Deafness, Story Understanding, and Theory of Mind Author(s): Colin D. Gray and Judith A. Hosie Source: Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, Vol. 1, No. 4 (Fall 1996), pp. 217-233 Published by: Oxford University Press Stable URL: Accessed: 20-08-2019 13:04 UTC JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at Oxford University Press is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education This content downloaded from on Tue, 20 Aug 2019 13:04:06 UTC All use subject to Theoretical and Review Articles Deafness, Story Understanding, and Theory of Mind Colin D. Gray Judith A. Hosie University of Aberdeen The results of a number of studies indicate that prelingually deaf children raised in a spoken language environnent appear to have difficulty in understanding and retelling stories. Vari ous explanations have been offered: story understanding may be impaired by lack of background knowledge and vocabu lary; the lack of access to the phonology of spoken language may reduce the capacity of short-term or working memory, preventing the child from retaining story events and organiz ing them into a meaningful interpretation; it has also been suggested that deaf children may lack story schemata and so cannot organize the incoming material. Other work, however, indicates that deaf children's story production can be excel lent when elicited and evaluated by sensitive methods that place minimal emphasis upon English language. In this ar ticle, we argue that, in order to understand such apparent discrepancies, story understanding must be viewed within a broader perspective, including considerations of theory of mind and early socialization. Handling fictional stories can contribute to the emergence of an imaginative, creative attitude, to the development of empathy, fantasy and self involvement, as well as to the testing of models of the world and the self (Ulich & Ulich, 1994, p. 821). We acknowledge the support of the Economic and Social Research Coun cil (Grant No. R00023 6273), and we thank Dr. W. R Brown and the anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments. Correspondence should be sent to Colin D. Gray, Department of Psychology, King's Col lege, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen AB24 2UB, Scodand, UK (e mail: Copyright © 1996 Oxford University Press. CCC 1081-4159 The story is an important aspect of a hearing child's life. Hearing children love stories; and, if they are lucky, they will hear many during their early years. Telling a story is not just a way of giving a child a treat, nor is it merely, from the parent's point of view, a con venient soporific: The story is an important medium through which the parent can communicate many of the essential foundations of successful education. In deed, long after the bedtime stories of infancy, the story will continue to play an important role as an integral part of the school curriculum. The experience of hear ing and seeing a parent read a story imparts, in an enjoyable, informal context, many important features of language and metalanguage, enriches vocabulary and general knowledge, and inculcates the moral qualities that the parent wishes the child to acquire. And as the child grows older, the complexity and subtlety of the stories can be increased, promoting an increasingly sophisticated Weltanschauung. Story Comprehension: A Complex Process The childhood story is such a familiar aspect of the ev eryday life of the hearing child that it is easy to overlook the complexity of the processes by which the listener becomes involved in the action, builds up a growing ap preciation of what is going on, and (afterwards) at tempts to recall or to retell the story. In fact, story un derstanding has many aspects, drawing upon a broad This content downloaded from on Tue, 20 Aug 2019 13:04:06 UTC All use subject to 218 Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 1:4 Fall 1996 spectrum of psychological functions, the importance of The Language Problem some of which is only just beginning to be appreciated. Orally-trained, prelingually deaf children of hearing parents usually fail to attain proficiency in the language 0, . , . , c ,... i-, of the hearing people around them, in either its spoken Story comprehension in deaf children. From our own re- & v v ' , , « • j or its written form. Although the lack of spoken lan search experience, classroom observation, and conver- ° v sations with teachers of the deaf over a period of several SuaSe mi^ht seem t ^ .. h j r lu i the needs of those who cannot hear human speech, deaf years, we suggest that prelingually deal children who v ' , v ■ . • i , • » children's difficulties with written language obviously have been raised in a spoken language environment ap- do j , j œ u • a *. a' - • tu present a major obstacle to communication and to the parently have difficulty m understanding stones. I he v ' r* j • r i i i . j. • i , ,-u investigation of their mental processes, findings of several published studies with such children & v converge upon the rather bleak conclusion that orally schooled deaf children of hearing parents (particularly Deaf children s problems with literac when they are young) appear to have difficulty in un- the first few years of schooling is derstanding the main import of the stories their par- the balance from spoken to written l ents and teachers try to communicate to them (Banks, lze on the fact that print ' makes p Gray, & Fyfe, 1990; Gray, Banks, Fyfe, & Morris, 1992; abstraction that could hardly be pro Donin, Doehring, & Browns, 1991). The purpose of means" (Carroll, 1974; p. 172). In t this article is to present a more comprehensive analysis of abstraction" is expressed the powe of the story comprehension problem than is already tbe child from confinement to what available, with a view to reconciling the foregoing re- seen and touched and to permit con suits with some of the more encouraging findings re- °f a rea' world beyond the child s i ported by other authors, such as Marschark (1993), but als0 of the hypothetical and (u Marschark and Clark (1993), and Marschark, Moura- bolic. dian, and Halas (1994). These considerations should apply, a fortiori, to Some aspects of story understanding extend far be- deaf children, whose world is, ab initio, narrowed by yond the exercise of basic cognitive functions such as tbe blocking of a major information highway. For the short-term or working memory, or even of language deaf child, learning to read should be even more liber and phonology. The full appreciation of many stories ating than it is for hearing children. On every reading requires the receiver to view the developing action test yet devised for use with hearing children, however, from the different points of view of the story characters prelingually deaf children perform at a level well below and to empathize with their varying (and often con- that of their hearing contemporaries. Moreover, the flicting) motives. This, in turn, presupposes that the differential increases as the deaf child grows up; on listener has developed other abilities. Some of these are hearing-standardized tests, their developmental trajec cognitive, but others are acquired as aspects of social, tory °f performance typically levels off at a plateau emotional, and empathie development. reading age of 8V2 years (Conrad, 1979; Trybus & Much of the published research on the psychology Karchmer, 1977; Waters & Doehring, 1990). of deafness has concentrated upon the academic and cognitive abilities of deaf children, but, until very re- Decoding. Reading is a complex process, with decoding, cently, other important aspects of their development syntactic, and semantic aspects (cf. Waters & Doehr have been somewhat neglected. In this article, deaf ing, 1990). Expert private reading is both swift and si children's difficulties with stories will be considered in lent. Yet there is an overwhelming body of evidence to the light of some recent advances in developmental show that an important aspect of written word identi psychology, with a view to exploring the way in which fication is something akin to a physically inaudible deaf children's social development affects their re- "sounding out" of the letters (or combinations of sponse to discourse. letters) making up a written word. By means of a This content downloaded from on Tue, 20 Aug 2019 13:04:06 UTC All use subject to Deaf Children's Story Understanding 219 transcoding of these visual fragments into phonological by inference in reading in its decoding, syntactic, and fragments, followed by a rather mysterious "blending" semantic aspects. This has become known as the "top process, the spoken word is assembled (Cossu, Ros- down" approach to reading. sini, & Marshall, 1993; Morton & Frith, 1993). Such With this theoretical holism came new develop segmentation and phonological reassembly has the ments and shifts of emphasis in teaching practice. Few great advantage of enabling readers to pronounce orthodoxies succeed in totally eliminating heterodox words they have never seen before (Ellis, 1984). Written opinions, and perhaps there never was a time when ev language, then, exploits the phonology of the spoken ery teacher of reading subscribed wholeheartedly to language, so that "there is good reason to suppose that the orthodoxy of phonics. Whole word, or look-and in hearing people, written English comes to speak with say, methods, in which children are required to re an 'inner voice', which acts as a sole, an alternative or a spond verbally to entire written words (presented on synergistic route to meaning, depending upon the stage flash cards), rather than isolated letters, have a long, if of development of the child and the familiarity of the peripheral, history before the sixties. In that decade, text" (Gray, 1995, p. 6). however, phonics seemed in danger of losing its domi nant position because of an upsurge of support and Written language and basic cognitive processes. Although vocacy for look-and-say. the "inner voice" and the "inner ear" are metaphors, Associated with look-and-say was a t they receive strong empirical support from cognitive present, at any early stage, words in the psychology (Campbell, 1992). The theory of working phrases or sentences, rather than in memory (Baddeley, 1979; Baddeley & Hitch, 1974), down theorists also recommended an ea and especially the role of the "articulatory loop," would tion to integrated passages, stories, and te seem to have wide-reaching implications for reading at to encourage children to read for gist, the coding, the syntactic, and (perhaps) even the se- Despite the persuasiveness of the argu mantic levels. It is a reasonable surmise that, just as we top-down reading theorists and the stro can hold a telephone number in our heads longer if we now available for the importance of infe repeat it over and over, the articulatory loop should ing comprehension in its syntactic an make phonological transcoding an efficient way of re- pects, empirical work does not confirm taining sequences of visual items in memory, provided role of inference in written word-identi the latter have pronounceable names. And this may be skilled readers; on the contrary, apparen true whether those sequences consist of graphemes, inference in word identification is cha the words of a sentence, or even, speculatively, a devel- poor, rather than good, readers (see Oak oping model of the meaning of a written passage. (It is, ham, 1988, for a detailed review of the re on the other hand, quite possible that signs also have question). By the early eighties, therefore some kind of articulatory loop that facilitates retention research on reading comprehension in its in an analogous way.) pects had begun to move away from purely top-down accounts, and greater credence was being given to the Spoken language as the basis of written language. Over the interactive-compensatory models propound past three decades, the landscape of reading theory has such as Stanovich (1980) and Rumelhart (19 undergone considerable change. In the sixties, the pho- a decade later, the pendulum of reading th nological emphasis in the theory and teaching of read- swung strongly back to phonology and pho ing (the phonics approach) began to come under fire, terson, 1992). some specialists arguing enthusiastically for the inde pendence of the processing of written language from Deaf children's problems with English syntax. speech processing (Baron, 1973; Barron & Baron, most salient features of the deaf child's read 1977; Goodman, 1967; Smith, 1971). Proponents of the manee profile is a marked difficulty with the "written language" approach stressed the role played rules of English (Kyle, 1980; King & Qui This content downloaded from on Tue, 20 Aug 2019 13:04:06 UTC All use subject to 220 Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 1:4 Fall 1996 Waters & Doehring, 1990). Although restriction of signs of any kind). Clearly, since they do not vocabulary (particularly abstract vocabulary) is under- spoken language before they begin their schoo standable (and usual) in deaf children, many achieve a lingually deaf children cannot be expected to ac good level of automaticity at the word-decoding level. written language syntax in the "natural" mann A good indicator of automaticity is the occurrence of hearing children. Stroop interference (Stroop, 1935), which has been In view of the foregoing considerations, r demonstrated in deaf children by Allen (1971) and by may have to be placed upon artificial routines a Leybaert and Alegria (1993). But even the combination plicit demonstrations of principles that would of a good vocabulary with automaticity is insufficient wise be acquired, without conscious effort to ensure adequate syntactic processing. It is quite pos- course of natural, preschool English language u sible to match deaf and hearing children on "reading demonstrated efficacy of visual displays in the c age" as measured by screening instruments such as the of the reception and retelling of stories (Bank Young test (Young, 1982), yet still have a marked mis- Fyfe, & Morris, 1991; Gray, Banks, Fyfe & Mor match on syntax (Gaines, Mandler, & Bryant, 1981; 1992) would suggest that such methods might Banks, Gray & Fyfe, 1990). ably be adapted for use at other levels of reading: words It has been suggested that, in deaf readers, nonac- within sentences and letters within words, as well as cess to phonological coding prevents strings of words representations of the conceptual structures of writ from being retained in working memory in their origi- ten discourse. nal order, with the result that syntactic skills cannot de- Perhaps the teaching of English syntactic rules velop. On the other hand, the empirical basis for this is (such as those governing the production of interroga distinctly shaky; a number of studies have shown that tive forms) can be aided by the use of display kits. In a the usual working memory measures correlate poorly study by Fyfe, Mitchell, Gray, Ritchie, Grant, and with reading skills (e.g., Hunt, Lunneborg, & Lewis, Banks (1993), the various sentence parts (words or 1975; Perfetti & Goldman, 1976); moreover, in studies word sequences) were carried on cards, which could be of story recall in two samples of deaf children at manipulated according to certain rules to effect the different levels of literacy, neither Gaines, Mandler, transformation from the declarative form of a sentenc and Bryant (1981) nor Banks, Gray, and Fyfe (1990) to the simple yes/no interrogative form, found any evidence of a memory problem in the written recall of printed stories by deaf children. There is, however, another consideration. Well be- The semantic aspect: extracting the meaning from a written fore they come to their first formal reading lessons, passage. Although the techniques of Computer-Assisted hearing children have acquired most of the syntactic Learning (CAL) are very promising, they cannot, by structures of English (King & Quigley, 1985). They de- themselves, empower the deaf child to extract the velop these naturally, in their spoken interactions with meaning from a printed story; merely making a passage their parents and others on whom they must depend easier to read by simplifying the English does not en to satisfy their needs. Arguably, therefore, hearing sure that the gist of the passage will be extracted children whose coding skills are sufficiently developed (Banks, Gray, & Fyfe, 1990). need only map the syntax of written language onto a knowledge base already well established in their spoken language. There is no reason to suppose that any of this Metalanguage and metacognition. The early experiences is true of prelingually deaf children of hearing parents. of hearing children enable them also to acquire, to some Their first linguistic experiences likely come at the degree, what is known as metalanguage. This term i stage of nursery school, when a skilled teacher proba- not used with equal clarity by all authors. According bly instructs them in some form of signed, or sign- to Olson and Torrance (1983), who offer perhaps the assisted, English (though there are still strict oralist es- clearest explanation, children, having unselfcon tablishments that have resisted the introduction of sciously used language merely as a medium for com This content downloaded from on Tue, 20 Aug 2019 13:04:06 UTC All use subject to Deaf Children's Story Understanding 221 municating their needs, begin to see language as a thing sign language comes with their informal contacts with of interest in itself; language becomes, as it were, other children at school, where the official language is opaque, another object (or set of objects) in the child's often some form of signed English (Wood, Wood, world, distinguishable from the things to which the Griffiths, & Howarth, 1986). language refers (the set of meanings that the language The seventies saw the first thawing of the perma communicates). Metalanguage is a set of concepts and frost of prejudice against sign, though even today that terms that permit the speaker to talk about language thaw is still far from complete. There were several rea itself, rather than its content. For example, the unit of sons for this antipathy. Strict oralists held that if chil spoken discourse is the "word." Words are grouped dren were allowed to use their hands to communicate, into "sentences," and words themselves are often made they would turn aside from the more difficult task of up of "parts" known as "syllables." In the hearing learning English: "[The deaf child] must not learn to child's development, some metalinguistic knowledge is rely on silent gesture to get what he wants" (Ewing & acquired very early indeed: "All speakers have some Ewing, 1961, p. 75). To such authorities, in fact, to such metalanguage even if it merely discriminates talk speak of a sign language was a contradiction in terms: from song, or prayers from curses" (Olson & Torrance, "Gestures have a place in normal communication, but 1983, p. 147). It is only through the attainment of writ- signs have not" (Ewing & Ewing, 1961, p. 75). Only ten language (or literacy), however, that metalanguage comparatively recently has the status of sign as a true is fully acquired. For Olson and Torrance, this is the natural language gained wider acceptance (Klima & major developmental change that takes place in the pri- Bellugi, 1979; Kyle & Woll, 1985). mary school years. Early experience with sign is likely to confer many An important aspect of successful learning is a advantages upon the prelingually deaf child. F growing knowledge of the way we learn things, as op- ample, the child can acquire early experience of posed to what we are learning. This awareness is known versation, which, arguably, is crucial for later de as metacognition. Metacognition is evinced by fre- ment (Peterson & Siegal, 1995). The promotion of si quent reflective activity; efficient learners monitor their may also bring more subtle benefits. Probably ve own progress by testing themselves in various ways. hearing people cannot tell a speech from a song o The good reader also shows this tendency to monitor prayer from a curse. In a prelingually deaf child progress: "Good comprehenders seem to have a better nonsigning parents, however, it is difficult to se awareness of what comprehension is and when it has this or any other aspect of metalinguistic awaren occurred" (Oakhill & Garnham, 1988, p. 139). Oakhill could easily be acquired. Very young hearing child and Garnham (1988) were concerned with reading soon become aware that somehow the story they are comprehension; metacognitive skills, however, are joying emanates from the print on the page of the likely to be relevant in almost any learning situation, that the teller is holding, a discovery that may including story comprehension. Facility with written tened by the solicitous reader occasionally runni language, however, is likely to be a great boost to the finger along each word as it is read. The hearing development of metacognitive awareness. probably acquires much metalinguistic knowle this manner. None of this is likely to be true for prelin gually deaf children raised in a spoken language envi Sign language. It is well known that deaf communities ronment, who may see no reason to be motivate have their own languages (Klima & Bellugi, 1979; mere marks on a page. And since no sound ema Kyle & Woll, 1985; Stokoe, 1960; Stokoe, Casterline, & from the lips of their parents, lip movements m Croneberg, 1965), examples of which are British Sign be of little interest, making it difficult, at a later Language (BSL), American Sign Language (ASL), for the teacher to impart the phonemic signific and Australian Sign Language (Auslan). Most prelin- the graphemes. Perhaps the acquisition of natural s gually deaf children, however, have hearing parents language can promote the metalinguistic awa who cannot sign. Their first experience with natural necessary to bootstrap the acquisition of English. This content downloaded from on Tue, 20 Aug 2019 13:04:06 UTC All use subject to 222 Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 1:4 Fall 1996 Studying Story Recall true "grammars" has been seriously questioned (cf. Oakhill & Garnham, 1988), they have proved to be us The importance of stories has been recognized for fu] yardsticks for measuring (in recall or rete many years, and, since they reflect to some degree the extent t0 which the main developments in attitudes and values that obtain in the societies in been understood (Weaver, 1978; Feagan which they are told (Levi-Strauss, 1955), they have 1984) been of great interest to anthropologists and linguists (Greimas, 1971; Prince, 1973). (For a review, see Stein, -phe concept of schema. So far, the term "sc 1979). Until comparatively recently, however; there had been used somewhat descriptively to indica been few attempts to measure story recall, even with recall has a discernible structure, conform hearing children. t0 some extent) to the characteristics descri Stein (1979) and her collaborators. Although the ide What is a story? The advent of "story grammarr." There has of a schema goes back to Binet (and Im been disagreement about precisely what constitutes a the term was introduced into psychology b "story" (Brewer & Lichtenstein, 1982; Stein & Poli- (1932), where it has had an enormous inf crasto, 1984). It is easy to give an ostensive definition lett (1932) defined a schema as an active or by pointing to examples of stories, and no one feels in of past reactions and experiences always o any doubt that they know what a story is, but it is quite any well-developed organism. Bartlett s another matter to give a formal definition. Apart from when subjects tried to recall stories, they d the work of Bartlett (1932), stories were little used in duce imperfect imitations of the originals psychological research for many years. It is easy to see trary, they seemed to impose their own s why; if we cannot specify a story's structure, we have the story, to the point of adding entirely n no yardstick with which to evaluate a subject's recall. as well as omitting aspects of the original s Similarly, should one wish to assert that two stories are story memory is very much a product of in of equal "complexity," or of "comparable structure," it listener, as well as of incoming information would be difficult to sustain such a claim in the absence Bartlett provided ample evidence for the of precise measurements of those qualities. nature of story recall, yet he offered no prec In response to the need for more precision, Rumel- tion of a schema. The story grammar of R hart (1975), using the work of Bartlett (1932) on story (1975) was devised with the intention of desc recall and the literature on the structures of myths, leg- only observable story features but also th ends, and folk tales (Propp, 1958), constructed a so- psychological structures used to encode, repre called "story grammar" describing the general struc- retrieve story information. On that assump ture of a story and developed a classification system. processes involved in story comprehension c Other story grammars were developed by Mandler and principle, be studied as reflected in the "g Johnson (1977), Stein and Glenn (1979), and Thorn- ity" of story recall. In the seventies, there wa dyke (1977). Of the various systems, that of Stein and investigation, by those of top-down persua her co-workers has been used most by researchers. use by hearing readers of their knowled A story grammar defines the elements of the inter- schemata," supposed sets of expectations a nal structure of a schematic, generic story: a setting (in ternal structures of stories derived from a which the background and characters are introduced); experience. These investigators claime a problem (that the main character must solve); an out- schemata enable the reader (or listener) to o come (or resolution); and an ending, in which any loose predict incoming story information (Mand ends are duly tied up (Stein & Glenn, 1979). Within Even though the story grammars have this general framework, a variety of episodic structures able in research when used descriptively, can be specified, some linear, others hierarchical, and carry assumptions that tend to obscure, rat so on. Although the status of such story templates as to illuminate, the underlying mental proces This content downloaded from on Tue, 20 Aug 2019 13:04:06 UTC All use subject to Deaf Children's Story Understanding 223 recall. In some interpretations, for example, it is in the 'gaps'" (Stein, 1979, p. 269). Stein (1979) re suggested (often implicitly) that story schemata are views a number of studies, the import of which is that rather like rigid templates, with "gaps" that are "filled as children get older, their story recall approximates in" with new, specific information (e.g., Stein, 1979). more and more closely to "well-formed" stories, that is, There is here, however, a risk of the "homuncular fal- stories that conform to story-grammatical structures, lacy," that is, the attachment of whole-human-being predicates to parts that cannot have such capabilities (Kenny, 1991). Often (as in Minsky, 1975, and Rumel- Story Understanding and Recall in Deaf Children hart, 1975), the schema seems to assume two aspects, the organizer and the organized; much as the Cartesian Because of numerous methodological difficulties, story soul (Descartes, 1649) contemplated the representa- comprehension in deaf children has been little studied. tions of the two retinal images in the pineal gland be- HearinS children can be told a story and asked t0 reca11 fore reconstructing the viewed object, the organizing il" 0lder children can also be asked t0 exPress their re" schema scans the templates and selects the "right" one cal1 of the St0ryin writin&'thus ProvidinS a P™nent for the story. But how is the selection made? How does record that the researcher can study at le,sure' But as the listener handle a new type of story? How do the we have seen> deaf chlldren'S written lan&uaSe' even in template schemata develop? Some would replace the their later sch°o1 years'is often insufficiently developed notion of story schemata with the view that the listener t0 serve as a sensitive measure of understanding. (or reader, or viewer) constructs a fresh model for every Another wa* of trying t0 ascertain whether a story new story, rather than searching in the drawer for an has been understood is to ask the child to sign it back old one resembling the present input. The processes t0 tbe teller and videorecord the child's versl0n'In our by which such a model is synthesized, however, remain experience with deaf children raised in a spoken lan unclear (Brewer, 1987; Eysenck & Keane, 1995). gUage environment, however, it is very difficult to ob tain agreement, even among experienced teachers of the deaf, about exactly how much of the story a child tt a j l ■ h ij j . j j // . ■ ? has understood; the feasibility of using this method in How well do hearing children understand and recall storiesr ' J ° The import of studies of story recall in hearing chil- the Study of St0ry Production, ho j • _ , i i . , „ demonstrated by Marschark, Mouradian, and Halas dren is that even at the preschool stage, they have well- J ' ' formed expectations about stories (Allen, Kertoy, (1994). Sherblom, & Petit, 1994; Mandler, 1978; Stein & Glenn, 1979; Thorndyke, 1977; Trabasso, Stein, Rod- Studies of the written recall of st kin, Munger, & Baughn, 1992). Provided the sequence few published studies of the of events in a story corresponds to the expected se- by deaf children, the main quence, six-year-old children recall the temporal se- extent to which prelinguall quence of story events quite accurately (Mandler & ally raised in a spoken langua Johnson, 1977). Stein (1979) reported a similar result inferences from text fragm with four- to five-year-old children. edge to overcome their diffic The story grammar work thus failed to confirm the cation and English syntax claim of Piaget (1960) that six- to eight-year-old chil- the text as a whole. dren do not produce coherent story recall; although Gaines, Mandler, and B Brown (1975) found preschool children less impres- tically advanced teenaged dea sive. Stein (1979) suggested that this was because "the to write down, from mem sequences did not correspond identically to the struc- lar complexity. In other r ture of an expected sequence. Certain categories might differed: One was written also have been missing, and 4-to 5-year-olds may not contained words that h have been able to make the appropriate inferences to fill etically (e.g., "throgh") This content downloaded from on Tue, 20 Aug 2019 13:04:06 UTC All use subject to 224 Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 1:4 Fall 1996 ("thru"), and a third contained ambiguous anaphoric Other approaches to the study of deaf children's story com noun and pronoun references (e.g., "He rode on his hension. It has been found that if prelingually deaf si back all the way to London"). ing children are asked to sign their interpretations of Despite no significant difference between mean written stories, they are better able to overcome their scores of the two groups of participants on recall of the difficulties with English syntax and extract a coheren unmodified story, the deaf children outperformed the story line (Ewoldt, 1981; Yurkowski & Ewoldt, 1986). hearing children in their recall of both the modified sto- Referring the written text to their first language (ASL ries. The authors suggested that, in comparison with appears to have helped them to read more selectively hearing readers, deaf children read "with a broader re- and purposefully. This would seem to be an instance of constructive strategy"—that is, they guess more and a positive effect, in a situation of coordinate bilingual reconstruct the meaning from partial cues in the text ism, of the learner's first language upon semantic pro caines, Mandler, & Bryant, 1981, p. 467). By placing cessing in her second. It also attests to the importance greater reliance upon picking up the gist of the stories of early experience of conversation for the developmen (even of those whose English has been modified), deaf of story understanding (cf. Peterson & Siegal, 1995). readers can avoid being confused by altered textual The danger of performance errors being interpre detail. ted as competence limitations is ubiquitous in psychol In a study of deaf children (with hearing parents) ogy, and never does whose English language was less proficient than that of trying to study c the participants in Gaines, Mandler, and Bryant viewed through the d (1981), Banks, Gray, and Fyfe (1990) carried out an ex- written language (K periment in which the word order of the sentences tunately, there are ot within one story was modified to mimic the topic- be argued that if deaf comment sign order characteristic of natural sign lan- written stories by guage. The sign-order condition improved the deaf quence, this shoul children's cloze recall, indicating that, for them, the child's expressive lan text had been made easier to read; there was no such dren receive many o effect with the hearing controls. On the other hand, the they should be p manipulation did not enable the deaf children to (Gray, Fyfe, & Bank achieve better comprehension at passage level. It would been used successfull seem, therefore, that unless they are unusually good young hearing readers, deaf children do not generally follow a "broad Poulsen, Kintsc reconstructive strategy" when reading stories. picture arrangement Griffith and Ripich (1988) asked children with var- cated in a spoken lang ying degrees of hearing impairment to retell stories. conform to the The children's stories did have the correct story- grammatical categor grammatical form, although many events were omitted 1991), which is cons in the retellings. In a later study (Griffith, Ripich, & and Ripich (1988 Dastoli, 1990), the same investigators used a more fine- In a later study, h grained analysis of story structure, as described by ment test was us propositional analysis (Kintsch, 1977) and cohesion knowledge by deaf analysis (Halliday & Hasan, 1976). They found that, as meaning of writ the stories became longer, the number of incomplete Morris, 1992). The re propositions increased. Also, the pattern of recall sug- dren evinced knowl gested that the children were failing to keep track of story structure, th the main story line. features which, when present in stories given to hear This content downloaded from on Tue, 20 Aug 2019 13:04:06 UTC All use subject to Deaf Children's Story Understanding 225 ing children, are known to add strength and salience to cated by the patterns of causal goal-action-outcome ep the story line. isodes. The theme of villainy, for example, is ubiq children's stories (Botvin & Sutton-Smith, 1977 lainy usually implies the inclusion in a story o tagonist-antagonist conflict, with a shifting vie and an interesting emphasis upon character m lacking in most other stories. Sensitivity to su ments represents a degree of sophistication on not expect in the youngest children (Bisantz, 19 comparison between picture-arrangement reco tions of stories by deaf and hearing children s that the theme of villainy enhanced the perfo of the hearing children but not that of the de confirming that the latter's sensitivity to som features is delayed (cf. Banks, Gray, Fyfe, & 1991; Griffith & Ripich, 1988). The import of the studies reviewed so far is t even in circumstances wherein the linguistic d of reception and recall are minimized, deaf ch with hearing parents appear to be unable to some features of stories that are known to be a to hearing children. A somewhat inchoate structure in story recall may also So far, all the studies considered required the parti- reflect a delay in a receiver's emotion cipants to recall, or to retell, a story they had just re- or difficulty in empathizing with the s ceived. The next section concerns the production of These possibilities will be explored in the stories by deaf and hearing children. Theory of Mind Studies of story production by deaf children. Some compar- During the past decade, there has bee ative studies of the production of written stories by in research examining children's u deaf and hearing children have led researchers to con- "theory of mind." According to Premack elude that deaf children raised in a spoken language en- (1978), who coined the phrase, one is vironment find it relatively difficult to produce coher- theory of mind when one imputes men ent stories (Webster, 1986; Yoshinaga-Itano & Snyder, self and to others. Moreover, "a system o 1985). Here, as with written recall of stories, it is this kind is properly viewed as a theory, f difficult to ascertain whether the children's attempts such states are not directly observable, reflect their linguistic difficulties, or their cognition. cause the system can be used to make Marschark, Mouradian, and Halas (1994) used a cifically about the behaviour of other or scheme devised by Trabasso and his associates (Tra- mack & Woodruff, 1978, p. 515). By t basso & Nickels, 1992; Trabasso, van den Broek, & then, is meant the awareness that a sit Suh, 1989) to compare the semantic structures of sto- look the same to another person, togethe ries produced by deaf and hearing children in sign, ity to view the scene from someone s els orally, and in writing. They found that signed and oral in this sense, theory of mind could b productions had similar discourse structures as indi- "mind reading" (Happé & Frith, 1995 This content downloaded from on Tue, 20 Aug 2019 13:04:06 UTC All use subject to 226 Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 1:4 Fall 1996 Speech Act Theorists, such as Grice (1975), Austin order tasks," the latter as "second-order tasks" (Per (1962), and Searle (1969) argued that all communica- ner& Wimmer, 1985). tion requires both participants to take into account the An adaptation of Wimmer and Perner's first-orde background knowledge and presuppositions of the theory of mind test, intended to minimize the demand other person in the dialogue, as well as their intentions on S's expressive language abilities, is described by in communicating; otherwise, a dialogue could not Baron-Cohen, Leslie, and Frith (1985). In Baron meet the conversational rules of pragmatics, as de- Cohen's test, the experimenter (E), sitting across a tab scribed by Sperber and Wilson (1986). The concept of from S, shows S two dolls: Sally, with a basket in fr theory of mind can be viewed as an extension of some of her, and Anne, with a box. Sally places a marble of the ideas of Speech Act Theory to more general con- her basket and then gets up and leaves the room, siderations of social, emotional, and cognitive develop- whereupon Anne reaches over and transfers the marb ment (Baron-Cohen, 1988). Clearly, theory of mind is from Sally's basket to her own box. Sally comes bac an essential prerequisite for the understanding of many E asks S, "Where will Sally look for her marble?" stories, for much of the tension that gives a story its need only point to either the basket or the box. Th appeal derives from the differing viewpoints of the theory of mind choice is the basket; the "wrong" cho characters and the receiver's awareness of them. is the box. There is, however, a major problem of interpreta How can theory of mind be demonstrated? One of the most tion here: a young child, ignorant of the ad convincing tests for theory of mind in hearing children pragmatics as described by Speech Act Th is the false-belief paradigm developed by Wimmer and might think that E has simply asked for th Perner (1983), in which a puppet character holds a be- tion of the marble. To exclude that possibility, lief about the location of an object that is both wrong tice has been to ask S certain "control questi and at variance with that of the child subject (S). In the establish that S really has understood what original version (Wimmer & Perner, 1983: experiment asked for (Baron-Cohen, 1992). The two contr 1), the puppet, called Maxi, returns home from a shop- tions asked by Baron-Cohen were (1) "Wher ping trip with his mother and puts some chocolate they marble really?" and (2) "Where was the ma have bought into a cupboard. When Maxi is out play- beginning?" (Baron-Cohen, Leslie, & Fri ing, his mother takes the chocolate down and returns it The first question supposedly establishes tha to a different cupboard. S is asked, "Where will Maxi where the marble is at the moment; the secon look for the chocolate?" Children pass the test if they that S can accurately recall the original hidi can take into account the fact that Maxi will still think that the chocolate is in the original cupboard, and, al- Development of theory of mind. Theory of mind develops though this is a false belief, it will nevertheless deter- early in normal childhood. By four years of age, most mine Maxi's behavior. This test and numerous varia- hearing children can successfully perform first-order tions on the theme have demonstrated an important belief tasks, and by the age of nine years they can developmental watershed reached at approximately the handle second-order tasks (Perner & Wimmer, 1985). four-year age level (Leslie & Frith, 1988; Moore, The one exception to this general pattern in hear Pure, & Furrow, 1990; Moses & Flavell, 1990; Perner, ing children is the developmental profile of autistic Frith, Leslie, & Leekam, 1989). children, who rarely succeed on false-belief tasks In all the tasks referred to so far, the child is re- (Baron-Cohen, 1992; Leslie & Frith, 1988). In fact, on quired to show awareness of the false belief of a story such tasks, autistic children perform below the leve character. More difficult tasks have been devised, in of normal or preschool children with similar or lower which S is asked not directly about the belief of one verbal intelligence, children with Down's syndro protagonist but about the belief of one protagonist (Baron-Cohen, Leslie, & Frith, 1985), and childre about that of another. The former are known as "first- with specific language impairments (Leslie & Frith This content downloaded from on Tue, 20 Aug 2019 13:04:06 UTC All use subject to Theory of Mind in Deaf Children Deaf Children's Story Understanding 227 1988; Perner et al., 1989). Apparently, therefore, for au- on the other hand, theory of mind and the pragmatic tistic children, the difficulty lies neither in general use of language are impaired, whereas face processing mental retardation nor in language impairment. and language remain intact. Frith (1989) has speculated that the autistic child's persistent failure on theory of mind tasks may have a biological basis and may arise from a prenatal neuro logical fault. Baron-Cohen (1992) suggests that scan- While the evidence supporting a neurological basis for ning techniques that allow imaging of the brain during the social behavior characteristic of autism is strong, cognitive tasks may show us where a brain dysfunction acceptance of this interpretation need not imply that might exist. Fletcher, Happé, Frith, Baker, Dolan, theory of mind itself is necessarily modular and hard Frackowiak, and Frith (1995) report a neuroimaging wired. It has been suggested that in autistic children study with positron emission tomography in which the something may be amiss with the brain system respon brain activity of normal subjects was monitored while sible for the production of joint-attentional behavior, they performed comprehension tasks requiring the at- that is, giving, showing, pointing, and so on (Baron tribution of mental states and tasks that did not. Only Cohen, 1992). Such behavior, arguably, is a necessary the theory of mind task produced activation in the left but insufficient condition for true theory of mind, medial frontal gyrus (Brodmann's area 8). The localiza- Moreover, to accept that the prevention of joint tion of the brain regions involved in the attribution of attentional behavior inhibits theory of mind in no way mental states, therefore, would appear feasible. pre-empts the possibility that such prevention need al Neuropsychological theories have been proposed to ways have a neurological basis, explain the wide range of symptoms associated with Until recently, studies of a variety of different sub autism: poor socialization, deviant language and com- ject groups, including Down's syndrome, had found munication skills, and repetitive social behavior. For evidence of theory of mind in all but autistic children, example, Karmiloff-Smith, Klima, Bellugi, Grant, and The possibility of a delay in acquisition of theory of Baron-Cohen (1995) suggest that a cognitive "module" mind for reasons other than neurological damage, may be responsible for social cognition, especially therefore, remained only a theoretical possibility. Re those processes relating to certain aspects of face per- cent work, however, has produced evidence to suggest ception and theory of mind. An important aspect of the that in prelingually deaf children of hearing parents various types of language and face-processing abilities also, the acquisition of theory of mind may be delayed, relevant to social behavior (the pragmatic use of lan- Using a variant of Baron-Cohen's Sally-Anne false guage, sensitivity to eye-gaze and facial expression) belief task (see below), Peterson and Siegal (1995), is their temporal co-occurrence. According to Karmi- found that the performance of a sample of prelingually loff-Smith et al. (1995), there exist separate, domain- deaf Australian children was not significantly better specific predispositions for discriminating stimuli rele- than that of the autistic children tested by Baron vant to faces, language, and theory of mind, but the Cohen, Leslie, and Frith (1985). There were two computations in the different domains eventually give groups of subjects. The procedure for the first group rise to a superordinate modular-like organization con- was as follows. E and an interpreter sat across a table cerned with the pragmatics of social interaction in gen- from S. On the top of the table, on E's left, was a square eral (cf. Brothers & Ring, 1992). In support of this the- box, beside which was a toy dog. On the right was a ory, Karmiloff-Smith et al. (1995) adduce dissociations round basket, beside which was a doll called Sally, among theory of mind, language, and face processing There were two trials. In the first, Sally hid a marble in across different abnormal phenotypes. For example, in her basket and left the room, whereupon the dog trans Down's syndrome, a serious deficit in face processing fered the marble to her box. On Sally's return, S was and the use of morphology in language can coexist with asked, "Where will Sally look for her marble?" Then good performance on theory of mind tasks. In autism, came two control questions: "Where is the marble This content downloaded from on Tue, 20 Aug 2019 13:04:06 UTC All use subject to 228 Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 1:4 Fall 1996 really?" and "Where did Sally put the marble in the conversation differ in what they know and beginning?" In the second trial, the dog placed the about a shared topic, from which it eventually bec marble in the experimenter's pocket, but otherwise clear that people differ in what they know and th the procedure was as before, with the same three ques- Certainly the circumstances of the children st tions. by Peterson and Siegal (1995) would lead one to sus The procedure for the second group was identical pect that they may h to that used with the first group, except that instead versation in their i of asking "Where will Sally look for her marble?" the children are likely question became "Where will Sally look first for her tion, at least until th marble? Peterson and Siegal (1995) describe this modi- ers in primary fication as "conversationally-supported questioning." Howarth, 1986). Peter Two out of 12 children passed the test with the signing, prelingually standard questions. Seven out of 14 passed the "con- mal intelligence, 8-13 versational" version of the test. Of the 26 children in given above, could b the study, therefore, only nine (i.e., 35%) passed either perience of convers version of the test. (If the percentages are weighted In total commun equally, the mean is 33%.) The children who passed teachers often com the false-belief test were similar in age and in their gerspelling, suppl scores on the Goodenough and Matrices tests to those movements. Some ar who had failed the false-belief test. the total communication system may actually suppress The success rate in the deaf group as a whole on conversational initiative: "Some exchanges which go the theory of mind task was lower than in the Down's under the guise of conversation in classrooms suppress syndrome children studied by Baron-Cohen, Leslie, linguistic development rather than enhance it" (Power, and Frith (1985): 12 out of 14 of the Down's syndrome Wood, & Wood, 1990, p. 9). children passed the belief question on both trials. Peterson and Siegal (1995) observe that autistic (Moreover, there was no conversationally-supported children are also deprived of exposure to the social questioning in the Baron-Cohen study.) On the other functions of language, albeit for different reasons. The hand, the deaf children were not significantly different pragmatics of language are largely a mystery to autistic from the 20 autistic children in Baron-Cohen, Leslie, children, who seem unable to impute mental states to and Frith (1985), of whom 16 failed the belief question other people on the basis of what they say and do. on both trials. Nor were they significantly different There is evidence in support of that claim from a study from another autistic sample studied by Prior, Dahls- by Tager-Flusberg (1992), whose longitudinal investi trom, and Squires (1990). gation of autistic children demonstrated a specific im Peterson and Siegal (1995) suggest that deaf chil- pairment in their descriptions of epistemic states, th dren's failure to acquire theory of mind is a direct result is, believing, knowing, dreaming, imagining, and s of their being deprived of conversations about mental Peterson and Siegal (1995) point out that a purely n states (cf. Olsen, 1988). Harris (1996), however, argues rological hypothesis cannot account entirely for fai that the crucial factor in promoting awareness of to acquire an understanding of mental states and differences in belief is not the explicit mention of the in autistic children, the lack of access to conversa vocabulary of belief and thought; rather, children learn may combine with their neurological defects to im from taking part in conversations that people are recip- their understanding of false belief, ients and providers of information. Information- Apart from having difficulty with the theory bearing conversations, which involve a continual back- mind test, the deaf children studied by Peterson a and-forth shuttling from one viewpoint to the other, Siegal (1995) did not show any of the other sympto serve as a constant demonstration that partners in a of autism. Nevertheless, there are other interes This content downloaded from on Tue, 20 Aug 2019 13:04:06 UTC All use subject to Deaf Children's Story Understanding 229 similarities between deaf and autistic children. One of reasons for suspending judgment on the crucial ques the most striking behavioral features of childhood au- tion of whether prelingually deaf children really are de tism is the lack of pretend play. Leslie (1987) holds that layed in their acquisition of theory of mind. Anyone the neurological deficit associated with autism results familiar with the research supporting a stage theory, in the inability to form, and to understand, metarepre- such as that of Piaget (1960), would be reluctant to pin sentations, which are necessary for pretend play and faith on a single measure as an indicator of whether for the understanding of false belief. There is evidence a specified stage has been reached. It would be highly that deaf children also indulge in less make-believe play desirable to test deaf children on a selection of theory (Darbyshire, 1977) and less cooperative play (Higgin- of mind tests, rather than depend on a single task as botham & Baker, 1981) than do hearing children. Led- a touchstone. erberg, Rosenblatt, Vandell, and Chapin (1987) argue Since, through their acquisition of sign language, that deaf children's ability to participate in symbolic prelingually deaf children of hearing parents eventually play depends to some extent on linguistic ability and do gain extensive conversational experience, there is nonverbal communication skills (coordinated atten- good reason to expect that their development of theory tion, turn-taking, facial expression, gesture, and eye of mind is delayed, rather than prevented altogether, gaze) that facilitate pretend play. Interestingly, such Recently, some evidence has become available to sup skills are also absent in autistic children. Moreover, port this view. Clark, Schwanenflugel, Everhart, and deafness may result in experiential deficits in children's Bartini (1996) investigated how deaf adults of hearing understanding of social events and in their subsequent parents rated the similarity of pairs of cognitive verbs, ability to participate in pretence. For example, school Participants were asked to decide whether the words in a is an important place where hearing children gain im- pair were "alike or different, based on how you would use portant information about social behavior. However, it your mind when you do that mental activity." The results is often the case that the education of deaf children of a multidimensional scaling analysis showed that deaf concentrates on teaching language skills at the expense adults organized cognitive verbs according to the de of other social skills. For hearing children, books are an gree of certainty implied by each verb; words such as important source of information about other people's remember and memorize were located at the certainty thoughts, motivations, and desires, but deaf children, end of the scale, whereas words like guess and estimate being poor readers, are unlikely to gain as much infor- were at the opposite, uncertainty, pole. Verbs were also mation about these concepts from books as do hearing organized in terms of the information processing they children. Thus, not only are deaf children conversa- implied; words such as like and see were at the percep tionally deprived at home but also their educational ex- tual/input end, whereas reason and estimate were at periences are likely quite different from those of hear- the output/conceptual end. Clark et al. (1996) found ing children. Such experiential shortfalls may give deaf that this organization of mental verbs in terms of the children a less extensive knowledge of social situations certainty and information processing they imply is than hearing children have. This inexperience may be consistent with data collected from hearing subjects in reflected in inadequate representation of events and an earlier study (Schwanenflugel, Fabricius, & Noyes, difficulty in understanding social relationships. in press, described in Clark et al.), suggesting that deaf Interestingly, the two children with deaf parents and hearing adults have similar theories of mind, (whose first language was Auslan) both passed the Considered with the results of the Peterson and false-belief test. Those children, having had sign lan- Siegal (1995) study, those of Clark et al. (1996) raise guage ab initio, would have had the conversational ex- the interesting question of whether further work in perience Peterson and Siegal (1995) believe necessary vestigating deaf children's organization of cognitive for the development of theory of mind. verbs would give some indication of how they come to Although the Peterson and Siegal (1995) experi- understand the relationships among such mental verbs ment produced an interesting result, there are several as think and know. This content downloaded from on Tue, 20 Aug 2019 13:04:06 UTC All use subject to 230 Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 1:4 Fall 1996 Conclusion The main import of the considerations in this article is that story comprehension, whatever the medium through which the story is presented, requires the abil ity to view the emerging scenario from the varying per spectives of the story characters, both in their cognitive and emotional aspects. There have been some useful investigations of the hypothesis that lack of phonology impairs the effi ciency of "low-level" cognitive functions such as short term memory, with the result that prelingually deaf children have difficulty in retaining sufficient story ma terial for comprehension. This may also partly account for deaf children's difficulties with syntax and other as pects of the English language. But, a fortiori, there are grounds for suspecting that the circumstances of the prelingually deaf child may also result in a delay in the acquisition of theory of mind. The circumstances of deaf children deny them the opportunity to interact with others and to benefit from stories during the preschool and early school years. As a result, the difficulties facing the deaf child who is try ing to understand a simple story may be more broadly based than has hitherto been supposed. References Allen, D. V. (1971). Color-word interference in deaf children. 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