Angličtina pro speciální pedagogy I

12 March: Session 2

Before our online class, study the assigned grammar handouts, do the exercises and check your answers with the key.

Also, open the handout Behavioural disorders below and do the listening activity.

1. Introduction
13. Growing up with Martin

Then, go through the handout Current problems at schools and get ready to do the speaking activities.

Afterwards, join me in my Zoom room according to the following schedule:

Divinská - Musilová 3-4 pm

Panochová - Zelinková 4-5 pm

After the class, study how to write an academic email in the handout below (do not do the extra task):

Finally, write a draft of a formal e-mail (150-200 wordsto the organization you chose requesting information.

Upload your email into the homewrok vault below by 19 March:

One more task before we see each other again!

By 2 April, please submit your recorded presentation (3-5 minutes) of the webpage you chose into the homework vault below:

Grammar self-study