Physical Impairment 1. Read the article about cerebral palsy and fill in the missing words. Abnormality affect affected Awkward brain Decreased diplegia Hemiplegia increased legs quadriplegia slow spasticity tone tongue types writing 10-20 % Cerebral Palsy (CP) Cerebral palsy is a group of disorders that (1) ___________ a person's ability to move and maintain balance. It is due to a non-progressive brain (2)______________. People with cerebral palsy have damage to the part of the (3)______________ that controls muscle tone. It is what lets you keep your body in a certain posture or position. For example, it lets you sit straight and keep your head up. Changes in muscle tone let you move. The (4)______________ in different muscle groups must be balanced for you to move smoothly. Obsah obrázku diagram Popis byl vytvořen automaticky There are four main (5)______________ of cerebral palsy - spastic, dyskinetic, ataxic, and mixed. · Spastic: People with spastic cerebral palsy have (6)______________ muscle tone. Their muscles are stiff. Their movements can be (7) __________. About 70-80 percent of people with cerebral palsy have spasticity. Spastic cerebral palsy is usually described further by what parts of the body are (8)______________. In spastic (9)______________, the main effect is found in both legs. In spastic (10)______________, one side of the person's body is affected. Spastic (11)______________ affects a person's whole body (face, trunk, legs, and arms). · Dyskinetic (also called athetoid): People with dyskinetic cerebral palsy have (12)______________ movements that they cannot control. The movements usually affect a person’s hands, arms, feet, and (13)______________. Sometimes the face and (14)______________ are affected, and the person has a hard time talking. Muscle tone can change from day to day and can vary even during a single day. About (15)______________ of people with cerebral palsy have the dyskinetic form. · Ataxic: People with ataxic cerebral palsy have problems mainly with balance. They might be unsteady when they walk. They might have a hard time with quick movements or movements that need a lot of control, like (16)______________. They might have difficulty controlling their hands or arms when they reach for something. People with ataxic cerebral palsy can have increased or (17)______________ muscle tone. Only about 5 -10 percent of people with cerebral palsy have ataxia. · Mixed: Some people have more than one type of cerebral palsy. The most common pattern is (18)_________________ plus dyskinetic movements.