Angličtina pro speciální pedagogy I

16 April: Session 3


Please study the grammar handouts below. You will find them useful for the following tasks.

Grammar self-study

Introduction ot terminology

Also, study the handout Introduction to terminology, prepare definitions of the included terms, do exercises 4 and 5, and get ready to discuss questions in exercise 6. 

Sensory impairments

Then, study the handout on sensory impairments, do exercise 3 (terminology) and get ready to do the speaking activities.

Extra listening task: 

If you would like to practice your listening skills, you can listen to the TED talk below and try to write down some key ideas. After the listening, you can work with the transcript to get more help and learn new words.

Finally, join me in my Zoom room according to the following schedule:

Divinská - Musilová 3-4 pm

Panochová - Zelinková 4-5 pm


By 22 April, sign up for the date when you would like to present an activity you like doing / would like to do with children.

Then, in the handout below, study how to indentify key ideas in a text and how to write a summary. Also, get ready to talk about your experience with this task. (What was easy and what was difficult about it?)