©prof.dr.stefanierathje it changes everything! multicollectivity ©prof.dr.stefanierathje our old cultural paradigm: 
 people belonging primarily to one culture situation problem objective approach results plea person A culture A culture B person B ©prof.dr.stefanierathje our old cultural paradigm: 
 people belonging primarily to one culture situation problem objective approach results plea one individual belonging primarily to one culture ©prof.dr.stefanierathje our old cultural paradigm: 
 people belonging primarily to one culture situation problem objective approach results plea clear cultural borders ©prof.dr.stefanierathje our old cultural paradigm: 
 people belonging primarily to one culture situation problem objective approach results plea homogeneous cultures ©prof.dr.stefanierathje our old cultural paradigm: 
 people belonging primarily to one culture situation problem objective approach results plea similarities between people from the same culture ©prof.dr.stefanierathje the traditional concept of interculturality: 
 an objective situation outside the normal situation problem objective approach results plea interculturality = collision of two worlds ©prof.dr.stefanierathje the traditional concept of interculturality: 
 an objective situation outside the normal situation problem objective approach results plea interculturality = collision of two worlds unusual, not normal situation ©prof.dr.stefanierathje the traditional concept of interculturality: 
 an objective situation outside the normal situation problem objective approach results plea interculturality = collision of two worlds situation can be identified objectively ©prof.dr.stefanierathje the traditional concept of interculturality: 
 an objective situation outside the normal situation problem objective approach results plea interculturality = collision of two worlds arising con!lict highly likely ©prof.dr.stefanierathje traditional intercultural trainings: 
 explain cultural differences between those “primary“ cultures situation problem objective approach results plea ignorance of other culture ignorance of other culture ©prof.dr.stefanierathje traditional intercultural trainings: 
 explain cultural differences between those “primary“ cultures situation problem objective approach results plea ignorance of other culture ignorance of other culture intercultural training: •  spread knowledge about cultural di"ferences •  prevent con!lict ©prof.dr.stefanierathje traditional intercultural trainings lead to 
 four major problems that question their effectiveness situation problem objective approach results plea ©prof.dr.stefanierathje traditional intercultural trainings lead to 
 four major problems that question their effectiveness situation problem objective approach results plea 1 generalization •  pretend to be able to tell how others are •  reduce individuals to a group membership •  disseminate falsities ©prof.dr.stefanierathje traditional intercultural trainings lead to 
 four major problems that question their effectiveness situation problem objective approach results plea perpetuation •  claim „eternal“ di"ferences •  keep people in permanent state of emergency 2 1 generalization •  pretend to be able to tell how others are •  reduce individuals to a group membership •  disseminate falsities ©prof.dr.stefanierathje traditional intercultural trainings lead to 
 four major problems that question their effectiveness situation problem objective approach results plea perpetuation •  claim „eternal“ di"ferences •  keep people in permanent state of emergency 2 rivalry •  construct adverse groups •  foster out-group dynamics 3 1 generalization •  pretend to be able to tell how others are •  reduce individuals to a group membership •  disseminate falsities ©prof.dr.stefanierathje situation problem objective approach results plea generalization •  pretend to be able to tell how others are •  reduce individuals to a group membership •  disseminate falsities 1 perpetuation •  claim „eternal“ di"ferences •  keep people in permanent state of emergency 2 rivalry •  construct adverse groups •  foster out-group dynamics 3 red herring •  pretend that con!licts can be avoided through some kind of knowledge •  try to solve the wrong problem 4 traditional intercultural trainings lead to 
 four major problems that question their effectiveness ©prof.dr.stefanierathje if we want to solve these problems we need new trainings 
 based on a different cultural paradigm situation problem objective approach results plea ©prof.dr.stefanierathje situation problem objective approach results plea What‘s wrong with this picture? let‘s start from scratch ©prof.dr.stefanierathje we are all michelin men situation problem objective approach results plea ©prof.dr.stefanierathje the concept of multicollectivity can help reshape our cultural paradigm situation problem objective approach results plea germanwoman professor pearl jam fan berliner scientist heterosexual sister civil servant schleswig-holsteiner choir member daughter couch potatoe european owner of a convertible godmother forty-something mba ukulele player schöneberger church member anti-smoking entj personality type apple aficionada star trek fan early bird ... multi-
 collectivity ©prof.dr.stefanierathje multicollectivity: 
 people navigate between memberships depending on context situation problem objective approach results plea ©prof.dr.stefanierathje multicollectivity: 
 people navigate between memberships depending on context situation problem objective approach results plea country soccer league ©prof.dr.stefanierathje multicollectivity: 
 people navigate between memberships depending on context situation problem objective approach results plea world championship ©prof.dr.stefanierathje multicollectivity: 
 people navigate between memberships depending on context situation problem objective approach results plea christopher street day ©prof.dr.stefanierathje multicollectivity: 
 people navigate between memberships depending on context situation problem objective approach results plea metal festival ©prof.dr.stefanierathje multicollectivity: 
 we are not icebergs nor are we in constant flux situation problem objective approach results plea iceberg 
 identity concept flux 
 identity concept •  static •  claims homogeneity and coherence of identity •  implies cultural determinism •  no connection to modern reality •  !luent / undefined / arbitrary •  implies randomness of identity •  fails to explain relative stability of identity •  fails to explain strong human identifications ©prof.dr.stefanierathje the concept of multicollectivity can help reshape our understanding of human identity situation problem objective approach results plea iceberg 
 identity concept flux 
 identity concept multicollectivity
 concept •  relative stability
 collective memberships marked by clear boundaries •  flexibility
 individuals add and end group memberships •  relevance of context navigation through memberships depending on context (virulence) •  radical individuality unique combination of memberhips and cultural in!luences ©prof.dr.stefanierathje multicollectivity: 
 whenever individuals interact a multitude of cultures are involved situation problem objective approach results plea ©prof.dr.stefanierathje multicollectivity: 
 interculturality depends on the perception of the involved situation problem objective approach results plea missing link interculturality •  when people have something to do with each other and perceive the other as not belonging to them •  when those memberships become virulent that we don‘t share with the involved he doesn‘t belong to us she doesn‘t belong to us ©prof.dr.stefanierathje intercultural training based on a new cultural paradigm: 
 help people deal with dynamics of collective dissociation situation problem objective approach results plea downward spiral of collective dissociation unfamiliarityattribution to di"ferent memberships feeling estranged / excluded feeling threatened exclusion / discrimination rivalry stigmatization attempt to destruct he doesn‘t belong to us she doesn‘t belong to us ©prof.dr.stefanierathje intercultural training based on a new cultural paradigm: 
 help people initiate cohesive dynamics situation problem objective approach results plea upward spiral of cohesion establish normality establish familiarity discover common memberhipsestablish new memberships participation appreciation culture production he doesn‘t belong to us she doesn‘t belong to us ©prof.dr.stefanierathje intercultural training based on a new cultural paradigm: 
 help people initiate cohesive dynamics situation problem objective approach results plea he belongs to me she belongs to me upward spiral of cohesion establish normality establish familiarity discover common memberhipsestablish new memberships participation appreciation culture production ©prof.dr.stefanierathje work on developing
 these new forms of intercultural training 
 and help save the world! situation problem objective approach results plea ©prof.dr.stefanierathje let‘s stop telling people they‘re like this situation problem objective approach results plea ©prof.dr.stefanierathje more is more! let‘s show them that they‘re like this situation problem objective approach results plea