Teoretické koncepty sociální pedagogiky II

Ne-mocná duše II

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Deprese - život s ní a jak je možné ji porazit

1 z textů povinně k četbě:

Deprese a stres

Videa volitelně - všechna stojí za to:

Deprese - citace z diskuze, uživatel youtube

Medication saved my life. I needed it to be able to feel capable of getting to the root of where those feelings came l from. If I’d went to the doctor and he told me everything this woman is saying then I probs my wouldn’t be here typing this right now. Sometimes a person needs medication to be able to see things clear headed. Buts it’s bloody hard, and you go over it and over it until it sticks. Sometimes though medication is the only way out of a hole. My doctor made sure to tell me that it wasn’t a long term solution, I needed to help myself as well, but without those tablets I didn’t have fighting chance.