INDUSTRIES & MARKETS Silver mining industry worldwide Table of Contents 1 01 Overview 03 Silver reserves worldwide 2010-2022 04 Silver reserves worldwide 2022, by country 05 Global silver mine production 2005-2022 06 Leading global silver producing countries 2021 07 Leading global primary silver mines 2021 08 Distribution of global silver production by primary source metal 2015-2021 09 Global recycled silver volume 2013-2022 02 Trade and price 11 Silver export value of major countries 2021 12 Global distribution of silver imports by country 2020 13 Average Comex spot price of silver 1975-2021 14 Average London fix price of silver 1975-2021 15 Global rate of return on silver investments 2011-2022 03 Countries 17 Silver production in major countries worldwide 2022 18 Share of global silver production 2021, by country 19 Silver mine production in Mexico 2010-2021 20 Silver mine production in China 2010-2021 21 Silver mine production in Peru 2010-2021 22 Production volume of silver globally 2020, by political stability of producers 04 Companies 24 Leading silver producing companies worldwide 2022 25 Annual silver production of Fresnillo 2010-2022 26 Glencore's volumes sold of silver 2015-2022 27 Silver production of Newmont Corporation 2019-2022 28 Polymetal International's silver production 2012-2022 05 Supply and demand 30 Global silver supply 2010-2022 31 Global silver supply by source 2021 32 Global silver demand 2010-2022 33 Silver demand worldwide by end use 2021 06 Outlook 35 Global production of silver 2013 & 2023 36 Projected mine production of silver worldwide by region 2022 37 Average prices for silver worldwide from 2014 to 2024 Overview CHAPTER 01 Description: Silver is a soft, white lustrous metal. In 2022, the total global reserves of silver amounted to some 550,000 metric tons. Read more Note(s): Worldwide; 2010 to 2022 Source(s): US Geological Survey 3 Reserves of silver worldwide from 2010 to 2022 (in 1,000 metric tons) Silver reserves worldwide 2010-2022 Description: As of 2022, Peru had the world's largest silver reserves, at 98,000 metric tons. Read more Note(s): Worldwide; 2022 Source(s): US Geological Survey Reserves in thousand metric tons 4 Silver reserves worldwide as of 2022, by country (in 1,000 metric tons) Silver reserves worldwide 2022, by country Description: The estimated global production of silver in 2022 amounted to 26,000 metric tons. Production of this precious metal has remained relatively stable in the period of consideration. Humans have been mining and processing silver since antiquity. Read more Note(s): Worldwide; 2005 to 2022; * Estimated. This statistic was assembled using several editions of the report. Read more Source(s): US Geological Survey 5 Mine production of silver worldwide from 2005 to 2022 (in metric tons) Global silver mine production 2005-2022 Description: In 2021 Mexico produced nearly 197 million ounces of silver and therefore, was the world's largest silver producing country. China was the second-largest silver producer, with production amounting to nearly 113 million ounces in that year. The total global production volume of silver in 2020 amounted to an estimated 24,000 metric tons, or 822.6 million ounces. Read more Note(s): Worldwide Source(s): Metals Focus; The Silver Institute Production in million ounces 6 Leading silver producing countries worldwide in 2021 (in million ounces) Leading global silver producing countries 2021 Description: In 2021, the KGHM Polska Miedź mine in Poland produced roughly 42 million ounces of silver, making it the world's largest primary silver mine. Read more Note(s): Worldwide; * Estimated. ** Payable metal. *** Estimated, refined silver. Read more Source(s): The Silver Institute Production in million ounces 7 Leading primary silver mines worldwide in 2021 (in million ounces) Leading global primary silver mines 2021 Description: In 2021, around 15.5 percent of the silver produced worldwide was a by-product of gold production. The largest share of silver production overall was as a by-product of lead and zinc mining, accounting for 30.7 percent of silver production that year. Read more Note(s): Worldwide; 2015 to 2021 Source(s): Metals Focus; The Silver Institute 8 Distribution of silver production worldwide from 2015 to 2021, by primary source metal Distribution of global silver production by primary source metal 2015-2021 Description: The volume of silver that was recycled worldwide in 2021 amounted to 173 million ounces, a nearly seven percent increase compared to the previous year. In 2022 silver recycling is expected to increase further, to 180.5 million ounces. Read more Note(s): Worldwide; 2013 to 2021; * Forecast Read more Source(s): Metals Focus; The Silver Institute 9 Volume of silver recycled worldwide from 2013 to 2021, and a forecast for 2022 (in million ounces) Global recycled silver volume 2013-2022 Trade and price CHAPTER 02 Description: In 2021, the Hong Kong was the world's largest silver exporting country based on value. Hong Kong's silver exports amounted to a total value of 6.7 billion U.S. dollars that year, which accounted for 18.2 percent of the world's silver exports overall. Read more Note(s): Worldwide Source(s): CIA (The World Factbook); International Trade Centre (Trade Map); WTEx Exports in billion U.S. dollars 11 Major countries based on silver export value in 2021 (in billion U.S. dollars) Silver export value of major countries 2021 Description: The United States accounted for the largest share of silver imports worldwide as of 2020, importing a 22.2 percent share of the 25.2 billion U.S. dollars in total global imports of this precious metal that year. Canada was ranked second, accounting for around 13 percent of global silver imports. Read more Note(s): Worldwide; 2020 Source(s): The Observatory of Economic Complexity Share of imports 12 Distribution of silver imports worldwide in 2020 by country Global distribution of silver imports by country 2020 Description: In 2005, the annual average price for one ounce of the precious metal silver on the Comex exchange was 7.33 U.S. dollars. By 2021, the annual average price of silver grew to 25.17 U.S. dollars per ounce. Read more Note(s): Worldwide; 1975 to 2021 Source(s): Bloomberg; CME Group Foundation; COMEX; The Silver Institute 13 Average Comex spot price of silver from 1975 to 2021 (in U.S. dollars per ounce) Average Comex spot price of silver 1975-2021 Description: The annual average of London fix price for one ounce of silver in 2021 was 25.14 U.S. dollars. Read more Note(s): Worldwide; 1975 to 2021 Source(s): Bloomberg; London Bullion Market Association; The Silver Institute 14 Average London fix price of silver from 1975 to 2021 (in U.S. dollars per ounce) Average London fix price of silver 1975-2021 Description: In 2021, the rate of gains on silver investments amounted to approximately 2.77 percent worldwide. This represents a significant increase in investment performance compared to the previous year when silver investment returns came to nearly -12 percent. Read more Note(s): Worldwide; 2011 to 2022 Source(s): Bloomberg; U.S. Global Investors; Visual Capitalist Rate of return 15 Returns on silver investments worldwide from 2011 to 2022 Global rate of return on silver investments 2011-2022 Countries CHAPTER 03 Description: Mexico's silver mines produced some 6,300 metric tons of silver in 2022, making Mexico the world's largest silver producer. China and Peru ranked second and third, respectively that year. Read more Note(s): Worldwide; 2022; all figures are preliminary estimates Source(s): US Geological Survey Production in metric tons 17 Major countries in worldwide silver mine production in 2022 (in metric tons) Silver production in major countries worldwide 2022 Description: In 2021, Mexico was the largest producer of silver in the world, accounting for nearly 24 percent of global mine production. China came in second place, representing some 13.7 percent of this precious metal's production worldwide. Peru closely followed, ranking third, with 13.1 percent of the global silver production that year. Read more Note(s): 2021; Share of production in ounces Source(s): Cámara Minera de México; The Silver Institute Share of global production 18 Distribution of silver production worldwide in 2021, by country Share of global silver production 2021, by country Description: In 2021, Mexico's silver mine production increased by approximately nine percent in comparison to the previous year, reaching nearly 6.1 thousand metric tons. This was the highest figure reported during the period in consideration. Mexico remains by far the largest silver producer worldwide, trailed by China. Read more Note(s): Mexico; 2010 to 2021 Source(s): INEGI; Statista 19 Silver mine production in Mexico from 2010 to 2021 (in metric tons) Silver mine production in Mexico 2010-2021 Description: In 2021, China's silver mine production amounted to some 3.44 thousand metric tons, slightly up from 3.38 thousand metric tons one year earlier. China was the leading mine producer of silver in the Asiatic continent that year. Read more Note(s): 2010 to 2021 Source(s): World Bureau of Metal Statistics 20 Mine production of silver in China from 2010 to 2021 (in 1,000 metric tons) Silver mine production in China 2010-2021 Description: Silver production in Peru amounted to 3.31 thousand metric tons in 2021, an increase of over 21 percent in comparison to the previous year. 2020 had seen silver mine production in Peru reach the record low of the decade. In 2021, Peru was the third largest silver producer worldwide. Read more Note(s): Peru; 2010 to 2021; Figures refer to metric tons of metal content Source(s): Ministerio de Energía y Minas (Peru) 21 Silver mine production in Peru from 2010 to 2021 (in 1,000 metric tons) Silver mine production in Peru 2010-2021 Description: In 2020, countries classified as politically unstable accounted for the largest share of global silver production. That year, nearly 19,000 metric tons of silver were produced by politically unstable countries. In comparison, politically stable countries produced approximately 1.4 metric tons of silver. Read more Note(s): Worldwide; 2020 Source(s): BMLRT (Österreich) 22 Production volume of silver worldwide in 2020, by political stability of producer countries (in metric tons) Production volume of silver globally 2020, by political stability of producers Companies CHAPTER 04 Description: In 2022, the Mexican mining company Fresnillo was the world's largest silver producing company, producing some 51.1 million ounces of silver. The second-largest producer that year was the Polish company KGHM Polska Miedź, which produced nearly 43 million ounces of silver. Read more Note(s): Worldwide; 2022; * Excluding Silverstream contract. ** Payable silver production. Codelco's production figures are estimated. *** Hindustan Zinc is a Vedanta Group company. Includes refined silver production from integrated operations [...] Read more Source(s): Metals Focus; The Silver Institute; Various sources (Company reports) Production in million ounces 24 Leading silver mining companies worldwide based on production in 2022 (in million ounces) Leading silver producing companies worldwide 2022 Description: In 2022, the Mexican mining company Fresnillo plc's annual silver production amounted to 53.7 million ounces. Read more Note(s): Worldwide; 2010 to 2022 Source(s): Fresnillo 25 Silver production of Fresnillo plc from 2010 to 2022 (in million ounces) Annual silver production of Fresnillo 2010-2022 Description: Glencore is a globally operating company, and the world's leading commodities trading company. It is also one of the leading silver producers worldwide. In 2022, some 69 million ounces of silver metal was sold by Glencore. Glencore plc was formed in May 2013 through a merger with Xstrata. Read more Note(s): Worldwide; 2015 to 2022 Source(s): Glencore 26 Glencore's sales volume of silver from 2015 to 2022 (in million ounces) Glencore's volumes sold of silver 2015-2022 Description: In 2022, Newmont's silver production totaled around 29.67 million ounces, a decrease of nearly two million ounces in comparison to the production from the previous year. Read more Note(s): Worldwide; 2019 to 2022 Source(s): Newmont Corporation 27 Production of silver from Newmont Corporation from 2019 to 2022 (in 1,000 ounces) Silver production of Newmont Corporation 2019-2022 Description: The silver production of Polymetal International increased by 0.6 million ounces over the latest year observed, measuring at 21 million ounces in 2022. The highest volume of silver produced by the company was recorded in 2015 at 32.1 million ounces. Polymetal International is one of the leading silver producers worldwide. Read more Note(s): Russia; 2012 to 2022 Source(s): Polymetal International 28 Silver production of Polymetal International from 2012 to 2022 (in million ounces) Polymetal International's silver production 2012-2022 Supply and demand CHAPTER 05 Description: In 2021, the total global silver supply came to 997.2 million ounces. Mine production of silver yielded 822.6 million ounces, and was the world's largest source of the silver supply. Other sources of the total global supply of silver include recycled silver, net hedging supply, and net official sector sales. It is forecast that the world's silver supply in 2022 will amount to nearly 1.03 billion ounces. Read more Note(s): Worldwide; 2010 to 2021; *Forecast. This statistic has been assembled using more than one edition of the data release. Read more Source(s): Metals Focus; The Silver Institute 30 Supply of silver worldwide from 2010 to 2021, with a forecast for 2022 (in million ounces) Global silver supply 2010-2022 Description: In 2021, 173 million ounces of the total global silver supply came from recycling. Mine production yielded 822.6 million ounces, and was the largest source of the global silver supply that year by far. Read more Note(s): Worldwide; 2021 Source(s): Metals Focus; The Silver Institute 31 Silver supply worldwide in 2021, by source (in million ounces) Global silver supply by source 2021 Description: In 2021, the total global demand for silver amounted to 1.05 billion ounces. It is forecast that silver demand will amount to 1.1 billion ounces worldwide in 2022. Read more Note(s): Worldwide; 2010 to 2021; *Forecast. This statistic has been assembled using more than one edition of the data release. Read more Source(s): Metals Focus; The Silver Institute 32 Demand for silver worldwide from 2010 to 2021, with a forecast for 2022 (in million ounces) Global silver demand 2010-2022 Description: In 2021, the global jewelry industry accounted for 181.4 million ounces of the global demand for silver. That was 17.3 percent of the total global silver demand that year. Read more Note(s): Worldwide; 2021 Source(s): Metals Focus; The Silver Institute Demand in million ounces 33 Demand for silver worldwide in 2021, by end use (in million ounces) Silver demand worldwide by end use 2021 Outlook CHAPTER 06 Description: The mine production of silver worldwide is forecast to increase from around 918 million ounces in 2021, to over one billion ounces by 2023, mostly due to major projects that are expected to begin operations in Mexico, Chile, and Ecuador in during the forecast period. Read more Note(s): Worldwide; 2013 to 2021; * Forecast based on a CAGR of three percent during the forecast period 2019-2023. This statistic has been assembled using several editions of the report. Read more Source(s): GlobalData 35 Silver production worldwide from 2013 to 2021, with a forecast for 2023 (in million ounces) Global production of silver 2013 & 2023 Description: Projections indicate that North America will be the region mining the largest amount of silver in the world in 2022, at 8,028 metric tons. The projected Central and South American production followed, at an expected 7,013 metric tons of silver produced from mines. Read more Note(s): Worldwide; 2021; * Commonwealth of Independent States. Read more Source(s): Metals Focus; The Silver Institute 36 Mine production forecast of silver worldwide in 2022 by region (in metric tons) Projected mine production of silver worldwide by region 2022 Description: This statistic depicts the average annual prices for silver from 2014 through 2024*. In 2021, the average price for silver stood at 25.2 nominal U.S. dollars per troy ounce. Read more Note(s): Worldwide; 2014 to 2024*; * Forecasts. Read more Source(s): World Bank 37 Average prices for silver worldwide from 2014 to 2024 (in nominal U.S. dollars per troy ounce) Average prices for silver worldwide from 2014 to 2024 Sources 38 Bloomberg BMLRT (Österreich) Cámara Minera de México CIA (The World Factbook) CME Group Foundation COMEX Fresnillo Glencore GlobalData INEGI International Trade Centre (Trade Map) London Bullion Market Association Metals Focus Ministerio de Energía y Minas (Peru) Newmont Corporation Polymetal International Statista The Observatory of Economic Complexity The Silver Institute U.S. Global Investors US Geological Survey Various sources (Company reports) Visual Capitalist World Bank World Bureau of Metal Statistics WTEx