*This will be handed out to you at the first day of the introduction course or be sent to your home address. LITERATURE MSc Communication and Deafblindness 2015-2016 Fundamental work Videos *Daelman, M., Nafstad, A., Rodbroe, I., Souriau, J., & Visser A. (1996). The Emergence of Communication. Contact and interaction patterns. Persons with Congenital Deafblindness. Part 1. DBI-European Network on Communication. Paris: CNEFEI, Centre National de Suresnes. Dvd. *Daelman, M., Nafstad, A., Rodbroe, I., Souriau, J., & Visser A. (1999). The Emergence of Communication. Contact and interaction patterns. Persons with Congenital Deafblindness. Part II. DBI-European Network on Communication. Paris: CNEFEI, Centre National de Suresnes. Dvd. Literature *Nadel, J., & Peze, A. (1993). What makes imitation communicative in toddlers and autistic children. In: J. Nadel & L. Camioni (Eds.), New perspectives in early communicative developments, Chapter 7, pp. 140-156. London: Routledge. Reader. *Daelman, M., Nafstad, A., & Rodbroe, I. (1993). The deafblind person as an active participant in his own development. Equal and Exceptional. Proceedings of the third IADB European Conference. pp. 37-58. Potsdam: Oberlinhaus. Reader. *Nafstad, A., & Rodbroe, I. (1999). Co-creating communication. Perspectives on diagnostic education for individuals who are congentially deafblind and individuals whose impairments may have similar effects. Dronninglund, Denmark: Nord-Press, 3-66. Handbook. *Rodbroe, I., & Souriau, J. (1999). Communication. In: J.M. McInnes (Ed.), A guide to planning and support for individuals who are deafblind. pp.125-149. Toronto, London: University of Toronto Press. Reader. Overall theories and models Dialogicality Fogel, A., Koeyer, I, Bellagamba, F., & Bell, H. (2002). The dialogical self in the first two years of life. Embarking on a journey of discovery. Theory & Psychology, 12 (2), 191-205. *Linell, P. (1998) Rethinking Language. Linell, P. (2009). Rethinking Language, Mind, and World Dialogically. Interactional and Contextual Theories of Human sense-making. Charlott N.C.: Information Age Publishing. Handbook. pp. 3-293. Markova, I. (2006). On ‘the inner alter’ in dialogue. International Journal of Dialogical Science, 1(1), 125-147. *This will be handed out to you at the first day of the introduction course or be sent to your home address. Transactional model *Sameroff A.J., & McKenzie, M.J. (2003). A quarter-century of the transactional model: How have things changed? Zero to Three. September, 14-22. Intersubjectivity Aitken, K.J., & Trevarthen, C. (1997). Self/other organization in human psychological development. Development and Psychopathology, 9, 653-677. Mind, body and culture Donald M. (1993). Precis of Origins of the modern mind: Three stages in the evolution of culture and cognition. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 16, 737-747. Specialized literature divided over the themes Marlene Daelman – Some milestones in the communicative development in the first years of life Carpenter, M., Call, J., & Tomasello, M. (2002). Understanding “prior intentions” enables two-year-olds to imitatively learn a complex task. Child Development, 73(5), 1431-1441. *Daelman, M. (2006). An analysis of presymbolic communication in blind children with multiple handicaps. A starting point for special pedagogic. Summary of dissertation. Brugge, 1-6. Reader. Anne Nafstad - Fundamental communicative processes Ingsholt, A. (2002). Joint attention – a precursor of “theory of mind”. A special phenomenon in blind children?, www.icevi.org/publications/ICEVI-WC2002/papers/07-topic/07-ingsholt1.htm, pp1-9. Hart, P. (2006). Using imitation with congenitally deafblind adults: Establishing meaningful communication partnerships. Infant and Child Development, 15, 263-274. *Hobson, R. Peter (2005). What puts the jointness into joint attention. In: Eilan, N., Hoerl, C., McCormack, T., & Roessler, J. (Eds.), Joint Attention: Communication and Other Minds. Oxford: Clarendon Press, p. 185-204. Reader. Flemming Ask Larsen – Fundamental processes of meaning construction *Larsen, F.A. (2006). Mental Space Theory- an introduction to the 6-spacer. CNUS no.7., p. 1-13. Reader. Brandt, L., & Brandt, P.A. (2005). Making sense of a blend – A cognitive semiotic approach to metaphor. Research paper, Center for Semiotics, Arhus, Denmark. Original publication: http://www.hum.au.dk/semiotics/docs2/pdf/brandt&brandt/making_sense.pdf. Place to find: http://www.case.edu/artsci/cogs/larcs/documents/Makingsenseofablend.pdf Leiman, M. (1999). The concept of sign in the work of Vygotsky, Winnicot and Bakhtin: Further integration of object relations theory and activity theory. In Engstrom, Y, et al. (eds). Perspectives on Activity Theory. Cambridge University Press, Reprint, 2007, pp. 419-434. *This will be handed out to you at the first day of the introduction course or be sent to your home address. Jacques Souriau – Gestures, imitation, mind, and culture Butcher, C., & Goldin-Meadow, S. (2002). Gesture and the transition from one-to-two-word speech: When hand and mouth come together. In: D. McNeill (Ed.) Language and Gesture. NewYork: Cambridge University Press. Will be distributed by Jacques Souriau during the course. Goldin-Meadow, S., & Wagner, S.M. (2005). How our hands help us learn. Trends in Cognitive Science, 9, (5), 234-241. *Liddell, S.K. (2002). Blended spaces and deixis in sign language discourse. In: D. McNeill (ed). Language and Gesture. New York: Cambridge University Press. Will be distributed by Jacques Souriau during the course. *Tomasello, M. (2003). Constructing a language. A usage based theory of language acquisition. Harvard Press; p. 1-42. Will be distributed by Jacques Souriau during the course. Marleen Janssen - Social interaction, conversation, tactile approach Janssen, M.J., Riksen-Walraven, J.M., & van Dijk, J.P.M. (2006). Applying the diagnostic intervention model for fostering harmonious interactions between deafblind children and their educators. A case study. Journal of Visual of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 110(2), 91-105. Paul Hart - Assessment and population *Andersen, K., & Rodbroe, I. (2003). Identification of congenital deafblindness. In: Danish Centre on Congenital Deafblindness, A Danish Survey on Congenital Deafblindness, August 2000 December 2003. Aalborg, p. 37-57. Reader. Methodology Brantlinger, E., Jimenez, R., Klingner, J., Pugach, M., & Richardson, V. (2005). Qualitative studies in special education. Exceptional children, 71(2), p.195-207. Cozby, P.C. (2006). Methods in Behavioral Research. Ninth Edition. Fullerton: California State University. Book. *Guba, E.G. & Lincoln (1994). Competing paradigms in qualitative research. In: N.K. Denzin & Y.S. Lincoln. Handbook of qualitative research. London: Sage. p.105-117. Reader. *Linell, P. (ppt Groningen March 2011). Dialogicality, intersubjectivity, reliability. Reader. Markova, I., Linell, P. Grossen, M., & Orvig-Salazar, A. (2004). Dialogue in focus groups: Exploring socially shared knowledge. London: Equinox Publishing Ltd. Book. *Markova, I. (ppt Groningen March 2011) Validation and generalization using single case studies: A dialogical approach. Reader. Robson, C. (2002). Real World research. A Resource for Social Scientists and PractionerResearchers. Second Edition. Oxford: Blackwell. Book.