4. Solving the simple word problems: Try to use proper visualization of the word problems. a) Patrick had 13 beads, Tom had 5 beads more than Patrick. How many beads did Tom have? "p OOO OOOOOOO OOĎ OOOOOOOOOOOOQ OoooO b) Try to think up tasks for the following pictures: P oooooooooooooooooo T ooooooooooooo JhJaot Si(M AAa^ fbisuck, ttmrvfiu^ vniA*> tU* • P oooooooooooooooooo T oooooooooooooooooo fUwcl mi' Tm .hied AW 4 M*" V *r>i#* c) Grandma had 12 candies and gave it out to three children evenly. How many candies did each child receive? i 3 [ 0 "IT e /. e \ 0 o c L Irena Budínová, Faculty of Education, Masaryk University, Brno Page 2 d) Philip had 12 candies, Chistopher had three times less candies than Philip. How many candies didj&ilip have? Yl ooo ooo ooo ooo fl , 11 : i> - <-/ Composed word problems e) Patrick had 13 beads, Tom had 5 more beads than Patrick. How many beads did they have together? j, ,_Í5—, P -B f) Patrick had 5 beads less than Tom, together with Tom they had 31 beads. How many beads did Tom have? T Muol JUds n MM, Tom UA 1? T-fAmI-- /