A. Complete the sentences with the modal perfects below and the correct form of the verb in brackets. should have ■ couldn’t have ■ must not have ■ would have ■ could have must have ■ might have ■shouldn’t have 1. I’m not sure where Don went. He .........................………… (go) to buy bread. 2. I’m sorry I’m so late. You ................................………… (think) I wasn’t coming. 3. You ................................………… (bring) the new world music CD. I wanted to listen to it while we studied. 4. She ................................………… (buy) three T-shirts, but she only had enough money for one. 5. I really upset Shari. I ..................………… (tell) her the terrible news about Jim. 6. They decided to stay at a hotel, although they ................................………… (stay) at our house. We insisted that they were welcome. 7. That cake was incredibly delicious. It ................................………… (be) better. 8. My swimming costume’s not in the suitcase. I ........................………… (pack) it. B. Rewrite the sentences with suitable modals or modal perfects. There may be more than one possible answer. 1. It was a bad idea to eat in this restaurant. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2. There’s a chance that we’ll have a test today. ................................................................................................... ..................... 3. I’m sure I left my sunglasses at the café. ................................................................................................... ..................... 4. You have got no reason to be concerned about Ted. ................................................................................................... ..................... 5. It’s a shame you didn’t ask me earlier. ................................................................................................... ..................... 6. Donella doesn’t know how to speak English very well. ................................................................................................... ..................... A. Complete the sentences with the modal perfects below and the correct form of the verb in brackets. should have ■ couldn’t have ■ must not have ■ would have ■ could have must have ■ might have ■shouldn’t have 1. I’m not sure where Don went. He .........................………… (go) to buy bread. 2. I’m sorry I’m so late. You ................................………… (think) I wasn’t coming. 3. You ................................………… (bring) the new world music CD. I wanted to listen to it while we studied. 4. She ................................………… (buy) three T-shirts, but she only had enough money for one. 5. I really upset Shari. I ..................………… (tell) her the terrible news about Jim. 6. They decided to stay at a hotel, although they ................................………… (stay) at our house. We insisted that they were welcome. 7. That cake was incredibly delicious. It ................................………… (be) better. 8. My swimming costume’s not in the suitcase. I ........................………… (pack) it. B. Rewrite the sentences with suitable modals or modal perfects. There may be more than one possible answer. 1. It was a bad idea to eat in this restaurant. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2. There’s a chance that we’ll have a test today. ................................................................................................... ..................... 3. I’m sure I left my sunglasses at the café. ................................................................................................... ..................... 4. You have got no reason to be concerned about Ted. ................................................................................................... ..................... 5. It’s a shame you didn’t ask me earlier. ................................................................................................... ..................... 6. Donella doesn’t know how to speak English very well. ................................................................................................... ....................