optional? 14. Explain the difference between free indirect and free direct speech!