Key determinants of coaching Coach's approach: • belief in one´s potential - we assume that every person has the potential to grow (C. G. Rogers) and if he wants to, he can fulfil it (to some extent - due to time). The coach's task is to help the coachee realize what he wants and how he wants to achieve it (he helps to reflect). Potential = any unfulfilled option. • symmetric relationship – the attitude OK - OK (Berne & Harris, 1960s, transaction analysis) • respecting individuality Coach's way of working: • non-directive (the coach does not determine how the potential should be handled - he does not put any of his content into the interview - topic, goal, opinion, idea, advice…) • process-oriented (the coach is empathetic, respectful, but disowns the understanding coachee´s position - the coach is with the client, but he is not the client) • future-oriented, solution-oriented and action-oriented • nonevaluative (the coach only appreciates the trust placed in him, helps the client to discover his own motivation, etc.) • discreet (the content of the interview remains completely between the coach and the coachee) The conditions for the work of the coach (it impossible without those): • free will of the coachee • rapport (relationship based on trust)