Angličtina pro speciální pedagogy - D



Before you do any tasks here, study and complete the conditionals handout in the study materials (you can also download it below).

Then proceed to the tasks from the First Expert book and the ROPOT.

Finally, go to the discussion forum to participate in the conditional relay (štafeta).

First Expert: Conditionals

If you need more practice, download the Google Doc and complete the tasks. Check in the key below.


In this ROPOT, you're expected to translate sentences from Czech into English. Don't think too hard about the exact wording, try to get the conditional right. After you've completed the ROPOT, you can check your answers by clicking on "prohlídka".

Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.
Conditional relay

Create your own conditional questions for your classmates in the discussion forum below.