Angličtina pro speciální pedagogy - D

Distant classes: Common Therapies in SNE


Dear students,

the last handout deals with different kinds of therapies and treatments used in SE. There are two speaking tasks and one discussion task, as well listening and reading (see handout below).

The grammar section has also been updated - I've uploaded activities to practise conditionals, prepositional phrases and phrasal verbs.

In the remaining weeks, I'll be uploading more tasks to help you get ready for the exam as well as giving feedback. 

I would also like to thank you for completing the presented assignments and for participating actively in the discussions. You truly are amazing students and your English is great!

If there is anything you need to consult, please email me. We can also arrange a session over skype.

Stay safe and healthy!

Handout 5

Please download the hadnout below. It's almost identical to the one in the study materials. There are just some extra comments as to which tasks are to be recorded and which to be discussed. 

Check your answers to the other tasks in the key.


This week's recording is made up of three steps:


You're going to watch a video about Snoezelen. I'm sure you know something about it since some of you chose it as a topic for your mini talks last semester. Look at the questions below and try to answer them as best as you can. Make notes. Do not record yourself yet!

o   How does the Snoezelen room look?

o   Who is Snoezelen suitable for?

o   What effects may the therapy have?

o   Which words does the term “Snoezelen” come from?


  • Watch the video about Snoezelen (see link below), do the listening task in the handout (ticking conditions treated in the Snoezelen environment).
  • If you are able to multitask, you can also make notes about the effects/benefits of Snoezelen. If not, watch the video again a take notes about the aforementioned aspects. 
  • Phone a classmate and describe  a few effects/benefits of the multi-sensory environment that were presented in the video to him/her. Note down carefully what your classmate tells you.


Make ONE recording in which you will summarise both steps 1 and 2, i.e. what you remembered about Snoezelen before watching the documentary and which effects/benefits your classmate described to you after watching the video. Upload the file/link in the homework vault below (File name: Surname_snoezelen)


Look at the pictures of various therapies in handout 5, task listening; pick one therapy and discuss the following points in the discussion forum below:

1)     Characterise the therapy:

  • What are some of its basic principles?
  • Who is it beneficial for?
  • What aids and what type of environment does it require?

2)     Is this therapy common in the Czech Republic? Are there enough specialist centres and trained therapists?