Set of Worksheets for Educational Communication SZ6612 Educational Communication SZ6638 Educational Communication Worksheet 1 Topic: Introduction to Educational Communication Teamwork Divide into four member teams A. Discussion 1. What is communication? 2. Describe the communication proces. 3. What different categories of communication do you know? 4. What is educational communication? B. Prepare answers based on discussion for presentation. Worksheet 2 Topic: Principles of verbal communication Teamwork Divide into four member teams A. Discussion 1. Try to define important factors affecting verbal communication. 2. Try to define important factors affecting verbal communication in educational communication. 3. Present your experience with the verbal communication of your teachers. 4. What makes you the biggest problem using verbal communication?? B. Prepare answers based on discussion for presentation. Worksheet 3 Topic: Voice speech Teamwork Divide into four member teams A. Discussion 1. Try to define how important for quality speech is breath. 2. Try to define how important for quality speech is rhythm. 3. Try to define how important for quality speech is dynamics. 4. Try to define how important for quality speech is intonations. B. Prepare answers based on discussion for presentation. Worksheet 4 Topic: The purpuse of the pause in educational communication Teamwork Divide into four member teams A. Discussion 1. Try to find as many reasons as possible for pause in speech. 2. Try to find as many reasons as possible for pause in educational communication. 3. Present your experience with the pause in your verbal communication. 4. Present your experience with the pause in verbal communication of your teachers. B. Prepare answers based on discussion for presentation. Worksheet 5 Topic: Principles of non-verbal communication Teamwork Divide into four member teams A. Discussion 1. Try to define important factors affecting non-verbal communication. 2. Try to define important factors affecting non-verbal communication in educational communication. 3. Present your experience with the non-verbal communication of your teachers. 4.What makes you the biggest problem using non-verbal communication?? B. Prepare answers based on discussion for presentation. Worksheet 6 Topic: Principles of non-verbal communication - facial expressions, views Teamwork Divide into four member teams A. Discussion 1. Try to define important factors affecting facial expressions and views. 2. Try to define important factors affecting facial expressions and views in educational communication. 3. Present your experience with the facial expressions and views of your teachers. 4.What makes you the biggest problem using facial expressions and views? B. Prepare answers based on discussion for presentation. Worksheet 7 Topic: Posturology, proxemics Teamwork Divide into four member teams A. Discussion 1. Try to define important factors affecting posturology and proxemics. 2. Try to define important factors affecting posturology and proxemics in educational communication. 3. Present your experience with the posturology and proxemics of your teachers. 4.What makes you the biggest problem using posturology and proxemics? B. Prepare answers based on discussion for presentation. Worksheet 8 Topic: Questions in communication Teamwork Divide into four member teams A. Discussion 1. Try to define important factors affecting questions in verbal communication. 2. Try to define important factors affecting questions in educational communication. 3. Present your experience with questions in communication of your teachers. 4.What makes you the biggest problem in formulating questions? B. Prepare answers based on discussion for presentation. Worksheet 9 Topic: Principles of interview Teamwork Divide into four member teams A. Discussion 1. Try to define principles of interview. 2. Try to define how important the questions are for a quality interview. 3. Present your experience with interview with your teachers. 4.What makes you the biggest problem during the interview? B. Prepare answers based on discussion for presentation. Worksheet 10 Topic: Principles of discussion Teamwork Divide into four member teams A. Discussion 1. Try to define important factors affecting discussion. 2. Try to define important factors affecting discussion in educational communication. 3. Present your experience with discussion at school. 4.What makes you the biggest problem during discussion? B. Prepare answers based on discussion for presentation. Worksheet 11 Topic: Communication barriers Teamwork Divide into four member teams A. Discussion 1. What communication barriers do you know? 2. Which communication barriers are important in educational communication? 3.Which communication barriers do you easily overcome? 4. Which communication barriers cause you the biggest problems? B. Prepare answers based on discussion for presentation. Worksheet 12 Topic: Principles of effective communication Teamwork Divide into four member teams A. Discussion 1. Try to define principles of effective communication. 2. Try to define principles of effective communication in educational communication. 3. Present your experience with effective communication of your teachers. 4.What makes you the biggest problem in implementing effective communication? B. Prepare answers based on discussion for presentation.