FJ0002/05 THURSDAY: 5:00 PM – 6:40 PM Organization of the course: - Active participation in the seminar (maximum 3 absences - excused and unexcused together). - In the case of a planned absence, it is possible to replace the absence by attending another seminar group. - Active participation in quizzes (10 quizzes in total) - Work with textbook and video materials (lessons 7-12) + supplementary materials (available in classroom materials, google classroom) - The lessons will be held in the form of "classe inversé" / flipped learning, where the student learns the theory at home and in the lessons, there is active practice of the theory on examples. This will be done through various materials, videos, which can be found in the study materials and in the google classroom. - To access google classroom use: – Link: – Password: fuavie4 Course evaluation: 1. continuous examination - by KvIS: In total of 10 quizzes, each quiz - 10 questions for a maximum of 10 minutes. To get 1 point, you must get at least 7 out of 10 correct answers (from one quiz). In total, a student can earn 10 points per semester, which will count towards the overall grade (they can only improve the grade, not worsen it). Quizzes are used to test the knowledge acquired in the previous lesson and during self-study. The main reason for using quizzes is to keep in touch with the material covered and to prepare for the test. 2. main written examination - Exam 1 (50 points) during the semester (lessons 7 - 9 + study materials) – 27th March 2024 - Final exam (50 points) (lessons 9 - 12 + study materials) – 15th May 2024 or during the exam period - For credit to be awarded, the average of both tests must be at least 70 %. The points from the KvIS will be added to the final score (i.e. to the weighted average of the points from Test 1 and the Final Test), they can only improve the result (up to 10%). 3. oral exam (if the course is completed by examination (zk.)) - topics covered during the semester Schedule of lessons: 21. 2. Lesson 7 28. 2. Lesson 7 6. 3. Lesson 8 13. 3. Lesson 8 20. 3. Lesson 9 27. 3. Exam 1 (L7 – L9) 3. 4. Lesson 10 10. 4. Lesson 10 17. 4. Lesson 11 24. 4. Lesson 12 15. 5. Final exam (L9 – L12) OR Lesson 12 + revision for test (and exam in exam period)