English for Social Educators, COURSE D, Topic 4, ACADEMIC WRITING, ACADEMIC RESEARCH Masaryk University Language Centre at the Faculty of Education, Summer Term 2017 Author: Mgr. Veronika Tománková, Ph.D. (2016) 1 TASK ① ACADEMIC RESEARCH, ACADEMIC RESEARCH TASK 1A DISCUSSION. Discuss messages communicated by the following posters. 1 3 2 4 Picture 1 taken from: http://www.thoughtfulminds.org/academic-writing/ Picture 2 taken from: https://radar.brookes.ac.uk/radar/items/a3fd6f82-c367-4963-ba03-66a37e47fc5f/2/ Picture 3 taken from: https://www.4students.us/blog/123-how-to-avoid-plagiarism-in-academic-writing.html Picture 4 taken from: http://www.thoughtfulminds.org/academic-writing/ English for Social Educators, COURSE D, Topic 4, ACADEMIC WRITING, ACADEMIC RESEARCH Masaryk University Language Centre at the Faculty of Education, Summer Term 2017 Author: Mgr. Veronika Tománková, Ph.D. (2016) 2 TASK  RESEARCH METHODS TASK 2A Below are the pronunciation transcripts of selected key words used to describe research methods. Transcribe them back and translate them into Czech. PRONUNCIATION TRANSCRIPTS STANDARD ENGLISH SPELLING TRANSLATION INTO CZECH VERBS 1 /dɪsˈpruːv/ 2 /dɪsˈrapt/ 3 /ˌɪntə(r)ˈfɪə(r)/ 4 /məˈnɪpjʊleɪt/ 5 /əbˈzɜː(r)v/ 6 /ˈreplɪkeɪt/ NOUNS 7 /ˈdeɪtə/ 8 /ˈɪnf(ə)rəns/ 9 /fəˈnɒmɪnən/ 10 /ˌkwestʃəˈneə(r)/ 11 /ˈveəriəb(ə)l/ ADJECTIVE 12 /ˌreprɪˈzentətɪv/ TASK 2B The words in the table above are defined below. Fill in the gaps with the words defined. 1 __________________________ = facts or information used for making calculations or decisions, it can be followed by a plural verb in scientific English, in which case the singular is datum 2 __________________________ = an event or situation that can be seen to happen or exist 3 __________________________ = to interrupt something and prevent it from continuing by creating a problem 4__________________________ = a set of questions that a lot of people are asked as a way of information about what people think or do generally 5 __________________________ = an opinion that you form about something that is based on information you already have 6 __________________________ = to deliberately become involved in a situation and try to influence the way that it develops, although you have no right to do it 7__________________________ = typical of people or things in a particular group 8 __________________________ = to skillfully handle, control, or use something 9 __________________________ = to watch or study someone or something with care and attention in order to discover something 10 __________________________ = to prove that something is not correct or true 11 __________________________ = to do or make something again in the same way as before 12__________________________ = something that can change and affect the result of a situation Definitions and word transcripts taken from www.macmillandictionary.com English for Social Educators, COURSE D, Topic 4, ACADEMIC WRITING, ACADEMIC RESEARCH Masaryk University Language Centre at the Faculty of Education, Summer Term 2017 Author: Mgr. Veronika Tománková, Ph.D. (2016) 3 TASK 2C RESEARCH METHODS AND ITS LIMITATIONS. Complete the gaps in the table with the following passages (A-J). Two passages have been done for you as an example. NB: IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO UNDERSTAND ALL THE WORDS USED IN THE PASSAGES (A-J). A3: attemps to determine the relationship between two or more variable, using mathematical techniques for summarizing data – DONE AS AN EXAMPLE B__: observes and records some behaviour or phenomenon, often over a prolonged period of time, in it s natural setting without interfering without the subjects or the phenomena in any way C8: intentional deception, poor memory, or misunderstanding of the question can all contribute to inaccuracies in the data. – DONE AS AN EXAMPLE D: can be very time consuming as reseacher may have to wait for some time to observe the behaviour or phenomenon or interest; difficult to observe behaviour without disrupting it E__: manipulates a variable (anything that can vary) under highly controlled conditions to see fi this produces (causes) any changes in a second (dependent) variable F__: keeps in-depth descriptive records, as an outside observer, or an individual or group G__: makes inferences from data collected via interviews or questionnaires H__: often involves only a single individual as the subject of the study and this person may not be representative of the general group or population I__: done in the highly controlled setting of the laboratory – these conditions are artificial and may not reflect what happens in the infinitely more complex real world; other researchers often try to replicate successful experiments J__: only shows that two variables are related in a systematic way, but does not prove or disprove that the relationship is a cause-and-effect relationship Research method What the researcher does Limitation of method Experimental study 1 2 Correlational study 3A attemps to determine the relationship between two or more variable, using mathematical techniques for summarizing data 4 Naturalistic (empirical) observation (also known as field study) 5 6 Survey 7 8C intentional deception, poor memory, or misunderstanding of the question can all contribute to inaccuracies in the data. Case study 9 10 English for Social Educators, COURSE D, Topic 4, ACADEMIC WRITING, ACADEMIC RESEARCH Masaryk University Language Centre at the Faculty of Education, Summer Term 2017 Author: Mgr. Veronika Tománková, Ph.D. (2016) 4 TASK  ORGANIZING YOUR WRITING TASK 3A ORGANIZING YOUR WRITING – OPENINGS. Look at these openings froms students' written work, and note the items in bold. o This assignment will address the problem of socio-economic data in health studies. o The dissertation is concerned with individual differences in the ability to connect thoughts and emotions. o The aim of this paper is to explore constant acceleration formulae, with a focus on motion along a slope. o The purpose of this essay is to investigate the use of focus group interviews. o The thesis consists of four parts. Each part describes a different set of experiments which contribute to the final results. o This assignment is divided into three sections, with each section devoted to a different aspect of world trade. Taken from: McCarthy, M. & O’Dell, F. (2008). Academic Vocabulary in Use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p. 86. TASK 3B ORGANIZING YOUR WRITING – THE MAIN POINTS. Study the following table. Useful when… Items… Examples… Working through a list of different things o first(ly), secondly, thirdly o next o lastly/finally First(ly), let us look at the history of the problem.[Firstly is more formal than first]. Next, there is the issue of air resistance. Finally, lest us consider increased taxation as a possible solution. Changing topics / bringing new topics o we now / let us turn to o at this point We now turn to the question of which model provides a better explanation of the phenomenon. At this point it is important to look again at the data. Referring forward in the text o below o in the next section o later o the following We shall see below that depopulation has been a major factor. [lower on the page or later in the essay/article] Later, I shall look at other possible reasons for this. The following example comes from Hilson (1998). Referring back to something o above o in the preceding section o earlier o (as) we saw / have seen that / in The above figures indicate a significant decrease. Three hypotheses were listed in the preceding section. [the section immediately before this one] I noted earlier that lack of fresh water was a serious problem. As we saw in section 2, this is a complex topic. Referring to examples, diagrams, pages, etc. o see o consider o take, for example o as can be seen in For the complete results, see Appendix A, page 94. Consider Figure 1, which shows changes from 1976-8. Take, for example, Sweden, where industrialization was rapid, as can be seen in Figure 2. Referring separately to different people or things o respectively o the former o the latter Groups A and B consisted of 14-year olds and 16-year olds, respectively. [i.e. group A was 14-year-olds and group B was 16-year-olds] Rostov and Krow both studied the problem. The former wrote a book; the latter published two papers. [the first and then the second person or thing mentioned] Taken from: McCarthy, M. & O’Dell, F. (2008). Academic Vocabulary in Use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p. 86. English for Social Educators, COURSE D, Topic 4, ACADEMIC WRITING, ACADEMIC RESEARCH Masaryk University Language Centre at the Faculty of Education, Summer Term 2017 Author: Mgr. Veronika Tománková, Ph.D. (2016) 5 TASK 3C Read the sentences and answer the questions about them. 1 Tolstoy's most famous novels are War and Peace and Anna Karenina, the former being first published between 1865 and 1869 and the latter between 1875 and 1877. Which of Tolstoy's novels was published in the 1860s? 2 More precise data can be found in Table 3 below. Does Table 3 appear before or after this sentence? 3 Let us now turn to the question of the country´s economic situation. Has the writer already begun discussing the country's economic situation or not? 4 The brothers, Olaf and Erik, would go on to become professors of archaeology and Greek, respectively. Which brother taught archaeology? 5 The preceding example is taken from Atakano (1991). Does the example come before or after this sentence? Taken from: McCarthy, M. & O’Dell, F. (2008). Academic Vocabulary in Use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p. 87.  TASK 3D Read the essay extract. What nouns or noun phrases do the underlined words and phrases (1-6) refer to? Luxembourg and Bolivia do not seem to have much in common. 1 The former is a comparatively prosperous European country, 2 the latter is one of South America's poorest states. Both, however, are landlocked, and 3 this has influenced their history in way which will be explored 4 below. Adapted from: Paterson, K. & Wedge, R. (2013). Oxford Grammar for EAP. Oxford: Oxford University Press. p. 172   TASK 3E Complete each sentence with one of the following words or phrases. above, below, respectively, the former, the latter 1 We will see in the section _______________ how the result was obtained. 2 Funding of the new opera house came from the state and from private donors; _______________ source was obtained thanks to Barbara Hultz who visited hundreds of individuals in their homes and persuaded them to make donations. 3 In the introduction to the report _______________ we saw how the university was set up. In the following parts, its cooperation with other universities in the region will be explored. 4 The company is now exporting their products to Brazil and the USA. In _______________ case, most of the sales are in Rio de Janeiro. 5 Tate Britain and Tate Modern, both located in London, were open to the public in 1897 and 2000 _______________. Adapted from: Paterson, K. & Wedge, R. (2013). Oxford Grammar for EAP. Oxford: Oxford University Press. p. 176 English for Social Educators, COURSE D, Topic 4, ACADEMIC WRITING, ACADEMIC RESEARCH Masaryk University Language Centre at the Faculty of Education, Summer Term 2017 Author: Mgr. Veronika Tománková, Ph.D. (2016) 6 TASK  ACADEMIC VOCABULARY TASK 4A IDENTIFYING GENERAL, ACADEMIC AND TECHNICAL VOCABULARY. Read the following text which illustrates the use of general, academic and technical vocabulary One of the most fundamental principles of cognitive psychology is that human beings are information processors and that mental processes guide behaviour. One goal of cognitive research is to discover possible principles underlying cognitive processes. Psychologists see the mind as a complex machine – rather like an intelligent, information-processing machine using hardware /the brain/ and software /mental images and representations/. According to this line of thinking, information input to the mind comes via bottom-up processing – that is from the sensory system. This information is processed) in the mind by top-down processing via pre-stored information in the memory. Finally, there is some output in the form of behaviour. TASK 4B Read the text again. Say whether the words and phrases printed in bold are ACADEMIC or TECHNICAL vocabulary. One of the most fundamental principles (ACADEMIC, ACADEMIC) of cognitive psychology (TECHNICAL, ACADEMIC) is that human beings are information processors (_________________) and that mental processes (ACADEMIC, ACADEMIC) guide behaviour. One goal of cognitive research (_________________ , _________________) is to discover possible principles underlying cognitive processes (_________________, _________________, _________________, _________________). Psychologists (_________________) see the mind as a complex (_________________ ) machine – rather like an intelligent, information-processing (_________________) machine using hardware (_________________) /the brain/ and software (_________________) /mental (_________________) images and representations/. According to this line of thinking, information input (_________________) to the mind comes via bottom-up processing (_________________, _________________) – that is from the sensory (_________________) system. This information is processed (_________________) in the mind by top-down processing (_________________ , _________________) via pre-stored information in the memory. Finally, there is some output (_________________) in the form of behaviour. Adapted from: de Chazal, J. & Rogers, L. (2013). Oxford EAP. A course in English for Academic Purposes. Intermediate /B1+. Oxford: Oxford University Press, p. 20 English for Social Educators, COURSE D, Topic 4, ACADEMIC WRITING, ACADEMIC RESEARCH Masaryk University Language Centre at the Faculty of Education, Summer Term 2017 Author: Mgr. Veronika Tománková, Ph.D. (2016) 7 TASK 4C Match the academic words (1-5) with their definitions (A-E). 1 fundamental 2 process 3 principle 4 research 5 complex A a series of things that are done in order to achieve a particular result B a law, a rule, or a theory that sth is based on C a careful study of a subject, especially in order to discover new facts or information about it D serious; affecting the most central and important parts of sth E difficult to understand Taken from: de Chazal, J. & Rogers, L. (2013). Oxford EAP. A course in English for Academic Purposes. Intermediate /B1+. Oxford: Oxford University Press, p. 20 TASK 4D Each word in the box can be used in two ways, one an everyday way, the other a typically academic way. Complete each pair of sentences using the same word for both sentences and making any necessary grammatical changes. When changes are made to the word, then the modified form fits both the sentences (A and B). The first one has been done for you as an example. character, confirm, focus, generate, identify, nature, pose, solid, turn, underlie 1 A She loves to pose for photographs in front of her wonderful house. B The events pose a threat to stability in the region. 2 A It was difficult to _______________ the camera on the flower as it was too small. B We should _______________ our attention on the most important issues. 3 A I called the airline and _______________ my reservation. B The data _______________ my hypothesis that animal-lovers enjoy better health. 4 A The power plant _______________ electricity for whole region. B The issue always _______________ a great deal of debate among academics. 5 A The murderer was _______________ from fingerprints discovered at the scene. B In this theory of history, progress is closely _______________ with technology. 6 A She became interested in _______________ conservation. B The first lecture in the series was on the _______________ of human communication. 7 A Jim's a very interesting _______________. I hope you meet him. B The book attempts to explain the fundamental _______________ of social life. 8 A I saw her _______________ to her husband and whisper something in his ear. B Let us now _______________ to the subject of town planning. 9 A He always _______________ every new word when he's reading. B The study _______________ the fact that very little research exists. 10 A The liquid became _______________ as the temperature was lowered. B The study lacks _______________ evidence and therefore its conclusions are doubtful. Taken from: McCarthy, M. & O’Dell, F. (2008). Academic Vocabulary in Use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p. 11. English for Social Educators, COURSE D, Topic 4, ACADEMIC WRITING, ACADEMIC RESEARCH Masaryk University Language Centre at the Faculty of Education, Summer Term 2017 Author: Mgr. Veronika Tománková, Ph.D. (2016) 8 TASK  TEXT COHESION TASK 5A When discussing or assessing writing you will frequently come across these two terms: coherence and cohesion. What do they refer to? Match them with their definitions. 1 cohesion A how a text is connected in terms of meaning and ideas 2 coherence B how a text is conntected in terms of meaning and language Defininitons adapted from wikipedia. COHESION 1 - Pronouns and determiners Cohesion is how parts of a text are connected through meaning and language. One way you can make your writing cohesive is by using pronouns (it, they) and determiners (this problem, the research). For example: o However, universities, are essential for research, because they are where students learn research methods. (the pronoun they refers back to universities) o These examples show that research is a widespread and essential activity. (these examples refers back to information earlier in sentences) You need to make the referent of a pronoun clear to your readers. For example, if you write This is important, your readers will ask the question “What is important?“, so they need to know what exactly this refers to. Taken from: de Chazal, J. & Rogers, L. (2013). Oxford EAP. A course in English for Academic Purposes. Intermediate /B1+. Oxford: Oxford University Press, p. 31 TASK 5B Look at the following paragraph. Decide what each word in bold refers to. Observation is an important way for employers to assess their workforce. It is important because it allows the assessor to see the employee working and interacting with other employees, and to decide how effective they are at carrying out their duties and responsibilities. Unlike other methods of assessment, such as psychometric tests and interviews, observation is simple and direct. Psychologically, observation is less threatening, and in terms of cost, it is also likely to be cheaper than other methods. For these reasons, observation is very practical and effective assessment method for people at work. Taken from: de Chazal, J. & Rogers, L. (2013). Oxford EAP. A course in English for Academic Purposes. Intermediate /B1+. Oxford: Oxford University Press, p. 32 TASK 5C Complete the paragraph using the words in the list. You need to use some words more than once. it, some, others, the, their, them, they, who One of the major health challenges facing developed countries today is that increasing numbers of people are doing little or no exercise. Recent research indicates a growth in the number of people 1 ______________ appear to spend most of their day sitting down. As a result, 2 ______________ are becoming more at risk of serious illness, including heart disease. 3 ______________ people report that 4 ______________ long hours do not allow them 5 ______________ enough time for exercise, while 6 ______________ admit that they prefer to do sedentary activities like watching television. 7 ______________ problem is serious from a number of perspectives. It has been estimated to cost national health services up to 10% of 8 ______________ entire budgets in related treatment. For the people concerned, 9 ______________ lack of exercise is likely to have a negative effect on 10 ______________ overal quality of life. Exercise is also a social activity, so a lack of 11 it can result in fewer opportunities for social interaction. 12 ______________ lack of exercise among certain groups of people is a very serious problem today with significant health, financial, and social impacts. Taken from: de Chazal, J. & Rogers, L. (2013). Oxford EAP. A course in English for Academic Purposes. Intermediate /B1+. Oxford: Oxford University Press, p. 32  English for Social Educators, COURSE D, Topic 4, ACADEMIC WRITING, ACADEMIC RESEARCH Masaryk University Language Centre at the Faculty of Education, Summer Term 2017 Author: Mgr. Veronika Tománková, Ph.D. (2016) 9 COHESION 2 - Introducing key information Authors use cohesive language to show how information in a text is connected, and introduce key information. In the examples, the phrase focus on tells the reader that key information about outcome goals comes next. The phrase is repeated for other types of goal. o Outcome goals focus on the competitive results of the game. To report key information about other people's research, the writers use the following phrases: o Studies have shown that using a combination of these types of goals produces… o Much of today's research on goal setting is based on the original theory of goal setting established by Locket and Latham (1981). They argue that performance is regulated by… Taken from: de Chazal, J. & Rogers, L. (2013). Oxford EAP. A course in English for Academic Purposes. Intermediate /B1+. Oxford: Oxford University Press, p. 42  TASK 5D IDENTIFYING AND USING COHESIVE LANGUAGE IN SENTENCES. Complete the text with the following phrases. they argue that, focuses on (2x), is based on Motivation can be divided into two types. Extrinsic motivation 1 ______________ outside factors such as rewards. Intrinsic motivation 2 ______________ internal factors which come from inside the individual, such as the enjoyment of doing something. Recent research on motivation 3 ______________ the important work done by Taylor et al. (1979). 4 ______________ a combination of both types of motivation is likely to work most effectively. Adapted from: de Chazal, J. & Rogers, L. (2013). Oxford EAP. A course in English for Academic Purposes. Intermediate /B1+. Oxford: Oxford University Press, p. 42 COHESION 3 - Using adverbials to introduce supporting information Adverbials are used to introduce supporting information. They help to make your paragraph cohesive by showing the reader how ideas are connected. To connect two similar ideas or examples, use Similarly, In the same way, or Likewise: o China's urban population has increased dramatically since the 1970s. Similarly, India's cities have grown in the last thirty years. To introduce explanations, use In other words (i.e.) or To put this another way: o Countries like China, South Africa, and Brazil are considered newly industrialized countries (NICs). In other words, they are no longer seen as developing countries. To introduce an example, use For example (e.g.), For istance, or such as: o For example, there are several famous cold deserts, such as the Gobi and the Atacama deserts. To introduce evaluation or indicate your personal stance, use adverbs like Basically, Interestingly, Significantly, Surprisingly. o Significantly, a number of emerging economies are introducing new environmental laws. To summarize or restate a key point, use phrases like To summarize, or Essentially: o To summarize, it's clear that sustainable development is increasingly important. Taken from: de Chazal, J. & Rogers, L. (2013). Oxford EAP. A course in English for Academic Purposes. Intermediate /B1+. Oxford: Oxford University Press, p. 58 English for Social Educators, COURSE D, Topic 4, ACADEMIC WRITING, ACADEMIC RESEARCH Masaryk University Language Centre at the Faculty of Education, Summer Term 2017 Author: Mgr. Veronika Tománková, Ph.D. (2016) 10 TASK 5E Complete the paragraph using the words / phrases in the list. Use the prompts in brackets to help you. essentially, for example, in other words, interestingly, similarly, such as It's clear that economic growth and development need to be sustainable. 1______________ , (explanation) growth and development need to have an effect on nature which is not too negative or damaging. There are several ways to help this to happen. 2______________ , (example) non-governmental organizations and charities need to put pressure on businesses to operate cleanly. In the same way, governments across the world need to bring in new laws to protect the natural world. 3 ______________, (evaluation) in countries where laws like this have been introduced, environmental damage has fallen. 4 ______________, (similarity) people's attitudes need to change so that they can see the world as an interconnected system rather than a limitless resource which humans can exploit. This can be done in a number of ways, 5 ______________ (example) through education and advertising. 6 ______________, (evaluation) the future of our world depends on people changing the way they think and behave. Taken from: de Chazal, J. & Rogers, L. (2013). Oxford EAP. A course in English for Academic Purposes. Intermediate /B1+. Oxford: Oxford University Press, p. 59 COHESION 4 - Using synonyms and other cohesive language in a written text Cohesive language helps to connect the meaning and ideas in a text. You can make your writing more cohesive by using synonyms, and phrases with similar meanings. o Internet-related crime has become an increasingly worrying problem for society … Other important examples include identity theft, hate crime and cyber-bullying. …. Such crimes are serious… o …all crimes are significant and should be treated seriously… This issue is examined from different perspectives, which show the seriousness of the challenge… In this example the writer introduces the topic, internet-related crime, and makes a number of references to the topic, including giving examples: Other important examples, Such crimes, all crimes The writer also uses evaluation. The topic of internet-related crime is given a “label“ (an increasingly worrying problem) which is then referred to using different nouns with a similar meanings: issue, challenge. Varying adjectives also helps make the text more cohesive: worrying  serious. These in turn can vary their form or word class. o Such crimes are serious. All crimes should be treated seriously. This demonstrates the seriousness of the challenge. Taken from: de Chazal, J. & Rogers, L. (2013). Oxford EAP. A course in English for Academic Purposes. Intermediate /B1+. Oxford: Oxford University Press, p. 144  English for Social Educators, COURSE D, Topic 4, ACADEMIC WRITING, ACADEMIC RESEARCH Masaryk University Language Centre at the Faculty of Education, Summer Term 2017 Author: Mgr. Veronika Tománková, Ph.D. (2016) 11 TASK 5F REWRITE an introduction below using the following words and phrases to replace the underlined words and phrases. A these worrying developments B such criminal activity C these crimes D significant E challenge Cybercrime and internet-related crime have become some of the most serious problems facing society today. 1 Cybercrime and internet-related crime refer to crimes which take place online rather than in real life. These serious problems include fraudulent financial transactions, crimes of a racial nature, and certain sexual crimes. 2 Cybercrime and internet-related crime must be taken very seriously because it is often the most vulnerable people in society, such as young people, who are the victims. Young people should be protected, not victimized. This essay examines the serious problems related to cybercrime and internet-related crime, by explaining why the 3 problem is such a 4 serious one, and by arguing that 5 cybercrime and internet-related crime are of equal importance to “real-life“ crime. Adapted from: de Chazal, J. & Rogers, L. (2013). Oxford EAP. A course in English for Academic Purposes. Intermediate /B1+. Oxford: Oxford University Press, p. 144 TASK 5G VOCABULARY. COHESIVE LANGUAGE. Match each linking word or phrase to its use. also, although, as a result, firstly, furthermore, however, in conclusion, in general, lastly, likewise, specifically, similarly, thus Time / sequencing Comparison Contrast Additional information Examples Cause and effect Concluding ideas Taken from: de Chazal, J. & Rogers, L. (2013). Oxford EAP. A course in English for Academic Purposes. Intermediate /B1+. Oxford: Oxford University Press, p. 118. TASK 5H VOCABULARY. COHESIVE LANGUAGE. Select the correct word to complete sentences 1-7. 1 Firms can create new and improved goods and services, revive old products, and consequently enter new markets. Furthermore/Similarly, as a result of innovation they can end up with powerful market shares and have valuable products, designs, and brand names. 2 Technology makes it increasingly easy for a company to become global. Technology has thus/ likewise made the rapid growth of the multinational corporation easier. English for Social Educators, COURSE D, Topic 4, ACADEMIC WRITING, ACADEMIC RESEARCH Masaryk University Language Centre at the Faculty of Education, Summer Term 2017 Author: Mgr. Veronika Tománková, Ph.D. (2016) 12 3 Companies can have subsidiaries (=dceřinné společnosti) in many countries but with business strategies, production, and distribution still being determined and controlled by head office in a single nation. So/ Firstly multinational corporations like Unilever are able to employ around a quarter of a million people in 100 countries and sell its products in 150 countries. 4 The company, through innovation, created a monopoly position. However / Therefore, they soon faced the prospect of other businesse developing alternative technologies which enabled them to provide new products or cut costs. 5 Innovation is usually included in any definition of creativity. Although / In general not all entrepreneurs develop new products or services, or discover new resources, every person who establishes an enterprise is involved in economic creation. 6 There are a number of reasons companies innovate. Firstly / Specifically, it is to maintain a competitive edge in the market. Secondly, it is to enable them to enter new markets. Taken from: de Chazal, J. & Rogers, L. (2013). Oxford EAP. A course in English for Academic Purposes. Intermediate /B1+. Oxford: Oxford University Press, p. 118. TASK  CAUSE AND EFFECT TASK 6A Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions, either in or from. 1 Death results ____________ war. 2 War results ______________ death. TASK 6B IDENTIFYING CAUSE AND EFFECT LANGUAGE. Complete sentences 1-6 with the cause and effect words / phrases from the list. cause, consequence, due to, for these reasons, impact, result in, since (=neboť) 1 One ___________________ of higher global standards of living is that people's expectations are also higher. 2 Better access to a wider range of food and the availability of high-calorie snacks can ___________________ increases in people's weight; ___________________ care should be taken not to consume too many calories. 3 In most contexts, increased trade is mainly ___________________ more open markets. 4 Limited exposure to sunlight in northern countries is an important ___________________of vitamin D deficiency and associated illnesses. 5 Arguably, education has had the greatest ___________________ on public health in developing countries. 6 It is unwise to assume that flooding is always the result of natural causes, ___________________ there might be other causes. Taken from: de Chazal, J. & Rogers, L. (2013). Oxford EAP. A course in English for Academic Purposes. Intermediate /B1+. Oxford: Oxford University Press, p. 174 English for Social Educators, COURSE D, Topic 4, ACADEMIC WRITING, ACADEMIC RESEARCH Masaryk University Language Centre at the Faculty of Education, Summer Term 2017 Author: Mgr. Veronika Tománková, Ph.D. (2016) 13 TASK  COLLOCATION Collocations are word combinations which sound correct as well as natural. For example, if you use the word „úhledný“ in Czech, you are mostly likely going to be referring to someone's handwriting. So, a typical Czech collocation is úhledný rukopis = neat handwriting. If you, however, want to compliment somebody about their fashion sense and tell them they are wearing “úhledné šaty“, it won't sound natural. This is because the word “rukopis“ collocates with the word “úhledný“, but the word “šaty“ does not. Knowing the right collocations contributes greatly to your fluency and accuracy. There are dictionaries which specialize in giving you the whole range of collocates for a given word and thus help you to improve your English. Below there is an example from the Online OXFORD Collocation Dictionary which looks at the word „research“ and its collocates, i.e. words the word “research“ combines with. 1 Taken from: http://oxforddictionary.so8848.com/search?word=research 1 This website is for free. English for Social Educators, COURSE D, Topic 4, ACADEMIC WRITING, ACADEMIC RESEARCH Masaryk University Language Centre at the Faculty of Education, Summer Term 2017 Author: Mgr. Veronika Tománková, Ph.D. (2016) 14 TASK 7A Using the Online OXFORD Collocation Dictionary website, find at least 10 collocates classified by word classes for the following nouns. EDUCATION (noun) 1 adjective + EDUCATION: _____________________________________________________________ 2 verb + EDUCATION: ___________________________________________________________ 3 EDUCATION + noun: __________________________________________________________ 4 preposition + EDUCATION: __________________________________________________________ SKILL (noun) 1 adjective + SKILL :__________________________________________________________ 2 verb + SKILL:__________________________________________________________ 3 SKILL + noun:__________________________________________________________ 4 SKILL + preposition:__________________________________________________________ SOCIETY (noun) 1 adjective + SOCIETY:__________________________________________________________ 2 verb + SOCIETY:__________________________________________________________ 3 SOCIETY + verb:__________________________________________________________ 4 PHRASES:__________________________________________________________ TASK  WRITING ABSTRACTS An abstract is the text at the beginning of an academic article which summarizes the whole article. Normally about 200 words long, abstracts are also available and searchable separately. You can use an abstract to get a quick overview of the contents of a journal article, in order to decide whether it is relevant and whether it is worth reading or bookmarking to read later. Adapted from: de Chazal, J. & Moore, J. (2013). Oxford EAP. A course in English for Academic Purposes. Advanced /C1. Oxford: Oxford University Press. TASK 8A Study the following sentences or phrases and use them in your own abstract writing. 1 In this paper, we examine the role… 2 This paper investigates possible… 3 This paper discusses the findings… English for Social Educators, COURSE D, Topic 4, ACADEMIC WRITING, ACADEMIC RESEARCH Masaryk University Language Centre at the Faculty of Education, Summer Term 2017 Author: Mgr. Veronika Tománková, Ph.D. (2016) 15 4 In this paper, I study how… 5 …it will focus on some new developments 6 In this essay, it is suggested that the decision-making process… TASK 8B Read the following abstract which has been taken from the journal Advances in Social Work. Identify in the abstract these three stages: 1 description of status quo, 2 identification of the need for further research, 3 introduction of new research. Preparing Social Work Students for International Interdisciplinary Practice: A Teaching Model and Its Impact on Self-Efficacy Pinar Zubaroglu, Marciana Popescu 1 To promote international social work education and prepare MSW graduates for international careers, several teaching models have been developed, including intensive teaching in international settings, hybrid teaching with study abroad components, and applied learning through service learning and international internships. Benefits of international social work education range from increased knowledge and skills in addressing global issues through policy and advocacy, to significant improvements in multi-cultural competence and awareness upon participation in structured cultural immersion programs. 2 Current challenges for social workers in international development careers point to the need for an interdisciplinary approach to best address complex global social issues. 3 This paper proposes an international interdisciplinary teaching model that aims to prepare social work students for international development practice. Based on a pilot study of the proposed model, students showed significant increases in the self-efficacy of interdisciplinary international knowledge and skills. Keywords: international social work; interdisciplinary education; self-efficacy; experiential learning; social work education Taken from: http://journals.iupui.edu/index.php/advancesinsocialwork/article/view/18504 Noun phrases Academic English typically uses a noun phrase which is a group of words built around a noun and acting in a sentence as a subject or an object. So, instead of saying: It damaged a wide area for a long time, you can say: There was widespread longterm damage, where widespread longer-term damage is a noun phrase built around the word damage.  TASK 8C Look at the text in 8B and write down noun phrases centered around the following nouns. 1 education – _________________________________________________________________________ 2 benefits – _________________________________________________________________________ 3 improvements – _________________________________________________________________________ 4 challenges - _________________________________________________________________________ 5 increases –_________________________________________________________________________ English for Social Educators, COURSE D, Topic 4, ACADEMIC WRITING, ACADEMIC RESEARCH Masaryk University Language Centre at the Faculty of Education, Summer Term 2017 Author: Mgr. Veronika Tománková, Ph.D. (2016) 16  TASK 8D Read the following abstract which has been taken from the journal Advances in Social Work. Again, try to identify stages in the abstract. Lifelong Learning in Social Work: A Qualitative Exploration with Practitioners, Students, and Field Instructors Pauline Jivanjee, Kimberly Pendell, Laura Nissen, Charlotte Goodluck 1 In the context of rapid change in social work practice related to policy, research findings, and theoretical developments, faculty are challenged to prepare students to engage in lifelong learning, a concept that has not been well-articulated in social work education. 2 This article reports on an exploratory study of students,’ social workers,’ and field instructors’ perspectives and experiences of lifelong learning. Based on focus group discussions, findings reveal the multi-faceted nature of lifelong learning, the personal characteristics and motivations of lifelong learners, and the roles of social work faculty and workplace environments in supporting learning. 3 Implications address the roles of instructors and social work programs in giving students and social workers tools and opportunities to engage in continuous learning and professional growth. Keywords: social work education; workplace; lifelong learning; motivation Taken from: http://journals.iupui.edu/index.php/advancesinsocialwork/article/view/18407 TASK 8E Look at the text in 8D find write down noun-phrases centered around the following noun. 1 study - _________________________________________________________________________ English for Social Educators, COURSE D, Topic 4, ACADEMIC WRITING, ACADEMIC RESEARCH Masaryk University Language Centre at the Faculty of Education, Summer Term 2017 Author: Mgr. Veronika Tománková, Ph.D. (2016) 17 VOCABULARY above /əˈbʌv/ výše, nad (to) aim at /eɪm/ cíl, mít za cíl to analyse /ˈænəlaɪz/ analyzovat analysis /əˈnæləsɪs/ analýza to argue /ˈɑː(r)ɡju/ zde: argumentovat to asssess /əˈses/ hodnotit assessment /əˈsesmənt/ hodnocení assessor /əˈsesə(r)/ hodnotitel assignment /əˈsaɪnmənt/ zadaný úkol, seminární práce below /bɪˈləʊ/ níže, pod (to) cause /kɔːz/ příčina, způsobit coherence /kəʊˈhɪərəns/ koherence cohesion /kəʊˈhiːʒ(ə)n/ koheze competitive /kəmˈpetətɪv/ konkurenceschopný, konkurenční to be concerned with /kənˈsɜː(r)n/ zabývat se něčím, řešit něco budget /ˈbʌdʒɪt/ rozpočet collocation /ˌkɒləˈkeɪʃ(ə)n/ kolokace to confirm /kənˈfɜː(r)m/ potvrdit consequence /ˈkɒnsɪkwəns/ důsledek to consider /kənˈsɪdə(r)/ zvážit, vzít do úvahy to consist of /kənˈsɪst/ skládat se z data /ˈdeɪtə/ údaj, údaje (sloveso v jed. či mn. čísle) to determine /dɪˈtɜː(r)mɪn/ určit to disprove /dɪsˈpruːv/ vyvrát (teorii) to disrupt /dɪsˈrapt/ vyrušit, narušit economic growth /ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪk//ɡrəʊθ/ ekonomický růst effect /ɪˈfekt/ důsledek, účinek essential /ɪˈsenʃ(ə)l/ základní, nezbytný, podstatný (to) experiment /ɪkˈsperɪˌment/ experiment, experimentovat the former /ˈfɔː(r)mə(r)/ první ze dvou dříve uvedených (x the latter) hypothesis (sg.) , hypotheses (pl.) /haɪˈpɒθəsɪs/, /haɪˈpɒθəsɪ:z/ hypotéza, hypotézy to identify /aɪˈdentɪfaɪ/ identifikovat impact on sth/sb /ˈɪmpækt/ dopad na (in)accuracy /ɪnˈækjʊrəsi/ (ne)přesnost (in)accurate /ɪnˈækjʊrət/ (ne)přesný interdisciplinary /ˌɪntə(r)ˈdɪsɪplɪnəri/ interdisciplinární innovation /ˌɪnəʊˈveɪʃ(ə)n/ inovace inference /ˈɪnf(ə)rəns/ inference, odvození, dedukce to interfere in sth /ˌɪntə(r)ˈfɪə(r)/ vměšovat se do to introduce /ˌɪntrəˈdjuːs/ zde: zavést introduction /ˌɪntrəˈdʌkʃ(ə)n/ zde: zavedení, uvedení to investigate /ɪnˈvestɪɡeɪt/ zde: zkoumat the latter /ˈlætə(r)/ druhý ze dvou dříve uvedených (x the former) to manipulate sth/sb /məˈnɪpjʊleɪt/ manipulovat to mention sth/sb /ˈmenʃ(ə)n/ zmínit method /ˈmeθəd/ metoda methodology /ˌmeθəˈdɒlədʒi/ metodologie nature /ˈneɪtʃə(r)/ povaha observation /ˌɒbzə(r)ˈveɪʃ(ə)n/ pozorovat to observe /əbˈzɜː(r)v/ pozorovat performance /pə(r)ˈfɔː(r)məns/ výkon, (školní) prospěch phenomenon (sg.), phenomena (pl.) /fəˈnɒmɪnən/ jev to precede /prɪˈsiːd/ předcházet English for Social Educators, COURSE D, Topic 4, ACADEMIC WRITING, ACADEMIC RESEARCH Masaryk University Language Centre at the Faculty of Education, Summer Term 2017 Author: Mgr. Veronika Tománková, Ph.D. (2016) 18 preceding /prɪˈsiːdɪŋ/ předcházející principle /ˈprɪnsəp(ə)l/ princip, zásada process /ˈprəʊses/ proces to process /ˈprəʊses/ zpracovat psychology /saɪˈkɒlədʒi/ psychologie to publish /ˈpʌblɪʃ/ publikovat purpose /ˈpɜː(r)pəs/ účel questionnaire /ˌkwestʃəˈneə/ dotazník to refer to sth /sb /rɪˈfɜː(r)/ vztahovat se k to replicate /ˈreplɪkeɪt/ replikovat representative /ˌreprɪˈzentətɪv/ reprezentativní, typický (to) research /rɪˈsɜː(r)tʃ/ výzkum, zkoumat researcher /rɪˈsɜː(r)tʃə(r)/ /ˈriːsɜː(r)tʃə(r)/ výzkumník, vědec respectively /rɪˈspektɪvli/ ve zmíněném pořadí stage /steɪdʒ/ zde: fáze (to) survey /ˈsɜː(r)vei/ průzkum, pruzkoumat (un)sustainable /ʌnsəˈsteɪnəb(ə)l/ (ne)udržitelný to threaten sth/sb /ˈθret(ə)n/ hrozit, ohrožovat threatening /ˈθret(ə)nɪŋ/ ohrožující to underline /ˌʌndə(r)ˈlaɪn/ podtrhnout variable /ˈveəriəb(ə)l/ proměnná vulnerable /ˈvʌln(ə)rəb(ə)l/ zranitelný Pronunciation transcripts taken from: www.macmillandictionary.com