Special Education in International Perspectives

Lecture 3 - "Special Education in Sri Lanka" - 11.05.2021

Kanchana MENIKDIWEL (Sri Lanka): "Special Education in Sri Lanka" 

Tuesday, 11.05.2021, 14:30-15:30 (2:30-3:30pm)

The presentation is about "Special Education in Sri Lanka". The lecturer will discuss the current situation of facilitating individuals with special education in Sri Lanka and the issues and challenges faced by individuals with special needs in Sri Lanka.

Presentation - access only for those who joined the online meeting.

To learn more about the situation in Sri Lanka:

Menikdiwela, K., Bulathwatte, A., Vojtova, V., Pathirana, B. (2021): Facilitating individuals with specific learning disorders in Sri Lanka and Czech Republic

