Bletchley Park: How new computing machinery helped to win WWII 18 March 2021 Selected topics in history of science 1 Bletchley Park: Location North-East of London (50 minutes by train) Close cities and towns: London Birmingham Cambridge Oxford 18 March 2021 Selected topics in history of science 2 Bletchley Park: the estate 18 March 2021 Selected topics in history of science 3 Bletchley Park: government crockery losses „The breakage and loss of tea cups, tumblers, knives and forks and other mess traps is taking place on fantastic scale. The rate of loss is no less than five times that normally experienced in a man-of-war. Tumblers, cups and plates have been found pushed away into the shrubberies and left about in offices, many of them broken.“ 18 March 2021 Selected topics in history of science 4 Bletchley Park: measures „This state of affairs cannot be allowed to go on and it has become necessary to prohibit the removal of any Government property whatsoever from the dining rooms except by members of the kitchen and dining room staff. The watchmen have orders to stop anyone carrying Government Crockery, etc. away from the dining room and to také their names. Those who wish to have milk in their offices must provide their own gear.“ 18 March 2021 Selected topics in history of science 5 Bletchley Park: Afternoon Tea - Tea served each day from 3:15 to 4:15 pm in the Recreation Hut - Breaks taking too long – urns with 70 cups delivered to the Heads of Larger Section - Milk distributed daily at 2pm, tea once a week (on a Monday) - Allowance: 1 pound of tea per 200 people, 1 pint of milk per 10 people 18 March 2021 Selected topics in history of science 6 Film The Enigma (2001) ⚫ Story of the film ⚫ Weird things: − Why would one fight for a copy of their own paper? − Turing was gay − Based on a book – but for the sake of simplicity, two characters are merged into a single one 18 March 2021 Selected topics in history of science 7 Alan Mathison Turing (1912-1954): Mathematician. Codebreaker. Marathon-runner. Machine-designer. Secret service. Programmer. Thinker. 18 March 2021 Selected topics in history of science 8 Alan Turing‘s family ⚫ Born 1912 ⚫ Father: in India (government service) ⚫ Mother – Sarah Turing ⚫ Elder brother John ⚫ photo: Alan, ca. 5 years old, his brother John 18 March 2021 Selected topics in history of science 9 Christopher Morcom ⚫ Secondary school ⚫ Common interests: astronomy, mathematics ⚫ “won over Turing” ⚫ Ch. M. died 1930 ⚫ A.T.‘s friendship with Christopher‘s family 18 March 2021 Selected topics in history of science 10 Turing‘s mathematical career ⚫ Sherborne (1926-1931) ⚫ Cambridge, King's College (mathematics, 1931-1934) ⚫ 1935: King's College member ⚫ Interest in quantum mechanics, probability, logic, and also the foundations of mathematics 18 March 2021 Selected topics in history of science 11 “On Computable Numbers” (a mathematical intermezzo) ⚫ Turing, A. M., 1936, On computable numbers, with an application to Entscheidungsproblem. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 2(43): 544-546. ⚫Priority issue: dealt with by his senior colleague, who wrote a recommendation and explanation ⚫Publishing then: peer review – plagiarism – etc. 18 March 2021 Selected topics in history of science 12 Turing machine ⚫ The 1936 article does NOT state HOW the machine should be made ⚫ Image: infinite tape, divided into square fields ⚫ States and transition between them: on the basis of the sign read, the tape would − move right − move left − delete / overwrite a sign − stop the machine („halting problem“) 18 March 2021 Selected topics in history of science 13 Return to pre-WWII England 1936-38: Ph.D. in Logic, algebra, number theory, Princeton University 1938-39: return to Cambridge. Learning about the German encryption machine Enigma 18 March 2021 Selected topics in history of science 14 Enigma ⚫ Photo of Enigma: looks like a typewriter ⚫ an encryption machine, complicated inside ⚫ Role of Polish mathematicians ⚫ Interception of messages ⚫ The importance of time 18 March 2021 Selected topics in history of science 15 Bletchley Park “Bombe” 18 March 2021 Selected topics in history of science 16 The Bombe and Alan Turing ⚫ Paper-and-pencil solving: too slow ⚫ A setting of the Enigma lasted for a day ⚫ 1939-40: constructing the Bombe, a machine for cracking the code of Enigma in time ⚫ 1942: Decrypting the message about U-boat attacks, key turn in the battle of the Atlantic ⚫ 1943-45: Turing named key Anglo-American consultant in cryptology. (For Turing, an opportunity to work with electronics.) 18 March 2021 Selected topics in history of science 17 World War II ⚫ A letter to Churchill ⚫ Sent to the US ⚫ AT&T Bell Laboratories ⚫ Anecdote: “I do not want to construct a brain of a genius, bud only an average brain, like the brain of the AT&T CEO” 18 March 2021 Selected topics in history of science 18 The Colossus Computer ⚫ Colossus Mark I − February 1944 ⚫ Colossus Mark II − June 1944 (D-Day - Normandy) 18 March 2021 Selected topics in history of science 19 Turing‘s activities after WWII ⚫ 1945: National Laboratory of Physics, London ⚫ 1948: University of Manchester ⚫ 1949: First use of computers for mathematics ⚫ 1952: sued for a homosexual relationaship (crime) ⚫ Punishment: hormonal treatment ⚫ Loss of security clearance ⚫ 1954, 7 June: died – cyanide poisoning, probably suicide, in Wilmslow, Cheshire. 18 March 2021 Selected topics in history of science 20 Hugh Whitemore: Breaking the Code (1986)− 18 March 2021 Selected topics in history of science 21 National Physics Laboratory: ACE ⚫ Turing‘s practical experience from the war 18 March 2021 Selected topics in history of science 22 Pilot ACE ⚫ Turing in NPL since 1945 ⚫ 1946: design of computers and programmes ⚫ 1947-48: programming neural networks, artificial intelligence 18 March 2021 Selected topics in history of science 23 Turing test ⚫ Article in Mind, 1950 ⚫ Turing‘s thoughts on intelligence ⚫ Again: computer and brain ⚫ Turing tried to show what machines can do ⚫ “machies do not think, and Turing said so” ⚫ Defence of human intelligence 18 March 2021 Selected topics in history of science 24 Manchester 18 March 2021 Selected topics in history of science 25 Ferranti and Manchester University ⚫ The Ferrranti company and the University of Manchester co-operated in producing the computer ⚫ Hence the name: Ferranti Mark I 18 March 2021 Selected topics in history of science 26 Programming: Manchester (A programmer‘s sheet used by Turing in Manchester) 18 March 2021 Selected topics in history of science 27