Body composition and energy needs 1. Calculate what is your BMI! 2. Calculate what is your WHR! Energy expenditure (EE) 1. Calculate your basal metabolic rate (BMR or BM) with Harris–Benedict equatio! 2. Calculate your energy expenditure! Activity BM factor Duration (h) Energy expenditure (kkal/kJ) Sleeping Learning Walking Watching TV Running Total Formulas BMI = body mass (kg) / height² (m²) WHR = waist (cm) / hip (cm) Harris – Benedict equatio for men BM = 66 + (13,8 x masa (kg)) + (5 x višina (cm)) – (6,8 x starost (leta)) Harris – Benedict equatio for women BM = 655 + (9,6 x masa (kg)) + (1,8 x višina (cm)) – (4,7 x starost (leta))