ADHD Ivana Marova, Ph.D. ADHD ADHD DEFINITION •Barkley (1990) • ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by a disproportionate degree of attention, hyperactivity and impulsivity • Problems are chronic • Difficulties are often associated with the inability to follow the rules of conduct and to perform repeated for a longer period of time certain work performances  Davidson, Neale (2001) – symptoms of ADHD in three categories  Attention deficit disorder (ADD)  Hyperactivity and impulsivity  Combination of type scope – attention deficit hyperactivity and impulsivity  ADHD vs. ADD PREVALENCE OF ADHD - I.E. THE INCIDENCE IN THE POPULATION Worldwide 3 – 9 % v populaci Often in male than female – 3 to 6:1 School age children 5 – 7 % The second most common mental disorder in children and adolescents CAN I RECOGNIZE ADHD SYMPTOMS AT AN EARLY AGE OF THE CHILD? Infant Age  Noticeably irregular rhythm – sometimes it sleeps all day and is active at night  Increased irritation, screaming or crying more for no apparent cause  The child's behavior exhausts the mother and raises the question of whether he understands his child correctly. Toddler  Continued biorhythm disorder (irregular sleep, difficulty with regular feeding rhythm, ...)  Children may experience significantly greater restlessness, liveness or unbalanced development  E.g.: The child begins to climb without being able to sit or talk earlier and later walks  A restless child requires more attention due to unpredictable reactions, risk of falling or injury ADHD SIGNS PRE-SCHOOL ADHD CHILD Primary school age  Children still "on the march" – constantly climbing somewhere, conquering the "world"  Acts as a "raised on the key"  They constantly require attention, potential difficulties in classroom (the need to subordinate the regime)  Increased moodiness of children, propensity for aggression, interruption, urge to move, disobedience  Diagnosis usually between 6. – 9. Year  Typical failings at school in performing less interesting tasks  The child acts carelessly, easy loss of attention, difficulties with completing the task, ...  Social exclusion has an impact on self-assessment ADHD CHARACTERISTICS IN SCHOOL AGE ▪Inattention ▪Difficult concentration on tasks ▪Can't keep attention ▪He doesn't seem to be listening ▪Not finishing activities ▪Avoids tasks with great mental effort ▪Disorder, distraction, losing things ▪Hyperactivity ▪Restless, wriggled, can't stand sitting ▪He's running around – still on the move ▪Disturbs, is noisy, difficult to maintain peace ▪Tolkative ▪Impulsivity ▪Unstoppable in speech ▪The answer blur without thinking ▪Can't wait ▪Interrupts others in activities, jumps into speech ADHD ASSESSMENT Assessment ▪Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, DSM-IV) ADHD IN CHILDREN MEASURES FOR THE EDUCATION OF PUPILS WITH ADHD IN SCHOOL • Positive strengthening together with moderate punishments • Praise must follow immediately after the task fulfillment •Frequent Feedback • Leads to behavior altimeter • Praise acts as a hardening of desirable behavior • Feedback always carried out with respect, speak calmly, prefer eye contact •Understandable instructions containing only few steps •Simple, feasible and short tasks •We do not discuss the suitability of behavior MEASURES FOR THE EDUCATION OF PUPILS WITH ADHD IN SCHOOL • It is necessary to communicate the nature of the difficulties to classmates – the child must not be isolated from other • Learning styles •Self-control and self-assessment – continuous self-reflection •Teacher optimism • Regular regime at home and school – cooperation with family