Doing Science Internationally in the early 20th century 1 April 2021 Selected topics in history of science 1 Science done internationally? ⚫ What does it mean? − Letter Exchange − Translations − Universities as meeting places − Studying abroad ⚫ Obstacles to meeting in person: − Distance − Borders − … 1 April 2021 Selected topics in history of science 2 1893: Columbian exhibition ⚫ Meeting of mathematicians: associated ⚫ Organised by Felix Klein ⚫ Two other participants from Europe: − Eduard Study − Norbert Herz ⚫ Compare: Antonín Dvořák (1892-1895) − Journey nine days (train, ship, train) − for a stay months, not days, long 1 April 2021 Selected topics in history of science 3 American mathematics: offspring of German and British mathematics? James Joseph Sylvester (1814-1897) Felix Klein (1849-1925) 1 April 2021 Selected topics in history of science 4 Evanston, IL 1893 Lectures by Felix Klein for American mathematicians from 28 August to 9 September 1 April 2021 Selected topics in history of science 5 International Congress of Mathematicians: Before the Great War 1 April 2021 Selected topics in history of science 6 ⚫ Zurich, Switzerland (1897) ⚫ Paris, France (1900) ⚫ Heidelberg, Germany (1904) ⚫ Rome, Italy (1908) ⚫ Cambridge, UK (1912) Zurich 1897 Daniel Bernoulli (1700-1782) Jacob Bernoulli (1654-1705) Johann Bernoulli (1667-1748) Leonhard Euler (1707-1783) Jakob Steiner (1796-1863) 1 April 2021 Selected topics in history of science 7 Paris 1900 Start of a new century David Hilbert (1862-1943) French mathematicians: Charles Hermite (1822-1901) Friend with M. Lerch (1860-1922) Henri Poincaré (1854-1912) 1 April 2021 Selected topics in history of science 8 Heidelberg 1904 Remembering: Carl Gustav Jacobi (1804-1851) Affiliations: Towns, not countries 1 April 2021 Selected topics in history of science 9 Rome 1908 Guido Castelnuovo (1865-1952) Representatives of math. societies and institutions: Academis of science Mathematical societies Smithsonian Institution Ministries Government representation 1 April 2021 Selected topics in history of science 10 Cambridge 1912 Local organising committee International programme committe Introducers of sections (nowadays: chairs) 1 April 2021 Selected topics in history of science 11 Repercussions of the Great War 1 April 2021 Selected topics in history of science 12 ⚫ ICSU – international science council ⚫ Abbreviations: in French (diplomatic language, language of post office, …) ⚫ Founded by the French and Belgians ⚫ Excluded from international scientific communication: Germans (also: Austrians, Bulgarians --- that is those who lost) International Congress of Mathematicians: Interbellum 1 April 2021 Selected topics in history of science 13 ⚫ Strasbourg, France (1920) ⚫ Toronto, Canada (1924) ⚫ Bologna, Italy (1928) ⚫ Zurich, Switzerland (1932) ⚫ Oslo, Norway (1936) Strasbourg 1920 Introducing new international organisations Excluding Germans IMU: without Felix Klein, David Hilbert, and others Resistence (1924) 1 April 2021 Selected topics in history of science 14 Toronto 1924 First on the American continent Czech participation 1 April 2021 Selected topics in history of science 15 Bologna 1928 Germans were (finally!) also allowed to participate Diplomacy Is this an international congress? What about the ones before? Were they truly international? 1 April 2021 Selected topics in history of science 16 Zurich 1932 In parallel: Rockefeller foundation grants Institute for Advanced Study founded in Princeton (Oswald Veblen) 1 April 2021 Selected topics in history of science 17 Oslo 1936 Commemorating Niels Henrik Abel (1802-1829) Note the sign And the language Congresses growing in size 1 April 2021 Selected topics in history of science 18 Evening lecture by Howard Aiken at ICM 1950: Computing Machines 1 April 2021 Selected topics in history of science 19 1st International Congress of Mathematicians after WWII: Cambridge, MA / Harvard (1950) 1 April 2021 Selected topics in history of science 20